The legal aid system in New Zealand provides government-funded legal assistance to those who are unable to afford a lawyer. Legal aid is available for almost all court actions across all levels of the court system. This includes criminal charges, civil issues, family disputes, appeals and Waitangi Tribunal claims. Since its inception, the cost of the service to the taxpayer has grown considerably. In 2009, the system was subject to a three-month critical review by Dame Margaret Bazley who suggested a number of changes including fixed fees for defence lawyers working on criminal cases. Bazley's recommendations were rapidly adopted by the government which wanted to cut costs. Leading academics have expressed concerns that, as a result, a New Zealander's right to a fair trial is being compromised.
New Zealand judges have long had the power to assign counsel, [1] but following the Westminster Poor Prisoners Defence Act 1903, [2] [3] there were moves to introduce a similar act in New Zealand. [1] [4] This came in the form of the Justices of Peaces Amendment Act 1912 which made legal aid available for criminal offences. [1] The Legal Aid Act 1939 (No 42) [5] "authorized the New Zealand Law Society to establish committees and panels of legal practitioners for the assistance of poor persons", and gave the Governor-General the ability to introduce regulations surrounding the definition of a "poor person". [5] Although no new regulations were introduced, in practice, the law profession provided legal aid to those who members of the public who required it. Applications went to the local District Law Society and if their application was accepted, the District Law Society would arrange for a lawyer to represent them.
The processes surrounding the provision of legal aid for criminal cases were more clearly elucidated by the Offenders Legal Aid Act 1954. This gave authority to "any Court having jurisdiction in criminal proceedings may, in respect of any stage of any criminal proceedings and in accordance with this Act, direct that legal aid be granted to any person charged with or convicted of any offence, if in its opinion it is desirable in the interests of justice to do so". [6] The court would then assign a lawyer, who was paid at the "going rate" – the same as what he or she would be paid, should they have been representing the prosecution. [7]
The Legal Aid Act 1969 (No 47) [8] removed responsibility for legal aid from the Law Society by establishing the "Legal Aid Board". The board's functions included managing the day-to-day functioning of the legal aid scheme, overseeing the work of District Legal Aid Committees, guaranteeing that the legal aid system was efficient, making recommendations to the Minister of Justice as required, and completing other functions that the Board may be asked to carry out. The act also outlined the circumstances in which legal aid may be refused or withdrawn, based on a means test, with the intention of making aid 'more readily available for persons of small or moderate means'. The Act also established a Legal Aid Appeal Authority which the solicitor applying for aid could appeal to if the application was declined by the Board. [8]
The Legal Services Act 1991 repealed previous legislation and ensured that legal aid was available for both civil and criminal cases. At the same time, it widened the proceedings for which legal aid may be awarded and, for the first time, made legal aid available for Waitangi Tribunal claims. [9] The Legal Services Act 2000 further extended the availability of legal aid to cover proceedings in the Environment Court, actions relating to leaky buildings brought under the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2006, and New Zealand Parole Board hearings. [10]
The income criteria for accessing legal aid remained unchanged since 1969. But incomes and legal costs continued to rise with the result that more and more people on low incomes were being shut out of the system. [11] Despite the lack of access, the cost of legal aid continued to grow; in 2003 the legal aid bill rose to $100 million. [12]
In 2005 the Minister of Justice, Phil Goff, announced that income thresholds would also be raised to allow a wider range of low income-earners access to legal representation. [11] Introducing the Legal Services Amendment Bill in Parliament, Mr Goff said the new thresholds "will be fairer to lower-income working families who are currently disadvantaged in relation to those dependent on benefits." [13] 1.2 million people were estimated to qualify for legal aid under the new thresholds. [11] With more and more people accessing the system, costs continued to grow and in 2006/07 it reached $111 million. In 2009/10 it ballooned to $173 million. [14]
Waitangi Tribunal claims have been a contributing factor to the growing cost of legal aid as Treaty claimants can apply for legal aid irrespective of their financial circumstances – which is not the case in civil or criminal cases. Since 2006, Waitangi tribunal cases have cost the taxpayer $79 million in legal aid, although as at January 2013, there were 780 claims still outstanding. [15] 41% of the 75 most expensive cases were Treaty claims in 2008-2009. In 2012, about 8% of the $148 million legal aid bill was spent on treaty claims. [15]
The Law society says Treaty cases should be funded separately from other legal aid work. Former Law Society president, Jonathan Temm, says: "Legal aid was never really intended to fund the kind of demand that the Waitangi Tribunal work was making and it's skewing the figures..." [16]
A forensic accountant engaged by the Criminal Bar Association found that the cost of legal aid is boosted by the 1% of high-profile criminal cases which account for 27% of the total legal aid bill. [17] For instance, the legal aid bill for David Bain's case, which went on for 13 years, was over $3 million. [18] Nearly $4 million was spent defending the 18 people arrested in the Urewera terrorist raids. [19]
In 2009, then Justice Minister Simon Power appointed an experienced public servant, Dame Margaret Bazley, to review the entire legal aid system after reports that it was being rorted by a small group of incompetent and unscrupulous lawyers. Her report, released in November of that year, said some lawyers were ill-prepared for cases and were "gaming" the system by delaying pleas to maximise legal aid payments. She said some lawyers were demanding "top-up" payments from clients on top of what they were getting from legal aid. [20] [21]
Dame Bazley also noted that legal aid is one of three government funding sources available to Waitangi Treaty claimants [22] and recommended that modifications should be made to the way that legal aid is paid to these claimants to prevent double dipping. [23]
Initially, the Public Defence Service (PDS) employed a limited number of lawyers operating in courts in Auckland on a salary, instead of paying private lawyers for these cases. It began as a pilot scheme in May 2004. [24] In response to Dame Bazley's review, and in an attempt to keep the cost of legal aid under $100 million a year, then Justice Minister Simon Power announced a series of changes including an expansion of the PDS to take on 50 per cent of criminal legal aid cases.
