List of Chapo Trap House episodes

Last updated

The logo used by Chapo Trap House is an embroidered patch of the Drug Enforcement Administration's Cocaine Intelligence Unit DEA Patch - Cocaine Intelligence Unit.png
The logo used by Chapo Trap House is an embroidered patch of the Drug Enforcement Administration's Cocaine Intelligence Unit

Chapo Trap House is an American politics and humor podcast hosted by Will Menaker, Matt Christman, Felix Biederman, and Amber A'Lee Frost, and is produced by Chris Wade. The podcast became known for its irreverent leftist commentary in the run-up to the 2016 US presidential election. [1] [2]


The first episode of Chapo Trap House was released on March 13, 2016. As of February 17,2025, 1016 episodes have been released. The podcast is updated several times weekly.




Given No. [a] TitleGuestsOriginal release dateNotes
552486"Eel Dealings"January 5, 2021 (2021-1-5) [3]
553487"Capitol Building Autonomous Zone"Will SommerJanuary 8, 2021 (2021-1-8) [4] Premium; Sommer's 6th episode
554488"PermabannedPresident45"January 11, 2021 (2021-1-11) [5]
555489"I Heard You Paint Bathrooms"January 14, 2021 (2021-1-14) [6] Premium
556490"Meet Me in NEOM"Séamus MalekafzaliJanuary 18, 2021 (2021-1-18) [7] Malekafzali's 2nd episode
557"BONUS: Will Goes to the Mayor" David Osit January 20, 2021 (2021-1-20) [8]
558491"Come On Man"January 21, 2021 (2021-1-21) [9] Premium
559492"Marshmallow Fluff"January 25, 2021 (2021-1-25) [10]
560493"Movies for the Blind"Jesse HawkenJanuary 28, 2021 (2021-1-28) [11] Premium
561494"The Lincoln Grooming Project"Max Palma, Ben Mora, and Mike RecineFebruary 1, 2021 (2021-2-1) [12] Palma's 3rd episode, Mora's 3rd episode, Recine's 3rd episode
562495"Young Shooters"Podcast About ListFebruary 4, 2021 (2021-2-4) [13] Premium; review of the film Run Hide Fight
563496"Wassup"February 8, 2021 (2021-2-8) [14]
564497"Poppy, Part 2"February 11, 2021 (2021-2-11) [15] Premium; a history episode, the second part of a biography of George H. W. Bush
565498"Child FACTS Credit"Matt and Liz BruenigFebruary 15, 2021 (2021-2-15) [16] Matt Bruenig's 4th episode, Liz Bruenig's 3rd episode
566499"So Icey"Libby WatsonFebruary 18, 2021 (2021-2-18) [17] Premium; Watson's 8th episode
567500"The Friends We Made Along The Way"James Adomian (as Mike Lindell), Josh Androsky,Trevor Beaulieu, Brace Belden, Daniel Bessner, Matt V. Brady, Alex Branson, Derek Davison, Liz Franczak, Tim Heidecker, Andrew Hudson, Don Hughes, Brendan James, Max Palma, Brett Payne, Brian Quinby, Brandon Wardell, Jack Wagner, QAnon Anonymous, the Trillbillies, @dril and Derek Estevez-Olsen from Truthpoint, and Aaron, Tom, Chet, and Michael from Chapo FYMFebruary 22, 2021 (2021-2-22) [18] 500th episode special; Adomian's 23rd episode, Androsky's 3rd episode, Beaulieu's 6th episode, Belden's 8th episode, Branson's 2nd episode, Brady's 8th episode, Davison's 16th episode, Franczak's 4th episode, Heidecker's 6th episode, Hughes' 6th episode, James' 18th episode, Palma's 4th episode, Payne's 4th episode, Quinby's 8th episode, Wardell's 3rd episode, Wagner's 4th episode, the Trillbillies' 2nd episode, Aaron from Chapo FYM's 2nd episode, Tom from Chapo FYM's 2nd episode
