Jerzy Lewandowski

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Jerzy Lewandowski is a Polish theoretical physicist who studies quantum gravity. He is a professor of physics at the University of Warsaw. [1]


Lewandowski received his doctorate in Warsaw under Andrzej Trautman. He worked closely with Abhay Ashtekar at Pennsylvania State University in the 1990s on the mathematical justification of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). Among other things, he was at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute in Vienna and at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Golm near Potsdam.

He dealt with cosmological models and the entropy of black holes in the LQG. In 2010 he and his colleagues investigated a scalar field together with the gravitational field as part of LQG and were able to show the origin of a time as the ratio of the scalar to the gravitational field, and the quantization of the gravitational field. [2] [3]


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A quantum field theory of general relativity provides operators that measure the geometry of spacetime. The volume operator of a region is defined as the operator that yields the expectation value of a volume measurement of the region , given a state of quantum General Relativity. I.e. is the expectation value for the volume of . Loop Quantum Gravity, for example, provides volume operators, area operators and length operators for regions, surfaces and path respectively.

In the ADM formulation of general relativity one splits spacetime into spatial slices and time, the basic variables are taken to be the induced metric, , on the spatial slice, and its conjugate momentum variable related to the extrinsic curvature, ,. These are the metric canonical coordinates.

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  1. "Jerzy Lewandowski". Retrieved 2021-03-05.
  2. Domagała, Marcin; Giesel, Kristina; Kamiński, Wojciech; Lewandowski, Jerzy (2010-11-18). "Gravity quantized: Loop quantum gravity with a scalar field". Physical Review D. 82 (10). arXiv: 1009.2445 . doi:10.1103/physrevd.82.104038. ISSN   1550-7998.
  3. "The birth of time: Quantum loops describe the evolution of the Universe". ScienceDaily. Retrieved 2021-03-05.