Lawyers employed by the PDS are employed directly by the government, whereas private lawyers not employed by the PDS may still provide legal aid representation, so long as they meet the criteria described under the act. [25] PDS and private sector legal aid lawyers are still paid from the same legal aid budget. [26] However, the PDS is only available in New Zealand's busiest courts, where there are enough legal cases to justify the existence of both the PDS and the private bar. By 2012 the service had expanded to include courts in Wellington, Lower Hutt, Porirua, Hamilton, Dunedin and Tauranga. [27] The most recent PDS office to open was in Hawkes Bay in May 2012. [24]
Other changes implemented in response to the Bazley review included:
When Judith Collins became Justice Minister in 2011, she watered down some of Simon Power's proposals [28] but left the fixed fees and rotational assignments unchanged. She also indicated she was "comfortable with the amount of money being spent on Treaty (of Waitangi) claims". [29]
These legislative changes were not well received by the legal community. [30] [31] New Zealand Law Society President Jonathan Temm said legal aid was already underfunded and expanding the Public Defence Service would make the organisation even less efficient. In 2012 Justice Andrew Tipping, the country's longest-serving senior judge, said the recent cutbacks to legal aid had compromised the justice system: "The amount of money spent deciding whether legal aid should be granted by the Ministry of Justice would be better spent on legal representation." [32]
As a result of fixed fees and other measures, by 2014 the cost of legal aid had been cut by a third, dropping back to $102 million. University of Canterbury dean of law, Chris Gallavin, said the funding cuts and bureaucratic barriers meant "more lawyers were not bothering applying for legal aid, and more people were choosing to represent themselves rather than shoulder the cost of legal advice". Lawyers and academics said this was compromising New Zealander's right to a fair trial. [34]
Solicitor Louise Taylor said that some of clients said "they've phoned up to 40 practitioners and are unable to find someone". [35]
In May 2017 LAPA (Legal Aid Providers Aotearoa) was launched, [36] [37] with 136 major providers invited to a summit in Christchurch, New Zealand.
LAPA's mission statement on their website is to "improve access to justice by delivering legal aid that is both profitable and of a high quality, through efficient systems and supportive professional relationships". [38]
De minimis is a Latin expression meaning "pertaining to minimal things", normally in the terms de minimis non curat praetor or de minimis non curat lex, a legal doctrine by which a court refuses to consider trifling matters. Queen Christina of Sweden (r. 1633–1654) favoured the similar Latin adage, aquila non capitmuscās.
The Waitangi Tribunal is a New Zealand permanent commission of inquiry established under the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975. It is charged with investigating and making recommendations on claims brought by Māori relating to actions or omissions of the Crown, in the period largely since 1840, that breach the promises made in the Treaty of Waitangi. The Tribunal is not a court of law; therefore, the Tribunal's recommendations and findings are not binding on the Crown. They are sometimes not acted on, for instance in the foreshore and seabed dispute.
Dame Sian Seerpoohi Elias is a New Zealand former Government official, who served as the 12th chief justice of New Zealand, and was therefore the most senior member of the country's judiciary. She was the presiding judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand and on several occasions acted as administrator of the Government.
Legal aid is the provision of assistance to people who are unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system. Legal aid is regarded as central in providing access to justice by ensuring equality before the law, the right to counsel and the right to a fair trial. This article describes the development of legal aid and its principles, primarily as known in Europe, the Commonwealth of Nations and in the United States.