568501"Sundown Empire"Derek Davison and Daniel BessnerFebruary 25, 2021 (2021-2-25) [19] Premium; Davison's 17th episode, Bessner's 4th episode
569502"Units of One"Adam CurtisMarch 1, 2021 (2021-3-1) [20] Curtis' 2nd episode
570"Bonus: PMC Shopping"Catherine LiuMarch 3, 2021 (2021-3-3) [21]
571503"The Charliamentarian"Steven DonzigerMarch 4, 2021 (2021-3-4) [22] Premium; Donziger's 2nd episode; interview portion unlocked 3/8/21
572504"Me Me Madness"March 8, 2021 (2021-3-8) [23] Review of the film Me You Madness
573505"Gooner Rushmore"Adam FriedlandMarch 11, 2021 (2021-3-11) [24] Premium; Friedland's 9th episode
574506"John Smick"March 15, 2021 (2021-3-15) [25] Review of the film Stars and Strife
575507"Marvel's The Irish-Men"March 18, 2021 (2021-3-18) [26] Premium
576508"Questions for the Boys"Katherine KruegerMarch 23, 2021 (2021-3-23) [27] Krueger's 7th episode
577509"Your Arms Too Short to MotherBox with God"March 25, 2021 (2021-3-25) [28] Premium
578510"Stuck in the Middle With You"March 29, 2021 (2021-3-29) [29]
579"Bonus: Will Discusses Biden's Immigration Plan with Karina Moreno"Karina MorenoMarch 31, 2021 (2021-3-31) [30] Bonus Episode; Moreno's 3rd episode
580511"In This Chapo Trap House, We Believe..."Thomas FrankApril 1, 2021 (2021-4-1) [31] Premium
581512"Through the Dark Gaet" Ken Klippenstein April 5, 2021 (2021-4-5) [32]
582"Bonus: Will Talks Idaho Medicaid Expansion Documentary"Jim Kamoosi and Laura KamoosiApril 8, 2021 (2021-4-8) [33]
583513"The Inebriated Past, Part 9: Beast Mode"April 8, 2021 (2021-4-8)Premium
584514"Cocaine Nights"Adam McKayApril 13, 2021 (2021-4-13) [34] McKay's 2nd episode
585515"The Silent Screen"April 15, 2021 (2021-4-15)Premium; review of the film Roe v. Wade (film)
586516"Time Cuba"Brendan James and Noah KulwinApril 20, 2021 (2021-4-20) [35] James' 19th episode, Kulwin's 4th episode
587517"A Million Beautiful Little Things"Jacob BacharachApril 22, 2021 (2021-4-22)Premium; Bacharach's 4th episode
588518"Gangs of Los Angeles" Cerise Castle April 26, 2021 (2021-4-26)
589519"The Leper Colony"Alex NicholsApril 30, 2021 (2021-4-30)Premium; Nichols' 7th episode
590520"We Went To A Zoo"Zack KopplinMay 4, 2021 (2021-5-4)
591521"A Good Man Is Hard To Find"Dan BoecknerMay 6, 2021 (2021-5-6)Premium; Boeckner's 2nd episode
592522"American Junkie"May 11, 2021 (2021-5-11)
593523"A Time To Kill"Steven DonzigerMay 13, 2021 (2021-5-13)Premium; Donziger's 3rd episode
594"BONUS: Steven Donziger’s Case Goes To Trial"Steven DonzigerMay 14, 2021 (2021-5-14)Excerpt from episode 523, published separately as bonus episode
595524"Kush Aliens are Invading Earth"May 17, 2021 (2021-5-17)
596"BONUS: Focus on Palestine"Mohammad AlsaafinMay 13, 2021 (2021-5-13)
597525"Secret Wars"May 20, 2021 (2021-5-20)Premium
598526"Free Parking"Brace Belden and Liz FranczakMay 25, 2021 (2021-5-25)Belden's 9th episode, Franczak's 5th episode
599527"Can I Borrow a Feeling?" Sarah Squirm May 28, 2021 (2021-5-28)Premium; Review of the film Equilibrium (film)
600528"Pacific Nights"May 31, 2021 (2021-5-31)
601529"Friendscape Navigator"June 4, 2021 (2021-6-4)Premium
602530"Auspicious Dragons"June 7, 2021 (2021-6-7)
