Jordan's totient function

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In number theory, Jordan's totient function, denoted as , where is a positive integer, is a function of a positive integer, , that equals the number of -tuples of positive integers that are less than or equal to and that together with form a coprime set of integers


Jordan's totient function is a generalization of Euler's totient function, which is the same as . The function is named after Camille Jordan.


For each positive integer , Jordan's totient function is multiplicative and may be evaluated as

, where ranges through the prime divisors of .


which may be written in the language of Dirichlet convolutions as [1]
and via Möbius inversion as
Since the Dirichlet generating function of is and the Dirichlet generating function of is , the series for becomes
and by inspection of the definition (recognizing that each factor in the product over the primes is a cyclotomic polynomial of ), the arithmetic functions defined by or can also be shown to be integer-valued multiplicative functions.

Order of matrix groups

The first two formulas were discovered by Jordan.



  1. Sándor & Crstici (2004) p.106
  2. Holden et al in external links. The formula is Gegenbauer's.
  3. All of these formulas are from Andrica and Piticari in #External links.

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