Germ-free animal

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Germ-free mice are frequently used in scientific research Black-mouse-in-gloved-hands.jpg
Germ-free mice are frequently used in scientific research

Germ-free organisms are multi-cellular organisms that have no microorganisms living in or on them. Such organisms are raised using various methods to control their exposure to viral, bacterial or parasitic agents. [1] When known microbiota are introduced to a germ-free organism, it usually is referred to as a gnotobiotic organism, however technically speaking, germ-free organisms are also gnotobiotic because the status of their microbial community is known. [2] Due to lacking a microbiome, many germ-free organisms exhibit health deficits such as defects in the immune system and difficulties with energy acquisition. [3] [4] Typically germ-free organisms are used in the study of a microbiome where careful control of outside contaminants is required. [5]


Generation and cultivation

Germ-free organisms are generated by a variety of different means, but a common practice shared by many of them is some form of sterilization step followed by seclusion from the surrounding environment to prevent contamination.  


Germ-free poultry typically undergo multiple sterilization steps while still at the egg life-stage. This can involve either washing with bleach or an antibiotic solution to surface sterilize the egg. The eggs are then transferred to a sterile incubator where they are grown until hatching. Once hatched, they are provided with sterilized water and a gamma-irradiated feed. This prevents introduction of foreign microbes into their intestinal tracts. The incubators and animals' waste products are continuously monitored for possible contamination. Typically, when being used in experiments, a known microbiome is introduced to the animals at a few days of age. Contamination is still monitored and controlled for after this point, but the presence of microbes is expected. [6] [7] [8]


Mice undergo a slightly different process due to lacking an egg life-stage. To create a germ-free mouse, an embryo is created through in vitro fertilization and then transplanted into a germ-free mother. If this method is not available, a mouse can be born through cesarean birth, but this comes with a higher risk of contamination. This process uses a non-germ-free mother which is sacrificed and sterilized before the pups' birth. After the cesarean birth, the pups must then be transferred to a sterile incubator with a germ-free mother for feeding and growth. [9] [10] These methods are only required for the generation of a germ-free mouse line. Once a line is generated, all progeny will be germ-free unless contaminated. These progeny can then be used for experimentation. Typically for experiments, each mouse is housed separately in a sterile isolator to prevent cross-contamination between mice. The mice are provided with sterilized food and water to prevent contamination. The sterilization methods can vary between experiments due to different diets or drugs the mice are exposed to. The isolators and waste products are continuously monitored for possible contamination to ensure complete sterility. As with poultry, a known microbiome can be introduced into the animals but contamination is still monitored for. [11] [12] [13]


Nematodes can also be grown germ-free. Germ-free offspring of the nematode C. elegans , which is used in research, can be produced by rupturing adult worms to release eggs. The standard method for this is to introduce a population of adult worms to a bleach solution. This bleach solution ruptures the adult worms, breaking them down while simultaneously releasing and surface sterilizing any eggs. The sterilized eggs are washed and transferred to a plate of agar containing food for the worms. C. elegans consumes bacteria, so before the eggs can be transferred to the plate, the food must be killed by either heat or irradiation. This method for creating germ-free nematodes has the added benefit of age-synchronizing the worms, so that they are all of similar ages as they grow. Typically the worms will need to be transferred to a new plate as they consume all the food on the current plate, with each plate having been treated with heat or radiation as well. The plates can be protected from outside contamination by covering them and isolating them from possible contamination sources. [14]


Seeds are surface sterilized with chemicals, such as ethanol or an antibiotic solution, to produce a germ-free plant. The seeds are then grown in water or other mediums until germination. After germination, the seeds are transferred to either sterile soil or soil with a specific microbiota for use in experiments. Seeds may also be transferred directly to soil and allowed to germinate. If the plants are transferred to sterile soil, typically there are two types of growth methods. The first is where the entire plant is kept sterile and in the other, only the root system is kept sterile. The method is chosen based on the requirements for the experiment. The plants are grown in isolators which are frequently checked for contamination along with the soil that the plants grow in. [15] [16]

