James A. Glazier

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James A. Glazier
BornJune 1962 (age 62)
Alma materThe University of Chicago
Scientific career
Institutions Indiana University
Thesis Dynamics of Cellular Patterns
Academic advisors Albert Libchaber

James Alexander Glazier (born June 27, 1962) [1] is a biophysicist and bioengineer, author, and educator best known for his contributions to the field of multiscale modeling, pattern formation, and morphogenesis in biological systems. Glazier has published numerous articles in leading scientific journals, and his work has been widely recognized within the scientific community. [2] He has also been influential in promoting the use of computational modeling and simulation in the study of complex biological phenomena. [3]


Early life and education

James A. Glazier was born in (Cambridge,Massachusetts, on June 27, 1962) to Ira A. Glazier (an economist and demographer) and Elaine A. Glazier (a psychologist and later an entrepreneur). (Need citation) He showed an early interest in science and mathematics, which led him to pursue an undergraduate degree in physics and mathematics from (Harvard College). He later earned his Ph.D. in experimental condensed matter physics from the University of Chicago in 1989, where he worked under the supervision of Prof. Albert J. Libchaber, focusing on chaotic flows in fluids and the coarsening dynamics of liquid foams. [4] While at the University of Chicago, he began a collaboration with Dr. Gary Grest and Dr. David Srolovitz of Exxon Research applying the Potts Model to model the dynamics of foam coarsening. [5] His work on foams [6] led to extensive collaborations with the noted solid-state theorist Prof. Denis Weaire of Trinity College, Dublin. [7] [8]


Following the completion of his Ph.D., Glazier held postdoctoral positions at AT&T Bell Laboratories (1989-1991) where he retrained in experimental developmental neuroscience under Dr. David W. Tank, and then held an NSF/JSPS fellowship (1991-1993) in the Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, where he studied hydra regeneration and, in collaboration with Dr. Francois Graner, developed the Cellular Potts Model (CPM, also known as the Glazier-Graner-Hogeweg model, GGH) formalism for simulating the dynamics of cells in biological tissues. [9] In 1993, he accepted a faculty position in Physics at the University of Notre Dame. He moved to the Department of Physics at Indiana University in 2002, where he established the Biocomplexity Institute to advance interdisciplinary study of biological systems. He has held visiting faculty positions at the University of Western Australia, the University of Grenoble, Tohoku University, the University of California Los Angeles, and the University of California Santa Barbara,

Glazier's research interests lie at the intersection of physics, biology, and computer science, with a focus on understanding the fundamental principles governing the organization and dynamics of living systems. His most notable contributions have been in the area of multiscale modeling of tissues (Virtual Tissues) where he has developed models that have provided insights into a range of biological phenomena, such as morphogenesis, tissue development, vascular development, developmental diseases, including cancer [10] and polycystic kidney disease and toxicology. He has also conducted research on the physics of liquid foams, [11] high-Reynolds number turbulence, on biological ontologies and in microfluidics and biosensors.

Glazier is one of the key developers of CompuCell3D, [12] an open-source software platform for modeling cell behavior in a 3D environment based on the CPM/GGH methodology. CompuCell3D is designed to simulate cell-based biological processes, such as tissue development, morphogenesis, and cellular differentiation. As a professor and researcher, Dr. Glazier has played a significant role in the development and application of CompuCell3D for various biological systems. More recently, with Dr. Enrdre Somogyi [13] and Dr. TJ Sego, he has contributed to the development of the open-source Tissue Forge virtual-tissue simulation environment based on center-model methodologies. His work has contributed to the advancement of computational modeling and simulation techniques in the fields of biophysics, bioengineering, toxicology, and complex systems.

