Jennifer Moxley

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Jennifer Moxley (born 12 May 1964) is an American poet, editor, and translator (French) who was born in San Diego, California. She got her GED at 16, took college courses while working in her father's shop, spent a year as an au pair in Paris at age 18, and then attended the University of California, San Diego. Her time at the school is detailed in her memoir, The Middle Room. She currently teaches poetry and poetics at the University of Maine and resides in Orono, Maine [1] with her partner, Steve Evans. She is working on an English translation of the poems and diaries of Quebecois poet Marie Uguay.


In 2015, Moxley's collection The Open Secret won the Poetry Society of America's William Carlos Williams Award, [2] and her poems have been included in two anthologies of contemporary American verse published by W. W. Norton & Company. [3]






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  1. "Jennifer Moxley - Department of English - University of Maine". Department of English. Retrieved 2022-02-25.
  2. "William Carlos Williams Award".