Humanistic therapy

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Humanistic therapy (also humanistic psychotherapy) is a portmanteau term for range of different types of talking therapies (as distinct from humanistic psychology that, instead of concentrating on what is presented as a problem focuses on helping one overcome difficulties with others in principle (long term) rather than particular (short term) situations.[ citation needed ]

Humanism in this context essentially means learning to take personal responsibility for one’s own actions rather than accepting responsibilities imposed by others, especially close associates who may be promoting agendas that may be causing disquiet. [1]

It proposes to achieve that exploiting one’s natural strengths (nature) and experience (nurture) to develop additional skills and capabilities which are most appropriate for addressing whatever problems with others are currently troubling them. [2]

The specific type of therapy most suitable in individual cases may depend on both the immediate difficulties and the long-term aspirations that are being addressed.[ citation needed ]

The principal approaches are:[ citation needed ]

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