Line D (Prague Metro)

Last updated
Map of metro Line D Linka D map (Praha).png
Map of metro Line D
Line D
BSicon numN015.svg
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Náměstí Míru
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Náměstí bratří Synků
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to Line C
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Nádraží Krč
Prag Esko Logo.svg
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Nemocnice Krč
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Nové Dvory
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BSicon uextACC.svg
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BSicon uexlDST.svg
Písnice depot
BSicon uextKACCe.svg
Depo Písnice

Line D (Czech : Linka D) is an under construction line of the Prague Metro, which will serve Prague 4 and Prague 12 in the south of the Czech capital. Construction began on the first part of the line in 2022.



Construction of Line D connecting Náměstí Míru with Nové Dvory area was previously intended to start in 2010. [1] An alternative was proposed in 2012, without building a transfer station at Pankrác, and instead sharing Line C between Nádraží Holešovice and Pankrác. [2] The construction of the line was approved by the city of Prague in 2013, and was initially planned to be built between 2017 and 2022. The project involves 10.6 kilometers of track with 10 stations, connecting Náměstí Míru and Depo Písnice. [3] The cost was initially estimated at least at 25 billion CZK, [3] in 2018 the cost increased to 43 billion CZK and in 2020 to 73 billion CZK. [4] In July 2015, it was decided that the line will not be needing a driver. [5]

Construction work on the Pankrác – Olbrachtova section began in 2021 and is planned to finish in 2023. [4] Opening of Pankrác – Písnice part is planned for 2031. [4] In addition to the phase from Pankrác to Písnice, second phase of Line D will also lead from Pankrác to Náměstí Míru. [6]



  1. "Prague 4 targeted for expansion". The Prague Post . 16 August 2000. Archived from the original on 6 January 2014. Retrieved 6 January 2014.
  2. "City Hall rethinks line D". The Prague Post . 20 June 2012. Archived from the original on 6 January 2014. Retrieved 6 January 2014.
  3. 1 2 "Prague plans new metro line to serve southern suburbs". Radio Prague . 9 October 2013. Retrieved 6 January 2014.
  4. 1 2 3 "Prager Metro: Bau der neuen Linie D nimmt Konturen an". Radio Prague . 15 June 2020. Retrieved 15 June 2020.
  5. "Na nové trase metra budou jezdit vlaky bez strojvůdce, rozhodli radní". (in Czech). Mafra. Czech News Agency. 21 July 2015.
  6. Pavec, Michal (13 June 2017). "Přestup na Pankráci s novou tváří. Za pár měsíců se může stanice úplně změnit". Lidové noviny (in Czech). Mafra.