List of Asian American fraternities and sororities

Last updated

Asian American interest in Greek-lettered organizations began in the early 20th century. After World War II, there was a surge in participation to join these organizations, as college campuses were seeing a rise in multiculturalism. [1] Rho Psi was the first Asian American interest Greek-lettered organization. It was created on the campus of Cornell University in 1916. Since then, there has been growth in these Asian American interest Greek lettered organizations across North America. There are over sixty Asian American interest Greek-lettered organizations, many of which are overseen by the National APIDA Panhellenic Association (NAPA).



Inactive organizations are in italics.

OrganizationSymbolsCharter date and rangeFounding locationEmphasisAffiliationActive


Alpha Iota Omicron ΑΙΟOctober 16, 1998 University of Michigan South Asians Independent1Active [2] [3] [4]
Alpha Kappa OmegaΑΚΩMarch 31, 1997 California State University, East Bay Asian Americans Independent1Active [5]
Alpha Psi Rho ΑΨΡMarch 1, 2000 San Diego State University Pacific Islanders Independent4Active
Alpha Sigma LambdaΑΣΛOctober 15, 1993 – October 2011 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Asian Americans Independent0Inactive [6] [a]
Beta Chi Theta ΒΧΘJune 2, 1999 University of California, Los Angeles South Asians NIC, NAPA (former)20Active [7]
Beta Kappa GammaΒΚΓMay 6, 1999 – after 2015 University of Texas at Austin South Asians Independent0Inactive [8] [9]
Beta Pi PhiΒΠΦDecember 5, 2005 – 2018 Temple University Asian Americans Independent0Inactive [10]
Beta Tau OmegaΒΤΩAugust 28, 1995 Texas A&M University Asian Americans Independent1Active [11] [12]
Beta Upsilon DeltaΒΥΔAugust 21, 1998 University of California, Riverside Multicultural Independent1Active [13] [14]
Chi Psi BetaΧΨΒNovember 18, 1998 Texas A&M University South Asians Independent1Active [15] [16]
Chi Rho Omicron ΧΡΟFebruary 16, 1995 California State University, Fresno Filipinos Independent10Active
Chi Sigma Tau ΧΣΤSeptember 9, 1999 University of Illinois at Chicago Asian interest NAPA 10Active [1] [17]
Delta Chi PsiΔΧΨDecember 18, 2004 Temple University Asian Americans Independent1Active [18] [19] [b]
Delta Epsilon Psi ΔΕΨOctober 1, 1998 University of Texas at Austin South Asians NAPA, NIC (former)16Active [1]
Delta Sigma Iota ΔΣΙAugust 15, 2000 Pennsylvania State University, University Park Campus South Asians NAPA 8Active [1]
Eta Mu ThetaΗΜΘFebruary 25, 2015 California State University, Chico Hmong Independent1Active [20]
