GCM transcription factors

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structure of the gcm domain bound to dna
Pfam PF03615
Pfam clan CL0274
InterPro IPR003902
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In molecular biology, the GCM transcription factors are a family of proteins which contain a GCM motif. The GCM motif is a domain that has been identified in proteins belonging to a family of transcriptional regulators involved in fundamental developmental processes which comprise Drosophila melanogaster GCM and its mammalian homologues (human GCM1 and GCM2). [1] [2] [3] [4] In GCM transcription factors the N-terminal moiety contains a DNA-binding domain of 150 amino acids. Sequence conservation is highest in this GCM domain. In contrast, the C-terminal moiety contains one or two transactivating regions and is only poorly conserved.

The GCM motif has been shown to be a DNA binding domain that recognises preferentially the nonpalindromic octamer 5'-ATGCGGGT-3'. [1] [2] [3] The GCM motif contains many conserved basic amino acid residues, seven cysteine residues, and four histidine residues. [1] The conserved cysteines are involved in shaping the overall conformation of the domain, in the process of DNA binding and in the redox regulation of DNA binding. [3] The GCM domain as a new class of Zn-containing DNA-binding domain with no similarity to any other DNA-binding domain. [5] The GCM domain consists of a large and a small domain tethered together by one of the two Zn ions present in the structure. The large and the small domains comprise five- and three-stranded beta-sheets, respectively, with three small helical segments packed against the same side of the two beta-sheets. The GCM domain exercises a novel mode of sequence-specific DNA recognition, where the five-stranded beta-pleated sheet inserts into the major groove of the DNA. Residues protruding from the edge strand of the beta-pleated sheet and the following loop and strand contact the bases and backbone of both DNA strands, providing specificity for its DNA target site.

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This article incorporates text from the public domain Pfam and InterPro: IPR003902