Dragon Ball is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. The story follows the adventures of Son Goku from his childhood through adulthood as he trains in martial arts and explores the world in search of the seven orbs known as the Dragon Balls, which summon a wish-granting dragon when gathered. Along his journey, Goku makes several friends and battles a wide variety of villains, many of whom also seek the Dragon Balls.
The series was serialized as 519 individual chapters in the magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from November 20, 1984, to May 23, 1995. [1] [2] These chapters were collected by Shueisha in 42 tankōbon volumes; the first released on September 10, 1985, and the last on August 4, 1995. [3] [4] Between December 4, 2002, and April 2, 2004, the manga was re-released in a collection of 34 kanzenban , which included a slightly rewritten ending, new covers, and color artwork from its original magazine run. [5] [6] A sōshūhen edition that aims to recreate the manga as it was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump with color pages, promotional text, and next chapter previews, was published in 18 volumes between May 13, 2016, and January 13, 2017. [7] [8] There have been two anime adaptations, both produced by Toei Animation; the first, also named Dragon Ball , adapted the first 194 chapters of the manga, while the second is titled Dragon Ball Z and adapted the remaining 325 chapters of the series.
The North American distributing company Viz Media has released all 42 volumes in English. Viz initially titled volumes seventeen through forty-two of the manga Dragon Ball Z to reduce confusion for their readers. They began releasing both series chapter by chapter in a monthly individual single comic book format in 1998, before switching to a graphic novel format in 2000; the last volume of Dragon Ball was released on August 3, 2004, while the last one of Dragon Ball Z was released on June 6, 2006. [9] [10] Between June 2008 and August 2009, Viz re-released both series in a wideban format called "Viz Big Edition", which is a collection of three volumes in one. [11] [12] Between June 2013 and September 2016, they released a new 3-in-1 edition of the series in 14 volumes. [13] This version uses the Japanese kanzenban covers and marks the first time in English that the entire series was released under the Dragon Ball name.
No. | Title | Original release date | English release date |
1 | The Monkey King (Son Goku and Friends) Son Gokū to Nakama-tachi(孫悟空と仲間たち) | September 10, 1985 [3] 978-4-08-851831-2 | March 12, 2003 [14] 978-1-56931-920-8 |
2 | Wish Upon a Dragon (A Critical Moment for the Dragon Balls) Doragon Booru Kiki Ippatsu(ドラゴンボール危機一髪) | January 10, 1986 [15] 978-4-08-851832-9 | March 12, 2003 [16] 978-1-56931-921-5 |
3 | The Training of Kame-sen'nin (The Tenka'ichi Budōkai Begins!!) Tenkaichi Budōkai Hajimaru!!(天下一武道会はじまる!!) | June 10, 1986 [17] 978-4-08-851833-6 | March 12, 2003 [18] 978-1-56931-922-2 |
4 | Strongest Under the Heavens (The Grand Finals) Daikesshōsen(大決勝戦) | October 9, 1986 [19] 978-4-08-851834-3 | March 12, 2003 [20] 978-1-56931-923-9 |
5 | The Red Ribbon Army (The Terror of Muscle Tower) Massuru Tawā no Kyōfu(マッスルタワーの恐怖) | January 9, 1987 [21] 978-4-08-851835-0 | March 12, 2003 [22] 978-1-56931-924-6 |
6 | Bulma Returns! (Bulma's Big Mistake!!) Buruma no Daishippai!!(ブルマの大失敗!!) | March 10, 1987 [23] 978-4-08-851836-7 | March 12, 2003 [24] 978-1-56931-925-3 |
7 | General Blue and the Pirate Treasure (Pursuit!! General Blue) Tsuiseki!! Burū Shōgun(追跡!!ブルー将軍) | May 8, 1987 [25] 978-4-08-851837-4 | March 12, 2003 [26] 978-1-56931-926-0 |
8 | Taopaipai and Master Karin (Son Goku's Assault) Son Gokū Totsugeki(孫悟空突撃) | July 10, 1987 [27] 978-4-08-851838-1 | May 7, 2003 [28] 978-1-56931-927-7 |
9 | Test of the All-Seeing Crone (When Worried, See Baba Uranai) Komatta Toki no Uranai Baba(こまったときの占いババ) | September 10, 1987 [29] 978-4-08-851839-8 | May 7, 2003 [30] 978-1-56931-928-4 |
10 | Return to the Tournament (The 22nd Tenka'ichi Budōkai) Dainijūnikai Tenkaichi Budōkai(第22回天下一武道会) | November 10, 1987 [31] 978-4-08-851840-4 | May 7, 2003 [32] 978-1-56931-929-1 |