Gamma Beta ΓΒMay 1, 2000 University of Texas at Austin Asian Americans Independent6Active [21] [22] [23]
Gamma Epsilon OmegaΓΕΩ1963 University of Southern California Asian interestIndependent1Active [24] [25] [26]
Iota Nu Delta ΙΝΔFebruary 7, 1994 Binghamton University South Asians NAPA, NIC10Active [1] [27]
Kappa Pi Beta ΚΠΒMarch 16, 2000 Northern Illinois University Asian Americans NAPA 4Active [1] [28] [29]
Lambda Alpha PhiΛΑΦJanuary 1, 1997 Indiana University Bloomington Asian Americans Independent1Active [30]
Lambda Phi Epsilon ΛΦΕFebruary 25, 1981 University of California, Los Angeles Asian Americans NAPA. NIC (former)68Active [1]
Lambda Psi RhoΛΨΡFebruary 11, 2006 University of Nevada, Reno Asian interestIndependent1Active [31] [32]
Lambda Theta DeltaΛΘΔMarch 2, 1983 University of California, Irvine Asian Americans Independent1Active [33] [34] [35]
Nu Alpha Phi ΝΑΦMarch 18, 1994 State University of New York at Albany Asian Americans Independent9Active [36] [37] [38]
Omega Phi Gamma ΩΦΓMay 21, 1995 University of Texas at Austin Asian Americans Independent8Active
Omega Sigma Tau ΩΣΤMarch 9, 1996 University of California, Los Angeles Asian interestIndependent1Active [39] [40]
Omega Xi DeltaΩΞΔ1994 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Asian Americans Independent1Active [41]
Phi Delta SigmaΦΔΣAugust 7, 2007 University of Maryland, College Park Asian Americans Independent1Active [42]
Pi Alpha Phi ΠΑΦFebruary 1, 1929 – August 1, 2023 University of California, Berkeley Asian Americans NAPA (former)0Inactive [7] [c]
Pi Delta Psi ΠΔΨFebruary 20, 1994 Binghamton University Asian Americans NAPA 18Active [1]
Psi Chi Omega ΨΧΩJanuary 24, 1992 University of California, San Diego Asian Americans Independent4Active [43]
Rho Psi ΡΨ1916 Cornell University Chinese Independent2Active
Sigma Beta Rho ΣΒΡAugust 16, 1996 University of Pennsylvania Multicultural NAPA, NIC 23Active [1] [d]
Tau Kappa OmegaΤΚΩMarch 9, 2002 University of Oklahoma Asian Americans Independent1Active [44] [45]
Theta Delta BetaΘΔΒMay 25, 1990 – 20xx ? University of California, Irvine Filipinos Independent0Inactive [46] [47] [e]
Theta Lambda BetaΘΛΒSeptember 20, 2010 University of Illinois, Chicago Asian Americans Independent1Active [48] [49] [50]
Xi Kappa ΞΚFebruary 28, 1998 University of Georgia Asian interestIndependent3Active [51]
Zeta Epsilon TauΖΕΤ1971 University of Southern California Asian Americans Independent0Inactive [52] [53] [54] [f] [g]
Zeta Phi Rho ΖΦΡAugust 20, 1995 California State University, Long Beach Multicultural and Asian interestIndependent7Active