603531"Festival Internationale"Palma, Ben Mora, JacquesJune 10, 2021 (2021-6-10)Premium; Palma's 5th episode, Mora's 4th episode
604532"The Power of the Dog"June 15, 2021 (2021-6-15)
605533"CBT War"Matt KarpJune 17, 2021 (2021-6-17)Premium; Karp's 4th episode
606534"Cranks For Thee"June 21, 2021 (2021-6-21)
607535"Small Worthless Pockets"June 24, 2021 (2021-6-24)Premium
608536"In The Bunker"June 28, 2021 (2021-6-28)
609537"Live and Let Pie"Tom ScharplingJuly 1, 2021 (2021-7-1)Premium
610538"100% Gordon"July 5, 2021 (2021-7-5)
611539"Rap Genious" Gangsta Boo July 9, 2021 (2021-7-9)Premium
612540"It's Coming Rome"Patrick WymanJuly 12, 2021 (2021-7-12)Wyman's 2nd Episode
613541"Bay of Pitbulls"Brendan James and Noah KulwinJuly 15, 2021 (2021-7-15)Premium; James' 20th episode, Kulwin's 5th episode
614542"The Oopsie Report"Derek Davison and Daniel BessnerJuly 19, 2021 (2021-7-19)Davison's 18th episode, Bessner's 5th episode
615543"Cuck Rifle Coffee"July 22, 2021 (2021-7-22)Premium
616544"Hit Me With Your Best Shot"July 26, 2021 (2021-7-26)
617545"We Feel Like Shit"Bryan QuinbyJuly 29, 2021 (2021-7-29)Premium; Quinby's 9th episode; review of the documentary Woodstock 99: Peace, Love, and Rage
618546"MyPillow Guy, MyPillow Guy and Me"August 2, 2021 (2021-8-2)
619547"Dracula Party"David DayenAugust 5, 2021 (2021-8-5)Premium
620548"Just Kids from New York"August 9, 2021 (2021-8-9)
621549"Naval Chapo Investigative Service"August 12, 2021 (2021-8-12)Premium
622550"Sweet L of Liberty"August 16, 2021 (2021-8-16)
623551"Now Who Wants Ice Cream?"August 21, 2021 (2021-8-21)Premium
624552"The Nephew Gap"August 23, 2021 (2021-8-23)
625553"#JackAnon"August 27, 2021 (2021-8-27)Premium
626554"Junkyard of Empires"August 31, 2021 (2021-8-31)
627555"Bad Land"Jeff SteinSeptember 2, 2021 (2021-9-2)Premium
628556"Sperm Jack City"Dan BoecknerSeptember 6, 2021 (2021-9-6)Boeckner's 3rd episode
629557"The Inebriated Past 10: Mormons, pt. 1"September 9, 2021 (2021-9-9)Premium
630558"9/11 Era, Pt. 1: The Pussification of the Western Male"September 14, 2021 (2021-9-14)
631559"9/11 Era, Pt. 2: You Can Not Yell At Me If I Am Crying"September 16, 2021 (2021-9-16)Premium
632560"Future Histories"Kim Stanley RobinsonSeptember 14, 2021 (2021-9-14)Robinson's 2nd episode
633"Bonus: Interview with India Walton, Candidate for Mayor of Buffalo" India Walton September 22, 2021 (2021-9-22)
634561"This Podcast is Fuckin’ Golden" Rod Blagojevich September 23, 2021 (2021-9-23)Premium
635562"Goodbye Horses"September 28, 2021 (2021-9-28)
636"BONUS: Steven Donziger to be Sentenced"Steven DonzigerSeptember 30, 2021 (2021-9-30)Donziger's 4th episode
637563"Cry Chapo"September 30, 2021 (2021-9-30)Premium; Review of the film Cry Macho
638564"On Sinema, At The Sinema" Kristinn Hrafnsson October 4, 2021 (2021-10-4)
639565"The Many Saints of Chapo: A Chapo Trap House Episode"Pod Yourself a GunOctober 8, 2021 (2021-10-8)Premium; Review of the film The Many Saints of Newark
640566"Dopeness Report"October 12, 2021 (2021-10-12)
641567"Friend or Fode"October 14, 2021 (2021-10-14)Premium
642"Bonus: Teamsters Deliver The Goods 2"Matt MainiOctober 15, 2021 (2021-10-15)Maini's 2nd episode
643568"Root Cause"October 18, 2021 (2021-10-18)
