Hassan Nagib

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  1. 1 2 "MMAE Seminar - Dr. Hassan Nagib - Advances in the Quest for a Universal Log-law and the Role of Outer Flow and Pressure Gradient in "Canonical" Wall-bounded Turbulent Flows | Illinois Institute of Technology". www.iit.edu. September 6, 2017.
  2. 1 2 "MMAE Seminar Series: Hassan M. Nagib | Illinois Institute of Technology". www.iit.edu. September 20, 2023.
  3. 1 2 "Robert T. Knapp Award". www.asme.org.
  4. 1 2 "Hassan M. Nagib | Illinois Institute of Technology". www.iit.edu.
  5. "APS Fellow Archive". www.aps.org.
  6. "2000 Meeting". www.ece.ucf.edu.
  7. "APS -62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics - Event - Computations of Turbulent Boundary Layers Subjected to Various Localized Pressure Gradients". American Physical Society via meetings.aps.org.
  8. "APS -75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics - Event - Probing the outer-layer-inner-layer dynamics of a turbulent boundary layer using synthetic jets". American Physical Society via meetings.aps.org.
  9. "Nagib and Kalpakjian Annual Lecture on Turbulence by Ivan Marusic: Scale-Interactions and Energy-Efficient Drag Reduction in Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows | Illinois Institute of Technology". www.iit.edu. November 18, 2022.
  10. "Graduate course with the Linné Flow centre graduate school". www.mech.kth.se.
  11. "Mechanical Engineering - WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE" (PDF).
  12. "Mighty Wind".
  13. "Hassan M. Nagib". www.pullin.caltech.edu.
  14. "H. M. Nagib - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers".
  15. Corke, T. C.; Guezennec, Y.; Nagib, H. M. (July 1, 1981). "Modification in drag of turbulent boundary layers resulting from manipulation of large-scale structures". NASA-CR-3444 via ntrs.nasa.gov.
  16. "A note on the overlap region in turbulent boundary layers".
  17. Nagib, Hassan M; Chauhan, Kapil A; Monkewitz, Peter A (March 15, 2007). "Approach to an asymptotic state for zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 365 (1852): 755–770. doi:10.1098/rsta.2006.1948 via CrossRef.
  18. "Variations of von Kármán coefficient in canonical flows".
  19. "21863 IIT FINAL CM Win07 Mag - Illinois Tech Magazine" (PDF).
  20. "Refined cf relation for turbulent channels and consequences for high-Re experiments". E-S Zanoun, H Nagib and F Durst. 6 March 2009. The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics. Fluid Dynamics Research, Volume 41, Number 2. doi : 10.1088/0169-5983/41/2/021405
  21. "Wall-bounded turbulent flows at high Reynolds numbers: Recent advances and key issues".
  22. Cimbala, John M.; Nagib, Hassan M.; Roshko, Anatol (May 1, 1988). "Large structure in the far wakes of two-dimensional bluff bodies". Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 190: 265–298. doi:10.1017/S0022112088001314 via Cambridge University Press.
  23. Monkewitz, Peter A.; Nagib, Hassan M. (July 1, 2023). "The hunt for the Kármán 'constant' revisited". Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 967: A15. arXiv: 2303.08071 . doi: 10.1017/jfm.2023.448 .
  24. "On Modeling of Atmospheric Surface Layers by the Counter - Jets Technique - Preliminary Results" via apps.dtic.mil.
  25. Tan-atichat, Jimmy; Nagib, Hassan M. (July 1, 1976). "Wind Tunnel Simulation of Neutral Atmospheric Surface Layers by the Counter-Jet Technique". Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. 26 (7): 668–673. doi: 10.1080/00022470.1976.10470301 .
  26. Corke, T.; Koga, D.; Drubka, R.; Nagib, H. (January 1, 1977). "A new technique for introducing controlled sheets of smoke streaklines in wind tunnels". ICIASF '77; International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities, 7th, Shrivenham, England, September 6-8, 1977, Record. (A79-15651 04-35) New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1977.: 74–80. Bibcode:1977icia.cong...74C via NASA ADS.
  27. "Management of Swirling Flows with Application to Wind Tunnel Design | AIAA Journal". doi:10.2514/3.61018.
  28. Corke, T. C.; Nagib, H. M. (October 1, 1979). "Wind loads on a building model in a family of surface layers". Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 5 (1): 159–177. doi:10.1016/0167-6105(79)90029-1 via ScienceDirect.
  29. Reshotko, Eli; Saric, William; Nagib, Hassan; Reshotko, Eli; Saric, William; Nagib, Hassan (January 6, 1997). "Flow quality issues for large wind tunnels". 35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.1997-225 via CrossRef.
  30. "Equipment to Upgrade the Facilities of the IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology) Fluid Dynamics Research Center" via apps.dtic.mil.
Hassan M. Nagib
Hassan Nagib.jpg
Occupation(s)Mechanical engineer, aerospace engineer and academic.
AwardsNASA Langley Achievement Award, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1982)
Academic background
EducationB.S., Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
M.S., Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Ph.D., Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Alma mater Illinois Institute of Technology