Inactive organizations are in italics.

OrganizationSymbolsCharter date and rangeFounding locationEmphasisAffiliationActive chaptersStatusReference
Alpha Delta KappaΑΔΚ1977 University of Southern California Asian Americans Independent1Active [55] [26]
alpha Kappa Delta Phi αΚΔΦFebruary 7, 1990 University of California, Berkeley Asian Americans NAPA 27Active [1]
Alpha Kappa OmicronΑΚΟDecember 3, 1997 San Francisco State University Filipino Americans Independent3Active [56]
Alpha Phi Gamma ΑΦΓFebruary 1, 1994 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Asian Americans NAPA 14Active [1]
Alpha Sigma Rho ΑΣΡApril 2, 1998 University of Georgia Asian American service NAPA 12Active [1]
Chi Alpha Delta ΧΑΔApril 5, 1929 University of California, Los Angeles Asian Americans Independent1Active
Chi Delta SigmaΧΔΣFebruary 8, 2007 Washington State University Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Independent2Active [57]
Chi Delta Theta ΧΔΘOctober 13, 1989 University of California, Santa Barbara Asian Americans Independent7Active [41]
Chi Sigma AlphaΧΣΑSeptember 2, 2002 University of Washington, Seattle Asian Americans Independent2Active [58]
Delta Chi Lambda ΔΧΛOctober 12, 2000 University of Arizona Asian and Pacific IslanderIndependent3Active [59] [60]
Delta Kappa Delta ΔΚΔOctober 1, 1999 Texas A&M University South Asians NAPA 12Active [1]
Delta Lambda Chi ΔΛΧFebruary 9, 2002 University of California, Irvine Asian interestIndependent2Active [61] [62]
Delta Phi GammaΔΦΓApril 1, 1998 – June 2023University of California, IrvineAsian interestIndependent0Inactive [63] [64] [h]
Delta Phi KappaΔΦΚMay 6, 1960 University of Southern California Asian Americans Independent1Active [65] [66] [26]
Delta Phi Lambda ΔΦΛDecember 5, 1998 University of Georgia Southeast Asians NAPA 26Active [1]
Delta Phi Omega ΔΦΩDecember 6, 1998 University of Houston South Asians NAPA 25Active [1]
Delta Theta PsiΔΘΨJanuary 14, 2002 University of Michigan South Asians Independent0Inactive
Kappa Gamma DeltaΚΓΔApril 17, 1997 Indiana University Bloomington Asian Americans Independent1Active [67]
Kappa Lambda DeltaΚΛΔSeptember 19, 2005 Texas Christian University Asian interestIndependent1Active [68] [69]
Kappa Psi EpsilonΚΨΕMarch 28, 1996 California State University, Long Beach Filipinos Independent5Active [70] [71]
Kappa Phi Gamma ΚΦΓNovember 8, 1998 University of Texas at Austin South Asians NAPA 10Active [1] [72]
Kappa Phi Lambda ΚΦΛMarch 9, 1995 Binghamton University Asian interest NAPA 25Active [1]
Kappa Zeta Phi ΚΖΦDecember 1960 California State University, Los Angeles Asian Americans Independent3Active
Lambda Delta Psi ΛΔΨMay 1, 2009 University of Oklahoma Asian interestIndependent5Active [73] [74] [75]
Phi Delta AlphaΦΔΑApril 2, 2002 University of Oklahoma Asian interestIndependent2Active [76] [77]
Phi Zeta Tau ΦΖΤFebruary 10, 1983 University of California, Irvine Asian interestIndependent1Active [78]
Rho Delta Chi ΡΔΧJanuary 17, 1991 University of California, Riverside Asian Americans Independent5Active
Sigma Omicron Pi ΣΟΠ1930 San Francisco State University Asian Americans NAPA (former)12Active [7]
Sigma Phi Omega ΣΦΩ1949 University of Southern California Asian Americans Interactive9Active [26]
Sigma Psi Zeta ΣΨΖMarch 23, 1994 University at Albany Asian Americans NAPA 20Active [1]
Sigma Sigma Rho ΣΣΡDecember 10, 1998 St. John’s University South Asians NAPA 28Active [1] [79]
Theta Kappa Phi ΘΚΦJune 4, 1959 University of California, Los Angeles Asian interestIndependent1Active [80] [81]

See also


  1. Its one chapter was suspended through the spring of 2014 for hazing. It had a history of hazing dating back to 2006.
  2. The fraternity formed from Temple Asian Brothers United (TABU), established in 2002.
  3. The fraternity had chartered 28 chapters but decided to close all chapters during the COVID pandemic.
  4. Sigma Beta Rho started as a South Asian interest group but became a multicultural fraternity.
  5. Had 3 chapters, but all seem to be inactive as of 2024. The university suspended the USCF chapter.
  6. Fraternity was founded at the University of Southern California and later moved to California State University, Long Beach.
  7. Fraternity was suspended by the university.
  8. The university suspended the sorority through June 2026 for alcohol violations and hazing.

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While the traditional social fraternity is a well-established mainstay across the United States at institutions of higher learning, alternatives – in the form of social fraternities that require doctrinal and behavioral conformity to the Christian faith – developed in the early 20th century. They continue to grow in size and popularity.

Cultural interest fraternities and sororities, in the North American student fraternity and sorority system, refer to general, social organizations oriented to students having a special interest in a culture or cultural identity.

