Infrared spectroscopy correlation table

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An infrared spectroscopy correlation table (or table of infrared absorption frequencies) is a list of absorption peaks and frequencies, typically reported in wavenumber, for common types of molecular bonds and functional groups. [1] [2] In physical and analytical chemistry, infrared spectroscopy (IR spectroscopy) is a technique used to identify chemical compounds based on the way infrared radiation is absorbed by the compound.


The absorptions in this range do not apply only to bonds in organic molecules. IR spectroscopy is useful when it comes to analysis of inorganic compounds (such as metal complexes or fluoromanganates) as well. [3]

Group frequencies

Tables of vibrational transitions of stable [4] and transient molecules [5] are also available.

BondType of bondSpecific type of bondAbsorption peak (cm−1)Appearance
2870medium to strong
2960medium to strong
methylene 1470strong
2850medium to strong
2925medium to strong
methine 2890weak
vinyl C═CH2900strong
monosubstituted alkenes 900strong
cis-disubstituted alkenes670–700strong
trans-disubstituted alkenes965strong
trisubstituted alkenes800–840strong to medium
aromatic benzene/sub. benzene3070weak
monosubstituted benzene700–750strong
ortho-disub. benzene750strong
meta-disub. benzene750–800strong
para-disub. benzene800–860strong
alkynes any3300medium
aldehydes any2720medium
C═Cacyclic C═Cmonosub. alkenes1645medium
1,1-disub. alkenes1655medium
cis-1,2-disub. alkenes1660medium
trans-1,2-disub. alkenes1675medium
trisub., tetrasub. alkenes1670weak
conjugated C═Cdienes1600strong
with benzene ring1625strong
with C═O1600strong
C═C (both sp2)any1640–1680medium
aromatic C═Cany1450weak to strong (usually 3 or 4)
C≡Cterminal alkynes2100–2140weak
disubst. alkynes2190–2260very weak (often indistinguishable)
C=Oaldehyde/ketonesaturated aliph./cyclic 6-membered1720
aromatic ketones1685
cyclic 5-membered1750
cyclic 4-membered1775
aldehydes1725influenced by conjugation (as with ketones)
carboxylic acids/derivatessaturated carboxylic acids1710
unsat./aromatic carb. acids1680–1690
esters and lactones 1735influenced by conjugation and ring size (as with ketones)
acyl halides 1800
amides 1650associated amides
carboxylates (salts)1550–1610
amino acid zwitterions1550–1610
O─Halcohols, phenols low concentration3610–3670
high concentration3200–3400broad
carboxylic acidslow concentration3500–3560
high concentration3000broad
N─Hprimary amines any3400–3500strong
secondary aminesany>3000weak to medium
ammonium ionsany2400–3200multiple broad peaks
C─O alcohols primary1040–1060strong, broad
carboxylic acidsany1250–1300
estersany1100–1300two bands (distinct from ketones, which do not possess a C─O bond)
C─Naliphatic aminesany1020–1220often overlapped
C═Nany1615–1700similar conjugation effects to C═O
C≡N (nitriles)unconjugated2250medium
R─N─C (isocyanides)any2165–2110
R─N═C═S (isothiocyanates)any2140–1990
C─X fluoroalkanes ordinary1000–1100
trifluoromethyl1100–1200two strong, broad bands
chloroalkanes any540–760weak to medium
bromoalkanes any500–600medium to strong
iodoalkanes any500medium to strong
N─O nitro compounds aliphatic1540stronger
aromatic1520lower if conjugated
P─C Organophosphorus compound aromatic1440-1460medium
P─Ophosphorus oxidebonded1195-1250strong

See also

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  1. George Socrates (12 April 2004). Infrared and Raman Characteristic Group Frequencies: Tables and Charts. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 18–. ISBN   978-0-470-09307-8 . Retrieved 5 December 2012.
  2. Peter Larkin (25 May 2011). Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy; Principles and Spectral Interpretation. Elsevier. ISBN   978-0-12-386984-5 . Retrieved 5 December 2012.
  3. Kazuo Nakamoto (16 January 2009). Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds, Applications in Coordination, Organometallic, and Bioinorganic Chemistry. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 9–. ISBN   978-0-470-40587-1 . Retrieved 13 December 2012.
  4. NSRDS-NBS: National Standard Reference Data Series, National Bureau of Standards (PDF). U.S. Government Printing Office. June 1972. Retrieved 13 December 2012.
  5. Jacox, Marilyn E. (2003). "Vibrational and Electronic Energy Levels of Polyatomic Transient Molecules. Supplement B". Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data. 32 (1): 1. Bibcode:2003JPCRD..32....1J. doi:10.1063/1.1497629. ISSN   0047-2689.