Glutamate permease

Last updated
Pfam PF03616
Pfam clan CL0064
InterPro IPR004445
TCDB 2.A.27
Available protein structures:
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The sodium/glutamate symporter, also known as glutamate permease, is a transmembrane protein family found in bacteria and archaea. These proteins are symporters that are responsible for the sodium-dependent uptake of extracellular glutamate into the cell. They are integral membrane proteins located in the bacterial inner membrane. [1] The best-studied member of the family is GltS from Escherichia coli . GltS contains ten transmembrane helices arranged in two antiparallel 5-helix domains and functions as a homodimer. [1] [2] [3] Substrates for GltS include L- and D-glutamate, as well as toxic analogs α-methylglutamate, and homocysteate. [1] In studies of E. coli growth, bacteria without GltS were unable to grow in a medium where glutamate is the only source of carbon. [4]

The family is evolutionarily distant from other glutamate transporters. Phylogenetic analyses of GltS genes suggest that their presence in cyanobacteria can be attributed to at least two horizontal gene transfer events. [5]

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  4. Kalman, Miklos; Gentry, DanielR.; Cashel, Michael (March 1991). "Characterization of the Escherichia coli K12 gltS glutamate permease gene". MGG Molecular & General Genetics. 225 (3): 379–86. doi:10.1007/BF00261677. PMID   2017136. S2CID   45433198.
  5. Flores E, Munro-Pastor AM, Meeks JC (2008). "Gene Transfer to Cyanobacteria in the Laboratory and in Nature". In Herrero A, Flores E (eds.). The cyanobacteria : molecular biology, genomics, and evolution. Norfolk, UK: Caister Academic Press. ISBN   9781904455158.
This article incorporates text from the public domain Pfam and InterPro: IPR004445