![]() | This article may be too technical for most readers to understand.(December 2014) |
In computational complexity theory, a gap reduction is a reduction to a particular type of decision problem, known as a c-gap problem. Such reductions provide information about the hardness of approximating solutions to optimization problems. In short, a gap problem refers to one wherein the objective is to distinguish between cases where the best solution is above one threshold from cases where the best solution is below another threshold, such that the two thresholds have a gap in between. Gap reductions can be used to demonstrate inapproximability results, as if a problem may be approximated to a better factor than the size of gap, then the approximation algorithm can be used to solve the corresponding gap problem.
We define a c-gap problem as follows: [1] given an optimization (maximization or minimization) problem P, the equivalent c-gap problem distinguishes between two cases, for an input k and an instance x of problem P:
Note that whenever OPT falls between the thresholds, there is no requirement on what the output should be. A valid algorithm for the c-gap problem may answer anything if OPT is in the middle of the gap. The value c does not need to be constant; it can depend on the size of the instance of P. Note that c-approximating the solution to an instance of P is at least as hard as solving the c-gap version of P.
One can define an (a,b)-gap problem similarly. The difference is that the thresholds do not depend on the input; instead, the lower threshold is a and the upper threshold is b.
A gap-producing reduction is a reduction from an optimization problem to a c-gap problem, so that solving the c-gap problem quickly would enable solving the optimization problem quickly. The term gap-producing arises from the nature of the reduction: the optimal solution in the optimization problem maps to the opposite side of the gap from every other solution via reduction. Thus, a gap is produced between the optimal solution and every other solution.
A simple example of a gap-producing reduction is the nonmetric Traveling Salesman problem (i.e. where the graph's edge costs need not satisfy the conditions of a metric). We can reduce from the Hamiltonian path problem on a given graph G = (V, E) to this problem as follows: we construct a complete graph G' = (V, E'), for the traveling salesman problem. For each edge e ∈ G', we let the cost of traversing it be 1 if e is in the original graph G and ∞ otherwise. A Hamiltonian path in the original graph G exists if and only if there exists a traveling salesman solution with weight (|V|-1). However, if no such Hamiltonian path exists, then the best traveling salesman tour must have weight at least |V|. Thus, Hamiltonian Path reduces to |V|/(|V|-1)-gap nonmetric traveling salesman.
A gap-preserving reduction is a reduction from a c-gap problem to a c'-gap problem. More specifically, we are given an instance x of a problem A with |x| = n and want to reduce it to an instance x' of a problem B with |x'| = n'. A gap-preserving reduction from A to B is a set of functions (k(n), k'(n'), c(n), c'(n')) such that
For minimization problems:
For maximization problems:
If c' > c, then this is a gap-amplifying reduction.
This problem is a form of the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT), where each clause contains three distinct literals and we want to maximize the number of clauses satisfied. [2]
Håstad showed that the (1/2+ε, 1-ε)-gap version of a similar problem, MAX E3-X(N)OR-SAT, is NP-hard. [3] The MAX E3-X(N)OR-SAT problem is a form of SAT where each clause is the XOR of three distinct literals, exactly one of which is negated. We can reduce from MAX E3-X(N)OR-SAT to MAX E3SAT as follows:
If a clause is not satisfied in the original instance of MAX E3-X(N)OR-SAT, then at most three of the four corresponding clauses in our MAX E3SAT instance can be satisfied. Using a gap argument, it follows that a YES instance of the problem has at least a (1-ε) fraction of the clauses satisfied, while a NO instance of the problem has at most a (1/2+ε)(1) + (1/2-ε)(3/4) = (7/8 + ε/4)-fraction of the clauses satisfied. Thus, it follows that (7/8 + ε, 1 - ε)-gap MAX E3SAT is NP-hard. Note that this bound is tight, as a random assignment of variables gives an expected 7/8 fraction of satisfied clauses.
The label cover problem is defined as follows: given a bipartite graph G = (A∪B, E), with
We define a "superedge" between Ai and Bj if at least one edge exists from Ai to Bj in G, and define the superedge to be covered if at least one edge from Ai to Bj is covered.
In the max-rep version of the problem, we are allowed to choose one vertex from each Ai and each Bi, and we aim to maximize the number of covered superedges. In the min-rep version, we are required to cover every superedge in the graph, and want to minimize the number of vertices we choose. Manurangsi and Moshkovitz show that the (O(n1/4), 1)-gap version of both problems is solvable in polynomial time. [4]
The travelling salesman problem asks the following question: "Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city?". It is an NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization, important in theoretical computer science and operations research.
In graph theory, a tree decomposition is a mapping of a graph into a tree that can be used to define the treewidth of the graph and speed up solving certain computational problems on the graph.
The Bottleneck traveling salesman problem is a problem in discrete or combinatorial optimization. The problem is to find the Hamiltonian cycle in a weighted graph which minimizes the weight of the highest-weight edge of the cycle. It was first formulated by Gilmore & Gomory (1964) with some additional constraints, and in its full generality by Garfinkel & Gilbert (1978).
Combinatorial optimization is a subfield of mathematical optimization that is related to operations research, algorithm theory, and computational complexity theory. It has important applications in several fields, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, auction theory, software engineering, applied mathematics and theoretical computer science.
