Health information-seeking behaviour

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Health information-seeking behaviour (HISB), also known as health information seeking, health seeking behaviour or health information behaviour, refers to a series interaction that reduce uncertainty regarding health status, but also to construct a social and personal sense of health. [1] HISB is a key strategy for many people to understand their health problems and to cope with illness. [2] Recently, thanks to the development of the technologies and networks, people have a trend of seeking health information on the Internet. Particularly, when it comes to the following scenarios, people tend to carry out online HISB: [3]

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  1. Tardy, Rebecca W.; Hale, CL (1998). "Getting "plugged in": A network analysis of health‐information seeking among "stay‐at‐home moms"". Communication Monographs. 65 (4): 336–357. doi:10.1080/03637759809376457.
  2. Lambert, SD; Loiselle, CG (2007). "Health information seeking behavior". Qual Health Res. 17 (8): 1006–1019. doi:10.1177/1049732307305199. PMID   17928475.
  3. Pang, PCI; Chang, S; Pearce, J; Verspoor, K (2014). "Online Health Information Seeking Behaviour: Understanding Different Search Approaches". Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2014).