A public defender is a lawyer appointed to represent people who otherwise cannot reasonably afford to hire a lawyer to defend themselves in a trial. Several countries provide people with public defenders, including the UK, Belgium, Hungary and Singapore, and some states of Australia. Brazil is the only country in which an office of government-paid lawyers with the specific purpose of providing full legal assistance and representation to the needy free of charge is established in the constitution. The Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, requires the US government to provide legal counsel to indigent defendants in criminal cases. Public defenders in the United States are lawyers employed by or under contract with county, state or federal governments.
Christopher Francis Finlayson is a New Zealand lawyer and former Member of Parliament, representing the National Party.
A duty solicitor, duty counsel, or duty lawyer, is a solicitor whose services are available to a person either suspected of, or charged with, a criminal offence free of charge, if that person does not have access to a solicitor of their own and usually if it is judged by a means test that they cannot afford one. The system is operative in several Commonwealth countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
Moana Jackson was a New Zealand lawyer specialising in constitutional law, the Treaty of Waitangi and international indigenous issues. He was an advocate and activist for Māori rights, arguing that the New Zealand criminal justice system was discriminatory and leading work on constitutional reforms. In 1987 he co-founded Ngā Kaiwhakamarama i Ngā Ture. He also supported the rights of indigenous people internationally – for example, through leading the working group that drafted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and sitting as a judge on the International Tribunal of Indigenous Rights in the 1990s.
Andrew James Little is a New Zealand politician and former trade union official, currently serving as Minister of Defence and Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations. He is also the Minister for the Government Communications Security Bureau and the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service. Little was previously Leader of the Opposition from 2014 to 2017.
The Ministry of Justice is an executive department of the New Zealand Government, responsible for the enforcement of the law and administration of justice within New Zealand. It provides advice and support to a number of ministers, including the Minister of Justice; the Minister for Courts; the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations; the Minister Responsible for the Law Commission and the Attorney-General. Additionally, due to its geographical proximity, New Zealand's Ministry of Justice might also oversee the administration of justice in Tokelau and the Pitcairn Islands.
The law of New Zealand uses the English common law system, inherited from being a part of the British Empire.
Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) is a publicly funded and publicly accountable non-profit corporation, responsible for administering the legal aid program in the province of Ontario, Canada. Through a toll-free number and multiple in-person locations such as courthouse offices, duty counsel and community legal clinics, the organization provides more than one million assists to low-income Ontario residents each year.
Dame Margaret Clara Bazley is a New Zealand public servant. She began her career as a psychiatric nurse and rose through the ranks to senior leadership positions at psychiatric hospitals and district health boards. In 1978 she became the Director of Nursing at the Department of Health, the chief nursing position in New Zealand and at that time the most senior position in the public service held by a woman, and in 1984 became the first female State Services Commissioner. She subsequently held top positions at the Department of Transport and the Department of Social Welfare.
The New Zealand Māori Council is a body that represents and consults the Māori people of New Zealand. As one of the oldest Māori representative groups, the council exerts pressure on New Zealand governments to protect Treaty of Waitangi rights.
The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO) is a statute of the Parliament of the United Kingdom enacted by the coalition government of 2010-2015, creating reforms to the justice system. The bill for the act was introduced in the House of Commons on 21 June 2011, and received Royal Assent on 1 May 2012.
The judiciary of New Zealand is responsible for the system of courts that interprets and applies the laws of New Zealand. It has four primary functions: to provide a mechanism for dispute resolution; to deliver authoritative rulings on the meaning and application of legislation; to develop case law; and to uphold the rule of law, personal liberty and human rights. The judiciary is supported in its work by an executive department, the Ministry of Justice.
The Public Defender Service (PDS) for the District of Columbia provides legal defense to individuals on a court-appointed basis for criminal and delinquency cases indigent adult and juvenile defendants/ respondents. Its Mental Health Division provides representation to persons facing involuntary civil commitment based on allegations that the person is a danger to self or others as a result of mental illness. Its parole division represents parolees charged with violating parole and facing revocation before the United States Parole Commission. PDS also provides other legal-related services in DC.
New Zealand Maori Council v Attorney-General, also known as the "Lands" case or "SOE" case, was a seminal New Zealand legal decision marking the beginning of the common law development of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
Sir Joseph Victor Williams is a judge and the first Māori person appointed to the Supreme Court of New Zealand.
In the New Zealand judicial system a cultural report is a document supplied to the court in order to establish a cultural context for a defendant's actions and to aide in their rehabilitation. In New Zealand law, they are allowed under section 27 of the Sentencing Act 2002, and so are also called S27 reports. Although cultural reports are not required, they have become increasingly common since 2019, and are frequently submitted by defendants in order to receive lighter sentencing.