644569"Consent Factory Simulator"Trevor StrunkOctober 21, 2021 (2021-10-21)Premium
645570"Deere John Letter"Jonah FurmanOctober 25, 2021 (2021-10-25)
646571"Welcome to the MentalVerse"October 28, 2021 (2021-10-28)Premium
647572"The McGloughstein Group"Daniel BessnerNovember 1, 2021 (2021-11-1)Bessner's 6th episode
648573"Mung & Tung"November 4, 2021 (2021-11-4)Premium
649574"Bovine University"November 8, 2021 (2021-11-8)
650575"Eternal Affairs"November 11, 2021 (2021-11-11)Premium; Review of the film Eternals
651576"The Wonder Twins"November 15, 2021 (2021-11-15)
652577"The Queen is Dead"November 18, 2021 (2021-11-18)Premium
653578"Assassination Day" Oliver Stone and Aaron GoodNovember 22, 2021 (2021-11-22)
654579"Friendsgiving Hits Different!"Hugo Soto-MartinezNovember 25, 2021 (2021-11-25)Premium
655580"The Prisoner"November 29, 2021 (2021-11-29)
656581"Brother’s Creeper"Mike RecineDecember 2, 2021 (2021-12-2)Premium; Recine's 4th episode
657582"Heaven: Out of Order"Slavoj ŽižekDecember 6, 2021 (2021-12-6)Žižek's 3rd episode
658"Bonus: G Max Update"Brace Belden and Liz FranczakDecember 7, 2021 (2021-12-7)Belden's 10th episode, Franczak's 6th episode
659583"Hotel Room Shark Tank"December 10, 2021 (2021-12-10)Premium
660584"Let’s Fuck Brandon"December 14, 2021 (2021-12-14)
661585"Live from Brooklyn: The Daughters' Meatballs"December 17, 2021 (2021-12-17)Premium; Live show from Brooklyn, New York
662586"Christmas in Heaven"Daniel BessnerDecember 20, 2021 (2021-12-20)Bessner's 7th episode
663587"Hindsight 20/21"December 23, 2021 (2021-12-23)Premium
664588"Kill Bill"Stavros HalkiasDecember 28, 2021 (2021-12-28)Halkias's 7th episode
665589"Rise of the Unblooded: Curse of the Mad King Job, Part 1"DM Patches, Jack Walden, James Adomian (various roles)December 30, 2021 (2021-12-30)Premium; Adomian's 24th episode
666"BONUS: Amber Interview Paul Prescod, Candidate for PA Senate"Paul PrescodDecember 31, 2021 (2021-12-31)


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Chapo Trap House episodes are given an official number, including ".5" numbering used for early premium episodes and unnumbered "bonus" episodes. The "given number" column shows the episode numbers designated in the show title, while the "number overall" column reflects the total number of all episodes.


  1. Tolentino, Jia (November 18, 2016). "What Will Become of the Dirtbag Left?". The New Yorker. ISSN   0028-792X . Retrieved July 13, 2024.
  2. "Aaron Rodgers stops by You Made It Weird to talk about UFO sightings". The A.V. Club. March 28, 2016. Retrieved July 13, 2024.
  3. "485 – Eel Dealings (1/5/21)".
  4. "486 – Capitol Building Autonomous Zone (1/8/21)".
  5. "488 – PermabannedPresident45 (1/11/21)".
  6. "489 – I Heard You Paint Bathrooms (1/14/21)". Patreon.
  7. "490 – Meet Me in NEOM feat. Séamus Malekafzali (1/18/21)".
  8. "BONUS: Will Goes to the Mayor feat. David Osit (1/20/21)".
  9. "491 - Come On Man (1/21/21)". Patreon.
  10. "492 - Marshmallow Fluff (1/25/21)".
  11. "493 - Movies for the Blind feat. Jesse Hawken (1/28/21)". Patreon.
  12. "494 - The Lincoln Grooming Project feat. Seeking Derangements & Mike Recine (2/1/21)".
