Inferior dental plexus

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Inferior dental plexus
Distribution of the maxillary and mandibular nerves, and the submaxillary ganglion.
From inferior alveolar nerve
Latin plexus dentalis inferior
TA98 A14.2.01.091
TA2 6276
FMA 53263
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

The inferior dental plexus is a nerve plexus formed by sensory branches [1] of the inferior alveolar nerve. [1] [2] [3] The plexus issues dental branches [2] [1] and gingival branches; [2] the small dental branches provide sensory innervation to the lower/mandibular teeth. [1]

Note that the lower premolar, canine and incisor teeth as well as their associated gingiva are innervated by the incisive branch of the inferior alveolar nerve (which may or may not form an incisive plexus). [4]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Superior dental plexus</span>

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Inferior alveolar nerve block is a nerve block technique which induces anesthesia (numbness) in the areas of the mouth and face innervated by one of the inferior alveolar nerves which are paired on the left and right side. These areas are the skin and mucous membranes of the lower lip, the skin of the chin, the lower teeth and the labial gingiva of the anterior teeth, all unilaterally to the midline of the side on which the block is administered. However, depending on technique, the long buccal nerve may not be anesthetized by an IANB and therefore an area of buccal gingiva adjacent to the lower posterior teeth will retain normal sensation unless that nerve is anesthetized separately, via a (long) buccal nerve block. The inferior alveolar nerve is a branch of the mandibular nerve, the third division of the trigeminal nerve. This procedure attempts to anaesthetise the inferior alveolar nerve prior to it entering the mandibular foramen on the medial surface of the mandibular ramus.

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  4. Caughey, Jennifer A.; Do, Quang; Shen, Daniel; Ohyama, Hiroe; He, Puhan; Tubbs, R. Shane; Iwanaga, Joe (2021-12-31). "Comprehensive review of the incisive branch of the inferior alveolar nerve". Anatomy & Cell Biology. 54 (4): 409–416. doi:10.5115/acb.21.113. ISSN   2093-3665. PMC   8693131 .