International Youth Day

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International Youth Day
International Youth Day in North Korea 03.jpg
International Youth Day in North Korea
Date 12 August
Next time12 August 2024 (2024-08)

International Youth Day (IYD) is an awareness day designated by the United Nations that takes place on August 12.


The purpose of the day is to draw attention to a given set of cultural and legal issues surrounding youth. The first IYD was observed on 12 August 2000.


International Youth Day is observed annually on August 12. [1] It is meant as an opportunity for governments and others to draw attention to youth issues worldwide. During IYD, concerts, workshops, cultural events, and meetings involving national and local government officials and youth organizations take place around the world. The World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth adopted a resolution to proclaim August 12 as International Youth Day at its first session in Lisbon, Portugal, from 8 to 12 August 1998. The recommendation was later endorsed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 17, 1999, with the adoption of Resolution 54/120. [2] [3]

International Youth Day's Slogan for 2014 was Youth and Mental Health. For 2015, it was Youth and Civic Engagement. The theme of the 2016 International Youth Day was “The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Consumption and Production." [4] For 2017, the theme of IYD is "Youth Building Peace". The theme for IYD 2018 was "Safe Spaces for Youth". In this way it will go on which recognises the contributions of young people to preventing conflict, supporting inclusion, social justice, and sustain peace. [5] For 2019, the theme of IYD was "Transforming education" to make education inclusive and accessible for all youth. And for 2020, the theme of IYD was "Youth Engagement for Global Action". The theme for 2021 IYD is "Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health" The theme for 2022 is "Intergenerational solidarity: Creating a world for all ages”. [6] The theme for 2023 is "Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World." [7] The theme for 2024 is "From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development".

Associated events

IYC2013 LOGO International youth conference 2013 logo.jpg

Each youth day is associated with a number of events around the world. These included, in 2013:

IYC'13 hosted by:

IYD '18 and IYD '19 hosted by Indian Youth Cafe, Chennai. The event has its own specialty in empowering the youth power.

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  1. "International Youth Day 2021: Theme, Quotes, History & Celebrations". S A NEWS. 2021-08-12. Retrieved 2021-08-12.
  2. "Youth at the United Nations: 12 August – International Youth Day" . Retrieved 2008-08-12.
  3. "International Youth Day: 12 August". United Nations . Archived from the original on 2 November 2023. Retrieved 9 August 2024.
  4. "International Youth Day, 12 August". Retrieved 2017-02-07.
  5. "International Youth Day, 12 August". Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  6. "International Youth Day". United Nations. Archived from the original on 12 August 2021. Retrieved 12 August 2021.
  7. Nations, United. "International Youth Day". United Nations. Retrieved 2023-08-01.