  13. "495 - Young Shooters feat. Pod About List (2/4/21)". Patreon.
  14. "496 - Wassup (2/8/21)".
  15. "497 - Poppy, Part 2 (2/11/21)". Patreon.
  16. "498 - Child FACTS Credit feat. The Bruenigs (2/15/21)".
  17. "499 - So Icey feat. Libby Watson (2/18/21)". Patreon.
  18. "500 - The Friends We Made Along The Way (2/22/21)".
  19. "501 - Sundown Empire feat. Derek Davison & Daniel Bessner (2/25/21)". Patreon.
  20. "502 - Units of One feat. Adam Curtis (3/1/21)".
  21. "Bonus: PMC Shopping feat. Catherine Liu". Spotify .
  22. "503 - The Charliamentarian feat. Steven Donziger (3/4/21)".
  23. "504 - Me Me Madness (3/8/21)". Spotify .
  24. "505 - Gooner Rushmore feat. Adam Friedland (3/11/21)".
  25. "506 - John Smick (3/15/21)".
  26. "507 - Marvel's The Irish-Men (3/18/21)".
  27. "508 - Questions for Boys feat. Katherine Krueger (3/23/21)".
  28. "509 - Your Arms Too Short to MotherBox with God (3/25/21)".
  29. "510 - Stuck in the Middle With You (3/29/21)".
  30. "Bonus: Will Discusses Biden's Immigration Plan with Karina Moreno".
  31. "511 - In This Chapo Trap House, We Believe… feat. Thomas Frank (4/1/21)".
  32. "512 - Through the Dark Gaet feat. Ken Klippenstein (4/1/21)".
  33. "Bonus: Will Talks Idaho Medicaid Expansion Documentary feat. Jim and Laura Kamoosi (4/1/21)".
  34. "Cocaine Nights feat. Adam McKay (4/13/21)".
  35. "Time Cuba feat. Brendan James & Noah Kulwin (4/20/21)".
  36. "Bonus: L.A. Teachers' Strike".
  37. "Reason Why The Show Is Late".
  38. "769 - Band of Brothers".
  39. "771 - The Crossing".
  40. "773 - Israeli Self Helm Force".
  41. "775 - The Wrestler".
  42. "777 - Burn Book".
  43. "779 - The Rude Dozen".
  44. "781 - Goon Dad".
  45. "783 - Dream Hoarders, LLC".
  46. "783 - Spanish Civil War, part 1: Pronunciamento y Pistolerismo".
  47. "785 - Tank Girls".
  48. "787 - Octagonal Relations".
  49. "788 - The AMIA Mystery".
  50. "790 - Advice for Dark Psychologies".
  51. "792 - Today in Gay".
  52. "794 - Gooneiform".
  53. "796 - Tunnel Kings".
  54. "798 - Iowa Carcass".
  55. "800 - Puzzle Palace".
  56. "802 - Adult High School".
  57. "804 - All My Neighbors Cousins".
  58. "805 - My First Genocide".
  59. "806 - Hero of Wives".
  60. "808 - Pussy in Bardo".
  61. "810 The Forbidden Zone".
  62. "BONUS: The Octopus Murders".
  63. "812 - Sweeney Odd".
  64. "BONUS: The Uncommitted Movement".
  65. "Movie Mindset Oscar Preview '24".
  66. "814 - A Pond Too Far".
  67. "816 - Steampie".
  68. "818 - Dr. Brain & the Women".
  69. "820 - The Neese".
  70. "822 - Curb Your Shogunate".
  71. "824 - To Look and To Watch".
  72. "826 - University Challenge".
  73. "828 - 59'33"".
  74. "Movie Mindset Bonus: Interview With Director Radu Jude".
  75. "830 - Vat Grown Oaf".
  76. "Bonus: UCLA Encampment Update".
  77. "MM19: Hawks Screwballs feat. Theda Hammel & John Early".
  78. "Bonus: Inside Higher Ed".
  79. "832 - Real World Blues".
  80. "MM20: 90's Neo-Noirs feat. Hit Factory Podcast".
  81. "834 - Weakness Will Get You Nowhere".
