Group actions in computational anatomy

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Group actions are central to Riemannian geometry and defining orbits (control theory). The orbits of computational anatomy consist of anatomical shapes and medical images; the anatomical shapes are submanifolds of differential geometry consisting of points, curves, surfaces and subvolumes,. This generalized the ideas of the more familiar orbits of linear algebra which are linear vector spaces. Medical images are scalar and tensor images from medical imaging. The group actions are used to define models of human shape which accommodate variation. These orbits are deformable templates as originally formulated more abstractly in pattern theory.


The orbit model of computational anatomy

The central model of human anatomy in computational anatomy is a Groups and group action, a classic formulation from differential geometry. The orbit is called the space of shapes and forms. [1] The space of shapes are denoted , with the group with law of composition ; the action of the group on shapes is denoted , where the action of the group is defined to satisfy

The orbit of the template becomes the space of all shapes, .

Several group actions in computational anatomy

The central group in CA defined on volumes in are the diffeomorphism group which are mappings with 3-components , law of composition of functions , with inverse .

Submanifolds: organs, subcortical structures, charts, and immersions

For sub-manifolds , parametrized by a chart or immersion , the diffeomorphic action the flow of the position


Scalar images such as MRI, CT, PET

Most popular are scalar images, , with action on the right via the inverse.


Oriented tangents on curves, eigenvectors of tensor matrices

Many different imaging modalities are being used with various actions. For images such that is a three-dimensional vector then

Tensor matrices

Cao et al. [2] examined actions for mapping MRI images measured via diffusion tensor imaging and represented via there principle eigenvector. For tensor fields a positively oriented orthonormal basis of , termed frames, vector cross product denoted then

The Frénet frame of three orthonormal vectors, deforms as a tangent, deforms like a normal to the plane generated by , and . H is uniquely constrained by the basis being positive and orthonormal.

For non-negative symmetric matrices, an action would become .

For mapping MRI DTI images [3] [4] (tensors), then eigenvalues are preserved with the diffeomorphism rotating eigenvectors and preserves the eigenvalues. Given eigenelements , then the action becomes

Orientation Distribution Function and High Angular Resolution HARDI

Orientation distribution function (ODF) characterizes the angular profile of the diffusion probability density function of water molecules and can be reconstructed from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI). The ODF is a probability density function defined on a unit sphere, . In the field of information geometry, [5] the space of ODF forms a Riemannian manifold with the Fisher-Rao metric. For the purpose of LDDMM ODF mapping, the square-root representation is chosen because it is one of the most efficient representations found to date as the various Riemannian operations, such as geodesics, exponential maps, and logarithm maps, are available in closed form. In the following, denote square-root ODF () as , where is non-negative to ensure uniqueness and .

Denote diffeomorphic transformation as . Group action of diffeomorphism on , , needs to guarantee the non-negativity and . Based on the derivation in, [6] this group action is defined as

where is the Jacobian of .

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Computational anatomy is an interdisciplinary field of biology focused on quantitative investigation and modelling of anatomical shapes variability. It involves the development and application of mathematical, statistical and data-analytical methods for modelling and simulation of biological structures.

Statistical shape analysis and statistical shape theory in computational anatomy (CA) is performed relative to templates, therefore it is a local theory of statistics on shape. Template estimation in computational anatomy from populations of observations is a fundamental operation ubiquitous to the discipline. Several methods for template estimation based on Bayesian probability and statistics in the random orbit model of CA have emerged for submanifolds and dense image volumes.

Computational anatomy (CA) is the study of shape and form in medical imaging. The study of deformable shapes in computational anatomy rely on high-dimensional diffeomorphism groups which generate orbits of the form . In CA, this orbit is in general considered a smooth Riemannian manifold since at every point of the manifold there is an inner product inducing the norm on the tangent space that varies smoothly from point to point in the manifold of shapes . This is generated by viewing the group of diffeomorphisms as a Riemannian manifold with , associated to the tangent space at . This induces the norm and metric on the orbit under the action from the group of diffeomorphisms.

Large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) is a specific suite of algorithms used for diffeomorphic mapping and manipulating dense imagery based on diffeomorphic metric mapping within the academic discipline of computational anatomy, to be distinguished from its precursor based on diffeomorphic mapping. The distinction between the two is that diffeomorphic metric maps satisfy the property that the length associated to their flow away from the identity induces a metric on the group of diffeomorphisms, which in turn induces a metric on the orbit of shapes and forms within the field of Computational Anatomy. The study of shapes and forms with the metric of diffeomorphic metric mapping is called diffeomorphometry.

Computational anatomy (CA) is a discipline within medical imaging focusing on the study of anatomical shape and form at the visible or gross anatomical scale of morphology. The field is broadly defined and includes foundations in anatomy, applied mathematics and pure mathematics, including medical imaging, neuroscience, physics, probability, and statistics. It focuses on the anatomical structures being imaged, rather than the medical imaging devices. The central focus of the sub-field of computational anatomy within medical imaging is mapping information across anatomical coordinate systems most often dense information measured within a magnetic resonance image (MRI). The introduction of flows into CA, which are akin to the equations of motion used in fluid dynamics, exploit the notion that dense coordinates in image analysis follow the Lagrangian and Eulerian equations of motion. In models based on Lagrangian and Eulerian flows of diffeomorphisms, the constraint is associated to topological properties, such as open sets being preserved, coordinates not crossing implying uniqueness and existence of the inverse mapping, and connected sets remaining connected. The use of diffeomorphic methods grew quickly to dominate the field of mapping methods post Christensen's original paper, with fast and symmetric methods becoming available.

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Diffeomorphometry is the metric study of imagery, shape and form in the discipline of computational anatomy (CA) in medical imaging. The study of images in computational anatomy rely on high-dimensional diffeomorphism groups which generate orbits of the form , in which images can be dense scalar magnetic resonance or computed axial tomography images. For deformable shapes these are the collection of manifolds , points, curves and surfaces. The diffeomorphisms move the images and shapes through the orbit according to which are defined as the group actions of computational anatomy.


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