I followed X on Twitter,and I mentioned him on something. My manager was like,“Oh,you fuck with X?”And then,I’m like,“Yeah. Of course.”X is actually friends with Ronny J,and I was friends with Ronny J at the time. I still am. Ronny J just FaceTimed me. They were together,and X was like,“Oh,what’s up dude? I know you.”And I was like,“Oh shit. That’s cool.”X recorded his verse right there. Ronny J already had the beat. I picked it out,because it was super cool,and I liked it. X got on it,and then after a while,the whole shit happened where he went to jail and stuff. So,we sat on the track a little bit. Then Keith Ape was like,“Yo,can I get on that?”And I was like,“Of course.”Because,everybody was like,“You should collaborate with Keith ape! You guys are both fucking Asian and shit.”Alright,whatever. Let’s do it. So,I was down. And then,X got out of jail,and he’d already had his verse on the song. Then Keith recorded his verse. I actually recorded my verse last. [4]