Illegal immigration to Australia

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Illegal immigration to Australia is defined by the Migration Act 1958 , which distinguishes between "lawful non-citizens" (those in Australia holding a valid visa) and "unlawful non-citizens" (those without a valid visa). [1]


Immigration to Australia is administered by the Department of Home Affairs, formerly the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, and before that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the majority of people in Australia illegally are visa overstayers, who enter the country legally but remain there after the expiry or revocation of their visa. [2] DIAC estimated that in the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010, approximately 15,800 people overstayed their visas out of 4.5 million temporary entrants during that period (about 0.35 per cent). As of 30 June 2010, DIAC estimated that the number of visa overstayers in Australia was around 53,900, or 0.2 per cent of the Australian population. [3]

In 2018, it was reported more than 60,000 foreigners are living illegally in Australia, [4] and by 2021 it was reported that increased to more than 100,000. [5]

Immigration detention

Australia operates a number of immigration detention facilities within the country, as well as several offshore processing centres. All Australian immigration detention facilities are managed by the British services company Serco on behalf of the Australian government. Australia currently has three functioning offshore centres, and ten detention centres on the mainland. Facilities include Nauru, Christmas Island, and Manus Island.

Mandatory detention

Prior to 1992, the Migration Act 1958 permitted discretionary detainment of unlawful non-citizens. In 1992, the Keating government introduced a policy of mandatory detention, in response to a wave of boat arrivals from Indochina. [6]

Asylum seekers

As a signatory to the United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, Australia operates a humanitarian intake of migrants of around 13,770 persons per year (by comparison, Australia's Migration Program was 168,600 places in 2009–10). Those who have not gained prior approval to enter Australia for the purpose of seeking asylum were referred to as irregular arrivals. [7]

There are two classifications for irregular arrivals: Illegal Maritime Arrivals (IMAs; prior to 2013 the term "Irregular Maritime Arrivals" was used) and non-IMAs (those arriving in Australian territory without a visa by non-maritime means, such as by air). In the 2011–12 period, the number of IMAs was greater than the number of non-IMAs for the first time. [8]

In 2013, the Minister for Immigration, Scott Morrison, directed his department to use the term "illegal maritime arrivals" instead of the previous term "irregular maritime arrivals". The application of the term "illegal" to asylum seekers is controversial. While it is not a criminal offence to seek asylum in Australia, or to enter Australian territory without immigration documents for the purpose of seeking asylum, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Fact Check unit determined that the term was valid when referring to an arrival's entry status. In addition, the United Nations Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air , to which Australia is a signatory, defines "illegal entry" as "crossing borders without complying with the necessary requirements for legal entry into the receiving State". [9]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Immigration detention in Australia</span>

The Australian government has a policy and practice of detaining in immigration detention facilities non-citizens not holding a valid visa, suspected of visa violations, illegal entry or unauthorised arrival, and those subject to deportation and removal in immigration detention until a decision is made by the immigration authorities to grant a visa and release them into the community, or to repatriate them to their country of origin/passport. Persons in immigration detention may at any time opt to voluntarily leave Australia for their country of origin, or they may be deported or given a bridging or temporary visa. In 1992, Australia adopted a mandatory detention policy obliging the government to detain all persons entering or being in the country without a valid visa, while their claim to remain in Australia is processed and security and health checks undertaken. Also, at the same time, the law was changed to permit indefinite detention, from the previous limit of 273 days. The policy was instituted by the Keating government in 1992, and was varied by the subsequent Howard, Rudd, Gillard, Abbott, Turnbull, Morrison and Albanese Governments. The policy is regarded as controversial and has been criticised by a number of organisations. In 2004, the High Court of Australia confirmed the constitutionality of indefinite mandatory detention of non-citizens. However, this interpretation was overturned in a landmark decision, NZYQ v Minister for Immigration, in 2023, with the High Court concluding the practice was unlawful and unconstitutional.

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Asylum in Australia has been granted to many refugees since 1945, when half a million Europeans displaced by World War II were given asylum. Since then, there have been periodic waves of asylum seekers from South East Asia and the Middle East, with government policy and public opinion changing over the years.

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<i>Migration Act 1958</i> Act of the Parliament of Australia

The Migration Act 1958(Cth) is an Act of the Parliament of Australia that governs immigration to Australia. It set up Australia’s universal visa system (or entry permits). Its long title is "An Act relating to the entry into, and presence in, Australia of aliens, and the departure or deportation from Australia of aliens and certain other persons."

Immigration is the movement of an individual or group of peoples to a foreign country to live permanently. Since 1788, when the first British settlers arrived in Botany Bay, immigrants have travelled from across the world to establish a life in Australia. The reason for people or groups of peoples moving to Australia varies. Such reasons can be due to seeking work or even refuge from third world countries. The health of immigrants entering Australia varies depending on the individual's country of origin and the circumstance of which they came, as well as their state of travel to Australia. Immigrants are known to enter Australia both regularly and irregularly, and this can affect one's health immensely. Once in Australia, immigrants are given the opportunity to access a high quality of healthcare services, however, the usage of these services can differ dependent on the culture and place of birth of the individual. Researchers have proven this. Australia has strict health regulations that have to be met before one is allowed access into Australia and can determine if one is granted or denied such access. The quarantine process of immigrants into Australia has been in place since 1830, starting at the North Head Quarantine Station and continues all over Australia.

Externalization describes the efforts of wealthy, developed countries to prevent asylum seekers and other migrants from reaching their borders, often by enlisting third countries or private entities. Externalization is used by Australia, Canada, the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom. Although less visible than physical barriers at international borders, externalization controls or restricts mobility in ways that are out of sight and far from the country's border. Examples include visa restrictions, sanctions for carriers that transport asylum seekers, and agreements with source and transit countries. Consequences often include increased irregular migration, human smuggling, and border deaths.


  1. Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s 14, AustLII.
  2. Population Growth: Coming to Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics, 6 June 2001.
  3. Fact Sheet 86 – Overstayers and Other Unlawful Non-citizens, Department of Immigration and Border Protection, 2012. Retrieved 24 November 2013. The article incorrectly states the percentage as 0.02%, but the numerical figure is more reliable, so we base our percentage calculation on that.
  4. "60,000 illegal migrants hiding in Australia, claims report".
  5. "Calls for amnesty for undocumented workers, as new report recommends 'one-off' visas in agriculture". ABC News. 4 March 2021.
  6. Janet Phillips and Harriet Spinks: Immigration detention in Australia, Social Policy Section, Parliamentary Library, 20 March 2013; Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s 189.
  7. Humanitarian Arrivals, Year Book 2011, Australian Bureau of Statistics, 24 May 2012.
  8. Australia and asylum seekers: the key facts you need to know, The Guardian, 2 July 2013.
  9. Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air Archived 17 July 2013 at the Wayback Machine , United Nations, 2000.