Graph edge coloring with a limited number of allowed colors
This assignment of lists, each with length k = 3, makes it so that no matter which colors are chosen from each list for the edge's color, the graph cannot be properly colored. The graph is therefore not3-edge-choosable, and has a list chromatic index of at least 4 (in this case, it is 4).
Unsolved problem in mathematics:
For every graph, is the list chromatic index equal to the chromatic index?
In graph theory, list edge-coloring is a type of graph coloring that combines list coloring and edge coloring. An instance of a list edge-coloring problem consists of a graph together with a list of allowed colors for each edge. A list edge-coloring is a choice of a color for each edge, from its list of allowed colors; a coloring is proper if no two adjacent edges receive the same color.
A graph G is k-edge-choosable if every instance of list edge-coloring that has G as its underlying graph and that provides at least k allowed colors for each edge of G has a proper coloring. In other words, when the list for each edge has length k, no matter which colors are put in each list, a color can be selected from each list so that G is properly colored. The edge choosability, or list edge colorability, list edge chromatic number, or list chromatic index, ch'(G) of graph G is the least number k such that G is k-edge-choosable. It is conjectured that it always equals the chromatic index.
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