In computer science, 2-satisfiability, 2-SAT or just 2SAT is a computational problem of assigning values to variables, each of which has two possible values, in order to satisfy a system of constraints on pairs of variables. It is a special case of the general Boolean satisfiability problem, which can involve constraints on more than two variables, and of constraint satisfaction problems, which can allow more than two choices for the value of each variable. But in contrast to those more general problems, which are NP-complete, 2-satisfiability can be solved in polynomial time.
In computer science and operations research, approximation algorithms are efficient algorithms that find approximate solutions to optimization problems with provable guarantees on the distance of the returned solution to the optimal one. Approximation algorithms naturally arise in the field of theoretical computer science as a consequence of the widely believed P ≠ NP conjecture. Under this conjecture, a wide class of optimization problems cannot be solved exactly in polynomial time. The field of approximation algorithms, therefore, tries to understand how closely it is possible to approximate optimal solutions to such problems in polynomial time. In an overwhelming majority of the cases, the guarantee of such algorithms is a multiplicative one expressed as an approximation ratio or approximation factor i.e., the optimal solution is always guaranteed to be within a (predetermined) multiplicative factor of the returned solution. However, there are also many approximation algorithms that provide an additive guarantee on the quality of the returned solution. A notable example of an approximation algorithm that provides both is the classic approximation algorithm of Lenstra, Shmoys and Tardos for scheduling on unrelated parallel machines.
In computational complexity theory, the class APX is the set of NP optimization problems that allow polynomial-time approximation algorithms with approximation ratio bounded by a constant. In simple terms, problems in this class have efficient algorithms that can find an answer within some fixed multiplicative factor of the optimal answer.
MAX-3SAT is a problem in the computational complexity subfield of computer science. It generalises the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) which is a decision problem considered in complexity theory. It is defined as:
In computational complexity theory, the maximum satisfiability problem (MAX-SAT) is the problem of determining the maximum number of clauses, of a given Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form, that can be made true by an assignment of truth values to the variables of the formula. It is a generalization of the Boolean satisfiability problem, which asks whether there exists a truth assignment that makes all clauses true.
In computational complexity theory, Polynomial Local Search (PLS) is a complexity class that models the difficulty of finding a locally optimal solution to an optimization problem. The main characteristics of problems that lie in PLS are that the cost of a solution can be calculated in polynomial time and the neighborhood of a solution can be searched in polynomial time. Therefore it is possible to verify whether or not a solution is a local optimum in polynomial time. Furthermore, depending on the problem and the algorithm that is used for solving the problem, it might be faster to find a local optimum instead of a global optimum.
In mathematics, the relaxation of a (mixed) integer linear program is the problem that arises by removing the integrality constraint of each variable.
Interval scheduling is a class of problems in computer science, particularly in the area of algorithm design. The problems consider a set of tasks. Each task is represented by an interval describing the time in which it needs to be executed. For instance, task A might run from 2:00 to 5:00, task B might run from 4:00 to 10:00 and task C might run from 9:00 to 11:00. A subset of intervals is compatible if no two intervals overlap. For example, the subset {A,C} is compatible, as is the subset {B}; but neither {A,B} nor {B,C} are compatible subsets, because the corresponding intervals within each subset overlap.
In computational complexity theory, a gadget is a subset of a problem instance that simulates the behavior of one of the fundamental units of a different computational problem. Gadgets are typically used to construct reductions from one computational problem to another, as part of proofs of NP-completeness or other types of computational hardness. The component design technique is a method for constructing reductions by using gadgets.
Adiabatic quantum computation (AQC) is a form of quantum computing which relies on the adiabatic theorem to do calculations and is closely related to quantum annealing.
In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, a 3-dimensional matching is a generalization of bipartite matching to 3-partite hypergraphs. Finding a largest 3-dimensional matching is a well-known NP-hard problem in computational complexity theory.
MAXEkSAT is a problem in computational complexity theory that is a maximization version of the Boolean satisfiability problem 3SAT. In MAXEkSAT, each clause has exactly k literals, each with distinct variables, and is in conjunctive normal form. These are called k-CNF formulas. The problem is to determine the maximum number of clauses that can be satisfied by a truth assignment to the variables in the clauses.
In computational complexity theory, a problem is NP-complete when:
In graph theory, the metric k-center or metric facility location problem is a combinatorial optimization problem studied in theoretical computer science. Given n cities with specified distances, one wants to build k warehouses in different cities and minimize the maximum distance of a city to a warehouse. In graph theory this means finding a set of k vertices for which the largest distance of any point to its closest vertex in the k-set is minimum. The vertices must be in a metric space, providing a complete graph that satisfies the triangle inequality.
In computational complexity theory, a branch of computer science, the Max/min CSP/Ones classification theorems state necessary and sufficient conditions that determine the complexity classes of problems about satisfying a subset S of boolean relations. They are similar to Schaefer's dichotomy theorem, which classifies the complexity of satisfying finite sets of relations; however, the Max/min CSP/Ones classification theorems give information about the complexity of approximating an optimal solution to a problem defined by S.
In computational complexity theory and game complexity, a parsimonious reduction is a transformation from one problem to another that preserves the number of solutions. Informally, it is a bijection between the respective sets of solutions of two problems. A general reduction from problem to problem is a transformation that guarantees that whenever has a solution also has at least one solution and vice versa. A parsimonious reduction guarantees that for every solution of , there exists a unique solution of and vice versa.
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