Village Law is a set of rules regarding the conduct of government villages with consideration has evolved in various forms that need to be protected and empowered to become strong, advanced, independent, and democratic so as to create a strong foundation in carrying out governance and development towards a just and prosperous society. [1] This Law also regulates the principle of setting materials, Position and type of Village, the Village Planning, Authority of the Village, the Village Governance, rights and Duties of the Village and Village Communities, Village Regulation, Financial Asset Village and Village, Rural Development and Rural Area Development, village-owned enterprises, Cooperative Village, the Village Society Institute and the Institute of Indigenous Village, as well as Development and Control. [2] In addition, this Act also set up with a special provision that applies only to the Village People as set out in Chapter XIII. [2]
One of the most crucial points in the discussion of the Bill Village, is related to the budget allocation for the village, in the explanation of Article 72 Paragraph 2 of the Rural Finance. [2] The number of allocations directly to the village, set 10 percent of the funds transfer and outside the region. [2] Then consider the amount of population, poverty, area, geographical difficulties. [2] It this in order to improve rural communities because each country is expected to get about 1.4 billion fund based on the calculation of the explanation that the village law, 10 percent of the area according to the state budget and the transfer to the village of Rp 59, 2 trillion, coupled with funds from the budget by 10 percent around Rp 45.4 trillion. [3] The total funding for the village is Rp 104, 6 trillion, which would be divided into 72 thousand villages across Indonesia. [3]
In general the provisions of Law No. 32 of 2004 on regional government stated, village or called other names, hereinafter referred to as the village is the unity of the legal community who have boundaries that are authorized to regulate and manage the interests of the local community, based on their origin and local customs are recognized and respected in the unitary system of government of the Republic of Indonesia. [4] the law also affirmed the unity of the legal community is the village which has boundaries that are authorized to regulate and manage government affairs, interests of local communities based community initiatives, and the origin of rights or customary rights are recognized and respected in the unitary system of government of the Republic of Indonesia. [4] Furthermore, in Government Regulation No. 72 of 2005, the establishment of the village only by indicator of population distinguished by island and immediately became the definitive village. [4] In the new village law, an indicator of population is no longer only in the island, but more detailed requirements such as population greater than ever before. [4] If before enough with a population of 2,500 people, with the Law on compulsory village of 4,500 people and in the absence of legislation preparations village for 1–3 years. [4]
In addition, there are general provisions related to indigenous villages, namely the unity of indigenous people and their right to traditional real still life, whether they are territorial, genealogical, and that is functional. [5] It is intended as a unity of indigenous communities and their traditional rights deemed in accordance with the development of society and a unity of indigenous communities and their traditional rights in accordance with the principles of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. [5] Surely there is a special provision that defines the existence of the village. [5]
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia was established to protect all the people of Indonesia and the entire country of Indonesia, promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation and participate in the establishment of a world order based on freedom, eternal peace, and social justice. [6]
Law No. 25 Year 2004 on National Development Planning System has set the National Long-Term Development Plan which is a translation of the aim of the state government of Indonesia. [6] The village has a right to their origin and traditional rights to regulate and manage the interests of the community contribute to realize the ideals of independence based on the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (1945) need to be protected and empowered to become strong, advanced, independent, and democratic so as to create a solid foundation in carrying out governance and development towards an equitable, and prosperous. [6] Thus, the purpose of the stipulation setting in the village of this Act is a further elaboration of the provisions referred to in Article 18 paragraph (7) and Article 18B paragraph (2) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (1945), namely:
Provinces of Indonesia are the 38 administrative divisions of Indonesia and the highest tier of the local government. Provinces are further divided into regencies and cities, which are in turn subdivided into districts (kecamatan).
Poverty in Indonesia is a widespread issue though in recent years the official numbers show a declining trend. Due to the dense rural nature of parts of the Java, Bali, Lombok, and parts of Sumatra, poverty can be classified into rural and urban poverty. Urban poverty is prevalent in not only in Jabodetabek, but also in Medan and Surabaya.
Taxation in Indonesia includes income tax, value added tax and carbon tax.
Indonesia is divided into provinces. Provinces are made up of regencies (kabupaten) and cities (kota). Provinces, regencies, and cities have their own local governments and parliamentary bodies.
In Indonesia, village or subdistrict is the fourth-level subdivision below a district, regency/city, and province. There are a number of names and types for villages in Indonesia, with desa being the most frequently used for regencies and kelurahan for cities. According to the 2019 report by the Ministry of Home Affairs, there are 8,488 urban villages and 74,953 rural villages in Indonesia.
Radio Republik Indonesia, legally Lembaga Penyiaran Publik (LPP) Radio Republik Indonesia, is a public radio network of Indonesia. Founded on 11 September 1945, it is the first radio network in Indonesia. RRI headquarters are located on Medan Merdeka Barat Street in Central Jakarta.