In addition to his research, Glazier has been an active participant in the scientific community. He has served on the editorial boards of Nonlinearity and Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, as well as on numerous grant review panels and advisory committees. He has also been involved in the organization of conferences and workshops aimed at fostering interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers studying complex biological systems and has organized more than 18 summer schools teaching multiscale modeling techniques to a diverse range of students from around the world. He has served as Chair of the Division of Biological Physics of the American Physical Society. In 2020, he co-founded the IMAG/MSM [14] Working Group on Multiscale Modeling and Viral Pandemics, [15] which provides a forum for the application of modeling methodologies to the understanding of infection and immune response. In 2023, with Prof. Tomas Helikar of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, he co-founded the Global Alliance for Immune Prediction and Intervention, which aims to develop medical Digital Twins to optimize patient-specific medical care. [16] [17]

Awards and honors

Throughout his career, James A. Glazier has received numerous accolades for his research achievements, being named a fellow of the Institute of Physics (London), the American Physical Society, [18] and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. [19] His work has been cited extensively in the scientific literature and has inspired many researchers in the fields of biophysics and computational biology. He holds 13 patents in biosensors, microfluidics, drug discovery, and computational modeling.

Personal life

Glazier has lived since 2002 with James Ferguson (citation), an artist, and farmer. He is devoted to baroque opera (he has served on the board of directors of the Boston Early Music Festival) and to travel, with a specific interest in Mongolian archaeology.

Selected publications

Related Research Articles

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  1. ORCID   0000-0003-3634-190X
  2. "Google Scholar".
  3. "Workshops".
  4. Glazier, James A.; Gross, Steven P.; Stavans, Joel (1 July 1987). "Dynamics of two-dimensional soap froths". Physical Review A. 36 (1): 306–312. Bibcode:1987PhRvA..36..306G. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.36.306. PMID   9898684.
  5. Glazier, James A.; Anderson, Michael P.; Grest, Gary S. (December 1990). "Coarsening in the two-dimensional soap froth and the large- Q Potts model: A detailed comparison". Philosophical Magazine B. 62 (6): 615–645. Bibcode:1990PMagB..62..615G. doi:10.1080/13642819008215259.
  6. "New York Times". The New York Times .
  7. Glazier, J A; Weaire, D (24 February 1992). "The kinetics of cellular patterns". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 4 (8): 1867–1894. Bibcode:1992JPCM....4.1867G. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/4/8/004.
  8. Maddox, John (1989). [10.1038/338293a0 "Soap bubbles make serious physics"]. Nature. 338 (6213): 293. Bibcode:1989Natur.338..293M. doi:10.1038/338293a0.{{cite journal}}: Check |url= value (help)
  9. Graner, François; Glazier, James A. (28 September 1992). "Simulation of biological cell sorting using a two-dimensional extended Potts model". Physical Review Letters. 69 (13): 2013–2016. Bibcode:1992PhRvL..69.2013G. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.69.2013. PMID   10046374.
  10. Shirinifard, Abbas; Gens, J. Scott; Zaitlen, Benjamin L.; Popławski, Nikodem J.; Swat, Maciej; Glazier, James A. (16 October 2009). "3D Multi-Cell Simulation of Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis". PLOS ONE. 4 (10): e7190. Bibcode:2009PLoSO...4.7190S. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0007190 . PMC   2760204 . PMID   19834621.
  11. Maddox, John (March 1989). "Soap bubbles make serious physics". Nature. 338 (6213): 293. Bibcode:1989Natur.338..293M. doi: 10.1038/338293a0 .
  12. Izaguirre, J. A.; Chaturvedi, R.; Huang, C.; Cickovski, T.; Coffland, J.; Thomas, G.; Forgacs, G.; Alber, M.; Hentschel, G.; Newman, S. A.; Glazier, J. A. (1 May 2004). "C ompu C ell , a multi-model framework for simulation of morphogenesis". Bioinformatics. 20 (7): 1129–1137. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bth050. PMID   14764549.
  13. Somogyi, Endre T.; Coulter, Jeffery; Sun, Fanbo; Sauro, Herbert M.; Glazier, James A. (2021). "Real-Time Interactive Modeling and Simulation in Biological Physics and Active Matter with Mechanica". arXiv: 2105.02476 [q-bio.SC].
  14. "Home | Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group". www.imagwiki.nibib.nih.gov.
  15. "Modeling Virial Pandemics".
  16. Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Sluka, James P.; Glazier, James A. (12 March 2021). "Using digital twins in viral infection". Science. 371 (6534): 1105–1106. Bibcode:2021Sci...371.1105L. doi:10.1126/science.abf3370. PMC   8170388 . PMID   33707255.
  17. "Building the Star Trek Med-Bay".
  18. "APS Fellow Archive".
  19. "American Association of Science".