Lime (test framework)

Last updated
Original author(s) Fabien Potencier
Developer(s) Bernhard Schussek
Initial releaseJanuary 29, 2007;17 years ago (2007-01-29)
Final release
1.0.9 [1] / May 19, 2010;14 years ago (2010-05-19)
Preview release
2.0.0alpha1 / November 9, 2009;14 years ago (2009-11-09)
Written in PHP
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Test tool
License MIT License

lime is a unit testing and functional testing framework built specifically for the Symfony web application framework based on the Test::More Perl library. [2] The framework is designed to have readable output from tests, including color formatting, by following the Test Anything Protocol which also allows for easy integration with other tools. [2] lime tests are run in a sandbox environment to minimize test executions from influencing each other. [2] Though the lime testing framework is built for testing within Symfony, lime is contained within a single PHP file and has no dependency on Symfony or any other library. [1] [2]


The alpha version of lime 2.0 was announced on November 10, 2009 [3] and is compatible with Symfony 1.2 and lower. [4] Symfony 2.0 uses PHPUnit for testing instead of lime. [5]


lime unit tests use the lime_test object to make assertions. The following is a basic example lime unit test to test PHP's built-in in_array function.

include(dirname(__FILE__).'/bootstrap/unit.php');// Include lime.// Create the lime_test object for 10 number of assertions and color output.$t=newlime_test(10,newlime_output_color());// The test array.$arr=array('Hello','World',123,);// Output a comment.$t->diag('in_array()');// Test to make sure in_array returns a boolean value for both values// that are in the array and not in the array.$t->isa_ok(in_array('hey',$arr),'bool','\'in_array\' did not return a boolean value.');$t->isa_ok(in_array('Hello',$arr),'bool','\'in_array\' did not return a boolean value.');$t->isa_ok(in_array(5,$arr),'bool','\'in_array\' did not return a boolean value.');$t->isa_ok(in_array(FALSE,$arr),'bool','\'in_array\' did not return a boolean value.');// Test to make sure in_array can find values that are in the array// and doesn't find values that are not in the array.$t->ok(!in_array('hey',$arr),'\'in_array\' found a value not in the array.');$t->ok(!in_array(5,$arr),'\'in_array\' found a value not in the array.');$t->ok(!in_array(FALSE,$arr),'\'in_array\' found a value not in the array.');$t->ok(in_array('Hello',$arr),'\'in_array\' failed to find a value that was in the array.');$t->ok(in_array('World',$arr),'\'in_array\' failed to find a value that was in the array.');$t->ok(in_array(123,$arr),'\'in_array\' failed to find a value that was in the array.');

Version 2.0

The alpha version of lime 2.0 was announced on the Symfony blog on November 10, 2009. [6] The second version of lime was built to be as backward compatible with the first version as was possible - the two parts of lime 2.0 that are not compatible with lime 1.0 are the configuration of the test harness and the LimeCoverage class. [3] lime 2.0 includes support for xUnit output, source code annotations, parallel execution of tests, automatic generation of mock and stub objects, and operator overloading for data within tests. [3] Unlike the first version of lime, lime 2.0 does have some dependencies on Symfony. [5]

See also

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  1. 1 2 "/tools/lime/tags/RELEASE_1_0_9 (log)". symfony - Trac. Archived from the original on 2016-07-30.
  2. 1 2 3 4 Potencier, Fabien; Zaninotto, François. The Definitive Guide to symfony, Apress, January 26, 2007, pp. 317-344. ISBN   1-59059-786-9
  3. 1 2 3 "Lime 2 alpha released (Symfony Blog)".
  4. "Using Symfony's Lime in phpUnderControl". Archived from the original on 2018-02-05.
  5. 1 2 "Can someone post a full working example of Lime 2 annotations?". Archived from the original on 2013-04-06.
  6. SensioLabs. "(Press Release) Lime 2 alpha released" . Retrieved 2017-11-23.