Fruit Flies

Fruit flies, specifically the Drosophila species, have been one of the most used model organisms. Drosophila species has mostly been used in the field of genetics. There are two main methods for yielding gnotobiotic or axenic flies. One of them is to collect the eggs and dechorionate them. A chorion is the outer membrane around the embryo. In aseptic conditions, the eggs are washed twice for 2.5 minutes each, in 0.6% sodium hypochlorite solution. They are then placed with the specimens cup in 90 ml of bleach. Following this, they are washed thrice in sterile water. The dechorionated eggs are then placed in vials containing sterile diet. [17]

The second method is by the use of antibiotics. Media, such as standard yeast-cornmeal diet, is supplemented with streptomycin or a combination of antibiotics. The concentration of the antibiotic is 400 μg/ml. Once the yeast-cornmeal diet has cooled, 4 ml of solution containing 10g of streptomycin dissolved in 100 ml of ethanol is added per litre of food. The media is then poured into vials and the freshly harvested eggs are transferred into the vials. [18]

Health effects on organism

Due to lacking a healthy microbiome, many germ-free organisms exhibit major health deficits. The methods used to produce germ-free organisms can also have negative side effects on the organism. Decreased hatching rates were observed in chicken eggs incubated with mercuric chloride, while treatment with peracetic acid did not cause a significant effect on hatching rates. [8] The chickens also exhibited defects in small intestine growth and health. [6] Germ-free mice have been shown to have defects in their immune system and energy uptake due to lacking a healthy microbiome. [3] [4] There is also strong evidence for interactions between the mouse microbiome and its brain development and health. [13] [19] [20] Germ-free plants exhibit severe growth defects due to lacking symbionts that provide necessary nutrients to them. [16] [21]


Microbiome research

Germ-free animals are routinely used to establish causality in studies of the microbiome. [22] [23] This is done by comparing animals with a standard commensal gut microbiome to germ free, or by colonising a germ free animal with an organism of interest. The gut microbiota can vary between research facilities which can be a confounder in experiments and be a cause of lack of reproducibility. [24] Several control microbiomes have been developed which correct the major health defects commonly present in germ free animals and can act as a reproducible control community. [25] [26] Germ free animals have been used to demonstrate a causal role for the gut microbiome in varied settings such as neural development, [27] longevity, [28] cancer immunotherapy, [29] and numerous other health related contexts. [30]

See also

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Human microbiome</span> Microorganisms in or on human skin and biofluids

The human microbiome is the aggregate of all microbiota that reside on or within human tissues and biofluids along with the corresponding anatomical sites in which they reside, including the gastrointestinal tract, skin, mammary glands, seminal fluid, uterus, ovarian follicles, lung, saliva, oral mucosa, conjunctiva, and the biliary tract. Types of human microbiota include bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists, and viruses. Though micro-animals can also live on the human body, they are typically excluded from this definition. In the context of genomics, the term human microbiome is sometimes used to refer to the collective genomes of resident microorganisms; however, the term human metagenome has the same meaning.

Gnotobiosis refers to an engineered state of an organism in which all forms of life in or on it, including its microbiota, have been identified. The term gnotobiotic organism, or gnotobiote, can refer to a model organism that is colonized with a specific community of known microorganisms or that contains no microorganisms (germ-free) often for experimental purposes. The study of gnotobiosis and the generation of various types of gnotobiotic model organisms as tools for studying interactions between host organisms and microorganisms is referred to as gnotobiology.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gut microbiota</span> Community of microorganisms in the gut

Gut microbiota, gut microbiome, or gut flora are the microorganisms, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses, that live in the digestive tracts of animals. The gastrointestinal metagenome is the aggregate of all the genomes of the gut microbiota. The gut is the main location of the human microbiome. The gut microbiota has broad impacts, including effects on colonization, resistance to pathogens, maintaining the intestinal epithelium, metabolizing dietary and pharmaceutical compounds, controlling immune function, and even behavior through the gut–brain axis.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Martin J. Blaser</span> American academic

Martin J. Blaser is an American physician who is the director of the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine at Rutgers (NJ) Biomedical and Health Sciences and the Henry Rutgers Chair of the Human Microbiome and Professor of Medicine and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey.

