The Haslach glaciation (German : Haslach-Kaltzeit), Haslach Glacial Stage (Haslach-Glazial), Haslach Complex (Haslach-Komplex) and Haslach Ice Age (Haslach-Eiszeit) are historical terms for a cold period of the Pleistocene epoch. Haslach was not included in the traditional glacial schema of the Alps by Albrecht Penck and Eduard Brückner. [1] The glacial stage was first described around 1981 by A. Schreiner and R. Ebel. [2] Its type region is the Haslach Gravels (Haslach-Schotter) in the area of the Riss-Iller-Lech Plateau. The Haslach cold period was thought to be preceded by the Günz-Haslach interglacial and followed by the Haslach-Mindel Interglacial.
The name Haslach is absent from the 2016 version of the detailed stratigraphic table by the German Stratigraphic Commission. [3]