Ilocos-Central Luzon Basin

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Ilocos-Central Luzon Basin is a sedimentary basin and stratigraphic formation in the Ilocos Region and Central Luzon Region, Philippines. [1] It is one of the 16 major sedimentary basins in the country and stretches from the vicinity of the Manila metropolitan area in the south to Ilocos Norte in the north. [2]


The basin is filled with sedimentary rocks that range in age from Late Oligocene to Pliocene. [3] These rocks were deposited in a variety of environments, including deep marine, shallow marine, and non-marine settings. The basin is also home to a number of hydrocarbon reservoirs, which are currently being explored for oil and gas potential.

Stratigraphic groupings


Luzon Central Valley

West side

  • Aksitero Formation - Lower Bigbiga Limestone – micritic limestone with tuffaceous turbidites and minor chert; Upper Burgos Member – Limestone, tuffaceous sandstone, siltstone and mudstone. This is coequival with Bigbiga Limestone.
  • Moriones Formation - interbedded sandstone, shale, conglomerate with minor limestone; identified members are Sansotero Limestone and Malo Pungatan Limestone
  • Malinta Formation - Lower Pau Sandstone – sandstones with minor tuffaceous shale, conglomerates and lapilli tuff; Upper Aparri Gorge Sandstone – sandstones with shale stringers and conglomerate lenses
  • Tarlac Formation - interbedded sandstone, shale, conglomerate
  • Amlang Formation - turbiditic sandstones and shale with minor conglomerates
  • Cataguintingan Formation - mainly tuffaceous sandstones, with interbeds of siltstones, shales and conglomerate and minor limestone lenses
  • Bamban Formation - tuffaceous sandstone and lapilli tuff with basal conglomerate.
  • Damortis Formation - sandstone, calcarenite, siltstone, limestone and marl

East side

  • Barenas-Baito Formation
  • Bayabas Formation
  • Angat Formation
  • Madlum Formation
  • Makapilapil Formation
  • Lambak Formation
  • Tartaro Formation
  • Guadalupe Formation

See also

List of stratigraphic formations in the Philippines

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  1. Lexicon of Philippine Stratigraphy, Rolando Peña, 2008