Labor, Welfare and Health Committee

Last updated

The Labor, Welfare and Health Committee of the Knesset deals with labor, employment and welfare matters, [1] which operates continuously from the first Knesset until the dissolution of the 20th Knesset. After not being filled during the 21st and 22nd Knessets due to the lack of a government, in the 23rd Knesset, the Knesset plenum approved the proposal of the organizing committee to establish it as a special committee on welfare and labor that will operate until the establishment of the standing committees. The special committee was headed by Aida Touma-Suleiman from the Joint List, until Haim Katz was elected to chair the committee. Following the formation of the Israeli government, the committee was split into the Labor and Welfare Committee, and the Health Committee. The chair of the Labor and Welfare Committee is Efrat Raytan from the Labor Party, and the chair of the Health Committee is Idit Silman from Yamina party.


PortraitChairTook officeLeft officePartyRef.
Akiva govrin.jpeg
Govrin, Akiva Akiva Govrin
19491951  Mapai [2]
Pinhas Lavon.jpg
Lavon, Pinhas Pinhas Lavon
19491951  Mapai [3]
Rekanati avraham.jpeg
Rakanti, Avraham Avraham Rakanti
19491951  Herut [4]
Akiva govrin.jpeg
Govrin, AkivaAkiva Govrin
19511955  Mapai [2]
Binyamin Avniel (00330655).jpg
Avniel, Binyamin Binyamin Avniel
19511955  Herut [5]
Altman, Aryeh Aryeh Altman
19511955  Herut [6]
Akiva govrin.jpeg
Govrin, AkivaAkiva Govrin
19551959  Mapai [2]
Moshe erem.jpeg
Erem, Moshe Moshe Erem
19551959  Ahdut HaAvoda [7]
Akiva govrin.jpeg
Govrin, AkivaAkiva Govrin
19591961  Mapai [2]
Nahum Nir-Refalx.jpg
Nir, Nahum Nahum Nir
19591961  Ahdut HaAvoda [8]
Akiva govrin.jpeg
Govrin, AkivaAkiva Govrin
19611965  Mapai [2]
Moshe Baram. D120-108.jpg
Baram, Moshe Moshe Baram
19611965  Mapai [9]
Nahum Nir-Refalx.jpg
Nir, NahumNahum Nir
19611965  Ahdut HaAvoda [8]
Moshe Baram. D120-108.jpg
Baram, MosheMoshe Baram
19651969  Labor [9]
Moshe erem.jpeg
Erem, MosheMoshe Erem
19651969  Labor [7]
Shlomo Rosen 1965-12-17.jpg
Rosen, Shlomo Shlomo Rosen
19651969  Mapam [10]
Shoshana Arbeli-Almozlino (00330303).jpg
Arbeli-Almozlino, Shoshana Shoshana Arbeli-Almozlino
19691974  Alignment [11]
Haika Grossman D127-110 (cropped).jpg
Grossman, Haika Haika Grossman
19691974  Alignment [12]
Shoshana Arbeli-Almozlino (00330303).jpg
Arbeli-Almozlino, ShoshanaShoshana Arbeli-Almozlino
19741977  Alignment [11]
Haika Grossman D127-110 (cropped).jpg
Grossman, HaikaHaika Grossman
19741977  Mapam [12]
Menachem Porush.jpg
Porush, Menachem Menachem Porush
19771984  Agudat Yisrael [13]
Ora Namir at the Commercial and Industrial Club.jpg
Namir, Ora Ora Namir
19841992  Labor [14]
The Labour Party is trying to establish a coalition for the next government headed by PM Rabin (FL45766302).jpg
Katz, Yossi Yossi Katz
(born 1949)
19921996  Labor [15] photo essay 070419-D-7203T-008 (cropped).jpg
Peretz, Amir Amir Peretz
(born 1952)
19921996  Labor [16]
Maxim Levy (00360768).jpg
Levy, Maxim Maxim Levy
19961999  Gesher (1996 political party) [17]
David Tal (DAVIDTAL).jpg
Tal, David David Tal
(born 1950)
19992003  Shas [18]
Emblem of Israel.svg
Peretz, Yair Yair Peretz
(born 1954)
19992003  Shas [19]
Shaul Yahalom, 1996 Dan Hadani Archive.jpg
Yahalom, Shaul Shaul Yahalom
(born 1947)
20032006  Mafdal [20]
Haim Katz.jpg
Katz, Haim Haim Katz
(born 1947)
20032006  Likud [21]
Emblem of Israel.svg
Sharoni, Moshe Moshe Sharoni
20062009  Dor (political party) [22]
Emblem of Israel.svg
Galanti, Yitzhak Yitzhak Galanti
20062009  Dor (political party) [23]
Haim Katz.jpg
Katz, HaimHaim Katz
(born 1947)
20092015  Likud [21]
Eli Alaluf (AS5V6757).jpg
Alaluf, Eli Eli Alaluf
(born 1945)
20152019  Kulanu [24]
Haim Katz.jpg
Katz, HaimHaim Katz
(born 1947)
20202021  Likud [21]
Efrat Rayten.jpg
Rayten, Efrat Efrat Rayten
(born 1972)
20212022  Labor [25] [26]
Israel Eichler (ISH 7968).jpg
Eichler, Yisrael Yisrael Eichler
(born 1955)
2023Incumbent  UTJ [27]


  1. "Labor and Welfare Committee". The Knesset. Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 "Akiva Govrin". Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  3. "Pinhas Lavon". Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  4. "Avraham Rakanti". Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  5. "Binyamin Avniel". Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  6. "Aryeh Altman". Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  7. 1 2 "Moshe Erem". Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  8. 1 2 "Nahum Nir". Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  9. 1 2 "Moshe Baram". Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  10. "Shlomo Rosen". Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  11. 1 2 "Shoshana Arbeli-Almozlino". Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  12. 1 2 "Haika Grossman". Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  13. "Menachem Porush". Retrieved 2022-05-06.
  14. "Ora Namir". Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  15. "Yossi Katz". Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  16. "Amir Peretz". Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  17. "Maxim Levy". Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  18. "David Tal". Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  19. "Yair Peretz". Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  20. "Shaul Yahalom". Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  21. 1 2 3 "Haim Katz". Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  22. "Moshe Sharoni". Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  23. "Yitzhak Galanti". Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  24. "Eli Alaluf". Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  25. "Efrat Rayten". Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  26. "ועדת הכנסת אישרה את מינוייה של חברת הכנסת מטעם מפלגת העבודה" [The Knesset committee approved the appointment of the Knesset member on behalf of the Labor Party]. Kipa (in Hebrew). 2021-07-26. Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  27. "לאחר המתיחות בליכוד: זה התפקיד שימלא ח"כ דוד ביטן בכנסת". Maariv . 2023-01-04. Retrieved 2023-03-28.