<i>Bacteroides</i> Genus of bacteria

Bacteroides is a genus of Gram-negative, obligate anaerobic bacteria. Bacteroides species are non endospore-forming bacilli, and may be either motile or nonmotile, depending on the species. The DNA base composition is 40–48% GC. Unusual in bacterial organisms, Bacteroides membranes contain sphingolipids. They also contain meso-diaminopimelic acid in their peptidoglycan layer.

Dysbiosis is characterized by a disruption to the microbiome resulting in an imbalance in the microbiota, changes in their functional composition and metabolic activities, or a shift in their local distribution. For example, a part of the human microbiota such as the skin flora, gut flora, or vaginal flora, can become deranged, with normally dominating species underrepresented and normally outcompeted or contained species increasing to fill the void. Similar to the human gut microbiome, diverse microbes colonize the plant rhizosphere, and dysbiosis in the rhizosphere, can negatively impact plant health. Dysbiosis is most commonly reported as a condition in the gastrointestinal tract or plant rhizosphere.

The term "infectobesity" refers to the hypothesis that obesity in humans can be caused by pathogenic organisms, and the emerging field of medical research that studies the relationship between pathogens and weight gain. The term was coined in 2001 by Dr. Nikhil V. Dhurandhar, at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center.

Jeffrey Ivan Gordon is a biologist and the Dr. Robert J. Glaser Distinguished University Professor and Director of the Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology at Washington University in St. Louis. He is internationally known for his research on gastrointestinal development and how gut microbial communities affect normal intestinal function, shape various aspects of human physiology including our nutritional status, and affect predisposition to diseases. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, and the American Philosophical Society.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Microbial symbiosis and immunity</span>

Long-term close-knit interactions between symbiotic microbes and their host can alter host immune system responses to other microorganisms, including pathogens, and are required to maintain proper homeostasis. The immune system is a host defense system consisting of anatomical physical barriers as well as physiological and cellular responses, which protect the host against harmful microorganisms while limiting host responses to harmless symbionts. Humans are home to 1013 to 1014 bacteria, roughly equivalent to the number of human cells, and while these bacteria can be pathogenic to their host most of them are mutually beneficial to both the host and bacteria.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Microbiota</span> Community of microorganisms

Microbiota are the range of microorganisms that may be commensal, mutualistic, or pathogenic found in and on all multicellular organisms, including plants. Microbiota include bacteria, archaea, protists, fungi, and viruses, and have been found to be crucial for immunologic, hormonal, and metabolic homeostasis of their host.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gut–brain axis</span> Biochemical signaling between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system

The gut–brain axis is the two-way biochemical signaling that takes place between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system (CNS). The term "microbiota–gut–brain axis" highlights the role of gut microbiota in these biochemical signaling. Broadly defined, the gut–brain axis includes the central nervous system, neuroendocrine system, neuroimmune systems, the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, sympathetic and parasympathetic arms of the autonomic nervous system, the enteric nervous system, vagus nerve, and the gut microbiota.

Bacteriotherapy is the purposeful use of bacteria or their products in treating an illness. Forms of bacteriotherapy include the use of probiotics, microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed; fecal matter transplants (FMT) /intestinal microbiota transplant (IMT), the transfer of gut microorganisms from the fecal matter of healthy donors to recipient patients to restore microbiota; or synbiotics which combine prebiotics, indigestible ingredients that promote growth of beneficial microorganisms, and probiotics. Through these methods, the gut microbiota, the community of 300-500 microorganism species that live in the digestive tract of animals aiding in digestion, energy storage, immune function and protection against pathogens, can be recolonized with favorable bacteria, which in turn has therapeutic effects.