  82. "836 - Pier One Imports".
  83. "837 - Flag Hags".
  84. "838 - Enemies of the Group Chat".
  85. "839 - King of the Swill".
  86. "840 - Tom of Finlandization".
  87. "Bonus: Ren Faire feat. Lance Oppenheim".
  88. "841 - Fr*ciaggine Follies".
  89. "842 - Fleet Week".
  90. "843 - Such Sights to Show-Me".
  91. "844 - Journey to the End of the Night".
  92. "844 - Journey to the End of the Night".
  93. "845 - We Need The Machines".
  94. "845 - We Need The Machines".
  95. "847 - Spanish Civil War, part 3: No Pasarán!".
  96. "848 - Straight Drop Kitchen".
  97. "849 - Scream On It".
  98. "850 - Enter the Battle Box".
  99. "852 - Do the Dew".
  100. "854 - Medbeg Bugs".
  101. "856 - Bear Market".
  102. "858 - That's Not Entirely Accurate".
  103. "860 - Super Taco Tuesday".
  104. "861 - DNC LIVE".
  105. "862 - The Donkey Show".
  106. "863 - A.I.: Attentional Intelligence".
  107. "864 - Gent's Video".
  108. "865 - Mr. Powell Goes To Washington".
  109. "866 - Ronnie, Talk to Russia".
  110. "867 - Pet Shop Boy".
  111. "868 - Caddy-Shook".
  112. "Bonus - House of Crumbs".
  113. "869 - The Big Dirty".
  114. "870 - Holiday in Cambodia".
  115. "871 - The Thin Red Lines".
  116. "872 - Crossing the Bosphorus".
  117. "873 - Young Wolf and Pud".
  118. "874 - The Nut".
  119. "875 - Toe Sucking".
  120. "876 - Escape from MAGAtraz".
  121. "877 - The Red Corner".
  122. "877 - You Will NEVER Regret Listening to this Episode".
  123. "878 - AVN Award Winner".
  124. "880 - End of the Line".
  125. "881 - Kook Hunter".
  126. "882 - Election Eve Live".
  127. "883 - History Doesn't Repeat Itself... But It Slimes".
  128. "884 - Pool Boys".
  129. "885 - Don't Cry in Front of the Mexicans".
  130. "886 - Cabinet Curiosity".
  131. "887 - General Dynamics".
  132. "888 - Bustin' Out".
  133. "889 - Citations Bleeding".
  134. "890 - Spare Us, Cutter".
  135. "891 - Open Enrollment Season".
  136. "892 - Talking Points Memo".
  137. "893 - We Left the Percs with Maher".
  138. "894 - Drone Bore".
  139. "895 - Meat Cube".
  140. "Bonus: The Postman Always Is Nice".
  141. "896 - Merry Christman".
  142. "897 - Urquellization".
  143. "897 - Bragg and Tag feat. Seth Harp".
  144. "899 - Nut Up feat. Yasha Levine & Rowan Wernham".
  145. "BONUS: Y2K feat. Colette Shade".
  146. "900 - IT'S OVER 900!!!! (1/16/25)".
  147. "901 - VI-Day feat. Mohammad Alsaafin (1/20/25)".
  148. "902 - Degenerative AI feat. Ed Zitron (1/23/25)".
  149. "903 - Tuna Melt Moment feat. Alex Nichols (1/27/25)".
  150. "904 - Flight Risk (1/30/25)".
  151. "905 - Roko's Modern Life feat. Brace Belden (2/3/25)".
  152. "BONUS: Z for Zohran".
  153. "906 - Fun Mom Dinner feat. Will Tavlin (2/6/25)".
  154. "907 - Big Balls feat. Kath Krueger & Jeff Stein (2/10/25)".
  155. "908 - Death & Mass Kids (2/13/25)".
  156. "909 - A Real Hero feat. Pendejo Time (2/17/25)".
  157. "910 - Guaranteed Possibilities feat. Flep24 (2/20/25)".
  158. "Joshua A. Cohen". The Nation. March 5, 2024. Retrieved July 13, 2024.
  • Free episodes
  • Premium episodes
    Given No. [a] TitleGuestsOriginal release dateNotes