The expansion of Greek letter organizations into Canada was an important stage of the North American fraternity movement, beginning in 1879 with the establishment of a chapter of Zeta Psi at the University of Toronto. In 1883, the same fraternity established a chapter at McGill University. Other early foundations were Kappa Alpha Society at Toronto in 1892 and at McGill in 1899, and Alpha Delta Phi at Toronto in 1893 and at McGill in 1897. The first sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, was established in Toronto in 1887. In 1902, the first international chapter of Phi Delta Theta was established at McGill University as the Quebec Alpha.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Washington & Jefferson College fraternities and sororities</span>

Washington & Jefferson College is host to 8 Greek organizations and a significant percentage of the undergraduate student body is active in Greek life. With 43% of women and 40% of men of the student body participating in "greek life," fraternities and sororities play a significant role in student life at W&J. The Princeton Review named Washington & Jefferson College 12th on their 2010 list of "Major Frat and Sorority Scene" in the United States. As of 2024, the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life recognized 4 fraternities, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Tau Delta, and Phi Kappa Psi, and 4 sororities, Delta Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Pi Beta Phi. The fraternities are governed by a local Interfraternal Council and the sororities are governed by a local Panhellenic Council, while the Greek Judiciary manages broad policy violations at the chapter-level. All Greek organizations occupy College-owned houses on Chestnut Street on campus. All members of fraternities and sororities must pay the $100 "Greek Membership Fee," a levy designed to fund leadership seminars and other educational events for Greeks.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Theta Sigma Upsilon</span> Defunct American collegiate sorority

Theta Sigma Upsilon (ΘΣΥ) was an American sorority founded on March 25, 1921 at Emporia State University. It chartered 23 chapters in the United States. The sorority merged with Alpha Gamma Delta on June 29, 1959.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">National APIDA Panhellenic Association</span> Greek letter umbrella organization

The National APIDA Panhellenic Association (NAPA) is an umbrella council for twenty Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi American fraternities and sororities in universities in the United States.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 "About". National APIDA Panhellenic Association. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  2. "History". Alpha Iota Omicron. Retrieved 2024-10-08.
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  7. 1 2 3 "About (former)". National APIDA Panhellenic Association. Retrieved 2024-10-08.
  8. "Map of Sorority and Fraternity Houses" (PDF). University of Texas at Austin. Retrieved October 8, 2024.
  9. "Office of the Dean of Students - Sorority and Fraternity Life - Sorority and Fraternity Chapters". University of Texas at Austin. Retrieved 2024-10-08.
  10. Greta Anderson (2018-11-27). "Temple's AEPi chapter removed from campus - The Temple News". Retrieved 2023-02-04.
  11. "Beta Tau Omega | Multicultural Greek Council". Texas A&M University. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
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  13. "Beta Upsilon Delta". Beta Upsilon Delta. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  14. "History". Beta Upsilon Delta. Retrieved 2024-10-09.
  15. "Chi Psi Beta". Multicultural Greek Council at Texas A&M University. Retrieved 2024-10-09.
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  17. "About". Chi Sigma Tau. 2024-01-11. Retrieved 2024-10-09.
  18. "Delta Chi Psi Fraternity, Incorporated | Owl Connect". Temple University. Retrieved 2024-10-09.
  19. "About Us". Delta Chi Psi. Retrieved 2024-10-06.
  20. "Eta Mu Theta Hmong Multicultural Fraternity – Fraternity and Sorority Affairs". California State University, Chico. Retrieved 2024-10-08.
  21. "Home". Texas Gamma Beta – Alpha Chapter. Retrieved 2024-10-09.
  22. "Gamma Beta | Sorority and Fraternity Life". University of Texas at Austin. Retrieved 2024-10-09.
  23. "Gamma Beta Fraternity, Inc". University of Houston. Retrieved 2024-10-09.
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  25. "Gamma Epsilon Omega". Gamma Epsilon Omega. Retrieved 2024-10-07.
  26. 1 2 3 4 "Chapters". USC Asian greek council. 2016-05-25. Retrieved 2024-10-09.
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  32. "Fraternities | Fraternity and Sorority Life". University of Nevada, Reno. Retrieved 2024-10-09.
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  37. "History". Nu Alpha Phi Fraternity Inc. Retrieved 2024-10-09.
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