List of Asilidae species: S

Last updated

This article lists described species of the family Asilidae start with letter S. [1]


Female Stenopogon martini feeding on a honeybee 1500stenopogon martini DSC0957 DxO.jpg
Female Stenopogon martini feeding on a honeybee

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List of species

Genus Saropogon

Genus Satanas

Genus Schildia

Genus Scleropogon

Genus Scylaticina

Genus Scylaticodes

Genus Scylaticus

Genus Scytomedes

Genus Senobasis

Genus Senoprosopis

Genus Sinopsilonyx

Genus Sintoria

Genus Sisyrnodytes

Genus Smeryngolaphria

Genus Sphagomyia

Genus Stackelberginia

Genus Stenasilus

Genus Stenommatius

Genus Stenopogon

Genus Stichopogon

Genus Stilpnogaster

Genus Stiphrolamyra

Genus Stizochymus

Genus Stizolestes

Genus Storthyngomerus

Genus Strombocodia

Genus Strophipogon

Genus Synolcus

Genus Systellogaster

Genus Systropalpus

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  1. "Database Asilidae: Catalog of species".