The altered Schaedler flora (ASF) is a community of eight bacterial species: two lactobacilli, one Bacteroides, one spiral bacterium of the Flexistipes genus, and four extremely oxygen sensitive (EOS) fusiform-shaped species. The bacteria are selected for their dominance and persistence in the normal microflora of mice, and for their ability to be isolated and grown in laboratory settings. Germ-free animals, mainly mice, are colonized with ASF for the purpose of studying the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Intestinal mutualistic bacteria play an important role in affecting gene expression of the GI tract, immune responses, nutrient absorption, and pathogen resistance. The standardized microbial cocktail enabled the controlled study of microbe and host interactions, role of microbes, pathogen effects, and intestinal immunity and disease association, such as cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, and other inflammatory or autoimmune diseases. Also, compared to germfree animals, ASF mice have fully developed immune system, resistance to opportunistic pathogens, and normal GI function and health, and are a great representation of normal mice.

Microbiota-accessible carbohydrates (MACs) are carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion by a host's metabolism, and are made available for gut microbes, as prebiotics, to ferment or metabolize into beneficial compounds, such as short chain fatty acids. The term, ‘‘microbiota-accessible carbohydrate’’ contributes to a conceptual framework for investigating and discussing the amount of metabolic activity that a specific food or carbohydrate can contribute to a host's microbiota.

The initial acquisition of microbiota is the formation of an organism's microbiota immediately before and after birth. The microbiota are all the microorganisms including bacteria, archaea and fungi that colonize the organism. The microbiome is another term for microbiota or can refer to the collected genomes.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Placental microbiome</span>

The placental microbiome is the nonpathogenic, commensal bacteria claimed to be present in a healthy human placenta and is distinct from bacteria that cause infection and preterm birth in chorioamnionitis. Until recently, the healthy placenta was considered to be a sterile organ but now genera and species have been identified that reside in the basal layer.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Uterine microbiome</span>

The uterine microbiome is the commensal, nonpathogenic, bacteria, viruses, yeasts/fungi present in a healthy uterus, amniotic fluid and endometrium and the specific environment which they inhabit. It has been only recently confirmed that the uterus and its tissues are not sterile. Due to improved 16S rRNA gene sequencing techniques, detection of bacteria that are present in low numbers is possible. Using this procedure that allows the detection of bacteria that cannot be cultured outside the body, studies of microbiota present in the uterus are expected to increase.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pharmacomicrobiomics</span>

Pharmacomicrobiomics, proposed by Prof. Marco Candela for the ERC-2009-StG project call, and publicly coined for the first time in 2010 by Rizkallah et al., is defined as the effect of microbiome variations on drug disposition, action, and toxicity. Pharmacomicrobiomics is concerned with the interaction between xenobiotics, or foreign compounds, and the gut microbiome. It is estimated that over 100 trillion prokaryotes representing more than 1000 species reside in the gut. Within the gut, microbes help modulate developmental, immunological and nutrition host functions. The aggregate genome of microbes extends the metabolic capabilities of humans, allowing them to capture nutrients from diverse sources. Namely, through the secretion of enzymes that assist in the metabolism of chemicals foreign to the body, modification of liver and intestinal enzymes, and modulation of the expression of human metabolic genes, microbes can significantly impact the ingestion of xenobiotics.

<i>Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron</i> Species of bacterium

Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron is a gram-negative, rod shaped obligate anaerobic bacterium that is a prominent member of the normal gut microbiome in the distal intestines. Its proteome, consisting of 4,779 members, includes a system for obtaining and breaking down dietary polysaccharides that would otherwise be difficult to digest. B. thetaiotaomicron is also an opportunistic pathogen, meaning it may become virulent in immunocompromised individuals. It is often used in research as a model organism for functional studies of the human microbiota.

The poultry microbiome is an understudied, yet extremely impactful part of the poultry industry. Poultry is defined as any avian species used for production purposes such as food or down feathers. The United States consumes more poultry, specifically broiler meat, than any other type of protein. Worldwide, poultry makes up 33% of consumed meat. This makes poultry extremely valuable and the impact of the poultry microbiome on health and production even more valuable. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was the first to notice microbes inside animals through stool samples giving light to further research into the gut microbiome. His discovery lead to the ever evolving study of the microbiota and microbiome. The microbiota is the entirety of living organisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and archaea in an environment. The microbiome is the combination of the microbiota and the additional activities in that system including metabolites and chemicals in a habitat. Much of the work done to characterize the poultry microbiome has been accomplished over the past decade and was done through the use of 16s rRNA sequencing.


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