Ghana Atomic Energy Commission

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Ghana Atomic Energy Commission
Legal statusActive
Headquarters Republic of Ghana

The Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) is the state organization in Ghana involved with surveillance of the use of nuclear energy in Ghana. It is similar in aim to the Ghana Nuclear Society (GNS), with the difference being that the GNS is a nonprofit organisation, whereas the GAEC is part of the parliament of Ghana. Its primary objectives were set out by the parliament act 588, which involve investigating the use of nuclear energy for Ghana and supporting research and development both in Ghana and abroad. [1]



Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) was formed as way back as 1952 when radioisotopes began in Ghana. Around that time, radiostrontium was what used in experiments. In the year 1958, the Department of physics of the University College of the Gold Coast, which is now (University of Ghana, Legon) started a radioactive fallout monitoring service on behalf of the Defence Ministry. In the year 1961, work in radioisotopes in Ghana had gained grounds in most of the Government institutions to explain establishment of a Radioisotope Unit. [2]


Responsible for preservation, maintenance and enhancement of nuclear knowledge in Ghana and Africa through the provision of high-quality teaching, research, entrepreneurship training, service and development of postgraduate programmes in the nuclear sciences and technology.

Authorize, inspect and control all activities and practices involving sealed radiation sources, ionizing radiation and other sources, radioactive materials and x-rays used in hospitals in Ghana. Implementation of safety culture by providing adequate human resource development in radiation and waste safety for management and operating organizations. Conduct research and technical services in radiation and waste safety.

See also

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The Ghana Nuclear Society (GNS) is a nonprofit organization that advocates for the introduction of nuclear energy in Ghana. It is headquartered at the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) in Accra. With the establishment of The Ghana Nuclear Society, Ghana has joined the league of those countries with National Nuclear Societies. Its head office is located at the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) in Accra. The current national president is Prof. John Justice Fletcher. The society is not for science inclined persons alone.

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The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to nuclear power:

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  1. Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC),, 17 June 2012
  2. "History – Ghana Atomic Energy Commission".