An Indonesian passport is a travel document issued by the Government of Indonesia to Indonesian citizens residing in Indonesia or overseas. The main governing body with regards to the issuance of such passport(s), possession(s), withdrawal and related matters is the Directorate General of Immigration under the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Indonesia does not recognize multiple citizenship for its citizens and such citizens will automatically lose their Indonesian citizenship if another citizenship is acquired voluntarily. Special exceptions allow newly born citizens to hold dual nationalities until his/her eighteenth birthday after which a choice of either nationalities should be decided. The latest Indonesian passport has different national birds and sceneries on each page.
Law of Indonesia is based on a civil law system, intermixed with local customary law and the Roman Dutch law. Before the Dutch presence and colonization began in the sixteenth century, indigenous kingdoms ruled the archipelago independently with their own custom laws, known as adat. Foreign influences from India, China and the Middle East have not only affected culture, but also the customary adat laws. The people of Aceh in Sumatra, for instance, observe their own sharia law, while ethnic groups like the Toraja in Sulawesi still follow their animistic customary law.
The Judiciary of Indonesia constitutionally consists of the Supreme Court of Indonesia, the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, and the lesser court system under the Supreme Court. These lesser courts are categorically subdivided into the public courts, religious courts, state administrative courts, and military courts.
The Indonesian identity card, known in Indonesian as the Kartu Tanda Penduduk or KTP, is an identity card issued in Indonesia. Separate versions exist for Indonesian citizens and non-Indonesian residents. The card is issued upon reaching the age of 17 or upon marriage. For Indonesian citizens, the card is valid for life. For non-Indonesian citizens, the card's expiry date is the same as that of their residency permit. Since 2011, the Indonesian government has issued an electronic version of the card, known as the e-KTP, which contains an embedded microchip.
Cultural properties of Indonesia are those items defined by Indonesian law as of "important value for history, science, and culture", and include both man-made artefacts and natural objects. The cultural properties number more than 8,000 and include ancient Hindu and Buddhist temples, mosques, historic colonial buildings, forts, art galleries, national parks and beaches. A number of the sites are World Heritage Sites.
The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia is the competent authority to advise the Government of Indonesia on matters of law. It serves as the central organization for the Indonesian Public Prosecution Service. The Attorney General's Office is seated in the national capital Jakarta.
In Indonesia, a regional regulation is a regulation that is passed by Indonesian local governments and carry the force of law in that region. There are two levels of regional regulations. Provinces pass provincial regulation, while the second tier subdivisions of Indonesia, known as regencies and cities pass regency regulation and city regulation, respectively. Each type of regional regulation is passed by the region's parliamentary body together with their chief executive.
The Indonesian electoral law of 2017, also known in Indonesia as Undang-Undang Pemilu, is the law regulating elections in Indonesia. Officially, it is known as the Law Number 7 of 2017. The law was passed in July 2017 following nine months of debate in the People's Representative Council.
The Public Prosecution Service of the Republic of Indonesia is the government agency of Indonesia authorized for conducting public prosecution in Indonesia. It has other duties and authorities over certain matters as prescribed by laws.
Law on State Capital is an omnibus law to relocate capital of Indonesia from Jakarta to Nusantara at East Kalimantan as new capital of Indonesia. The omnibus bill of the law was passed into law on 18 January 2022. and finally commenced on 15 February 2022.
The People's Consultative Assembly, the bicameral legislature of Indonesia, passed a series of resolutions of the People's Consultative Assembly or TAP MPR throughout the 1960s, to the very last issued in 2003.
A village-owned enterprise, often shortened to BUMDes or BUM Desa, is a type of company that is managed and established by an Indonesian village. These companies span a wide array of industries, from agriculture and mining to tourism and retail. BUMDes are a relatively recent development in Indonesia, first appearing in the aftermath of fall of Suharto and the rapid decentralization that followed. As of 2022, according to data from the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration, there are total of 74,691 registered BUMDes. However, due to bureaucratic difficulties, only around 10 percent (7,902) are certified as legal entities as of 2022.
The Indonesian Criminal Code, commonly known in Indonesian as Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana, were laws and regulations that form the basis of criminal law in Indonesia. By deviating as necessary from Presidential Regulation dated 10 October 1945 No. 2, it stipulated that the criminal law regulations that are in effect are the Dutch criminal law regulations that existed on 8 March 1942. Currently, the Republic of Indonesia has its own Criminal Code.
The Act No. 1 of 2023 on Criminal Code, or the 2023 Indonesian Criminal Code, is the new Indonesian criminal code replacing the Dutch-era code. The law is the most expensive and longest ever made in Indonesia, being more than 50 years in the making since formulation until finally commenced by the Indonesian government.