11 | The Eyes of Tenshinhan (The World's Greatest Super Battle!!) Tenkaichi no Sūpā Batoru!!(天下一のスーパーバトル!!) | February 10, 1988 [33] 978-4-08-851608-0 | May 7, 2003 [34] 978-1-56931-919-2 |
12 | The Demon King Piccolo (The Terror of Piccolo Daimao!) Pikkoro Daimaō no Kyōfu!(ピッコロ大魔王の恐怖!) | April 8, 1988 [35] 978-4-08-851609-7 | September 3, 2003 [36] 978-1-59116-155-4 |
13 | Piccolo Conquers the Earth (Son Goku's Counterattack!?) Son Gokū no Gyakushū!?(孫悟空の逆襲!?) | June 10, 1988 [37] 978-4-08-851610-3 | November 19, 2003 [38] 978-1-59116-148-6 |
14 | Heaven and Earth (Even More Action) Sara Naru Hiyaku(さらなる飛躍) | August 10, 1988 [39] 978-4-08-851611-0 | February 18, 2004 [40] 978-1-59116-169-1 |
15 | The Titanic Tournament (Rivals Standing Their Ground!) Gunyū Kakkyo!(群雄割拠!) | December 6, 1988 [41] 978-4-08-851612-7 | May 19, 2004 [42] 978-1-59116-297-1 |
16 | Goku vs. Piccolo (The Dragon and Tiger Mutually Strike!) Ryūko Aiutsu!(龍虎相討つ!) | February 10, 1989 [43] 978-4-08-851613-4 | August 3, 2004 [9] 978-1-59116-457-9 |
No. | Title | Original release date | English release date |
1 | The World's Greatest Team (A Never Before Seen Terror) Katsute Nai Kyōfu(かつてない恐怖) | May 10, 1989 [44] 978-4-08-851614-1 | March 12, 2003 [45] 978-1-56931-930-7 |
2 | The Lord of Worlds (Son Gohan and Piccolo Daimao) Son Gohan to Pikkoro Daimaō(孫悟飯とピッコロ大魔王) | July 10, 1989 [46] 978-4-08-851615-8 | March 12, 2003 [47] 978-1-56931-931-4 |
3 | Earth vs. the Saiyans (Hurry, Son Goku!) Isoge! Son Gokū(いそげ!孫悟空) | November 10, 1989 [48] 978-4-08-851616-5 | March 12, 2003 [49] 978-1-56931-932-1 |
4 | Goku vs. Vegeta (A Fateful Super Decisive Battle!!) Tenkawakeme no Chōkessen!!(天下分け目の超決戦) | January 10, 1990 [50] 978-4-08-851617-2 | March 12, 2003 [51] 978-1-56931-933-8 |
5 | Dragon Ball in Space (Go For It! The Planet Namek) Mezase! Namekku no Hoshi(めざせ!ナメックの星) | April 10, 1990 [52] 978-4-08-851618-9 | March 12, 2003 [53] 978-1-56931-934-5 |
6 | Battlefield Namek (The Namekians' Resistance) Namekkuseijin no Teikō(ナメック星人の抵抗) | July 10, 1990 [54] 978-4-08-851619-6 | March 12, 2003 [55] 978-1-56931-935-2 |
7 | The Ginyu Force (The Terrible Ginyu Special-Squad) Kyōfu no Ginyū Tokusentai(恐怖のギニュー特戦隊) | October 8, 1990 [56] 978-4-08-851620-2 | March 12, 2003 [57] 978-1-56931-936-9 |
8 | Goku vs. Ginyu (Goku or Ginyu!?) Gokū ka!? Ginyū ka!?(悟空か!?ギニューか!?) | January 10, 1991 [58] 978-4-08-851414-7 | May 7, 2003 [59] 978-1-56931-937-6 |
9 | The Wrath of Freeza (Freeza's Super Transformation!!) Furīza Chōhenshin!!(フリーザ超変身!!) | March 8, 1991 [60] 978-4-08-851415-4 | May 7, 2003 [61] 978-1-56931-938-3 |
10 | Goku vs. Freeza (Son Goku... Revived!!) Son Gokū...Fukkatsu!!(孫悟空…復活!!) | June 10, 1991 [62] 978-4-08-851416-1 | May 7, 2003 [63] 978-1-56931-939-0 |
11 | The Super Saiyan (The Legendary Super Saiyan) Densetsu no Sūpā Saiyajin(伝説の超サイヤ人) | August 7, 1991 [64] 978-4-08-851417-8 | May 7, 2003 [65] 978-1-56931-807-2 |
12 | Enter Trunks (The Boy From the Future) Mirai kara Kita Shōnen(未来から来た少年) | November 8, 1991 [66] 978-4-08-851418-5 | August 6, 2003 [67] 978-1-56931-985-7 |
13 | The Red Ribbon Androids (Goku, Defeated!) Gokū, Yabureru!(悟空、敗れる!) | March 10, 1992 [68] 978-4-08-851419-2 | October 8, 2003 [69] 978-1-56931-986-4 |
14 | Rise of the Machines (Evil Premonition!) Jāku na Yokan(邪悪な予感) | June 10, 1992 [70] 978-4-08-851420-8 | December 31, 2003 [71] 978-1-59116-180-6 |
15 | The Terror of Cell (Cell, Stealthily Approaching) Shinobiyoru Seru(忍びよるセル) | August 4, 1992 [72] 978-4-08-851686-8 | April 14, 2004 [73] 978-1-59116-186-8 |
16 | The Room of Spirit and Time (Cell's Perfect-Form Achieved!!) Seru no Kanzentai Kansei!!(セルの完全体 完成!!) | November 2, 1992 [74] 978-4-08-851687-5 | July 14, 2004 [75] 978-1-59116-328-2 |
17 | The Cell Game (The Cell Games Begin) Seru Geemu Hajimaru(セルゲーム始まる) | December 26, 1992 [76] 978-4-08-851688-2 | October 12, 2004 [77] 978-1-59116-505-7 |
18 | Gohan vs. Cell (The Warrior Who Surpassed Goku) Gokū o Koeta Senshi(悟空を越えた戦士) | June 4, 1993 [78] 978-4-08-851689-9 | January 4, 2005 [79] 978-1-59116-637-5 |
19 | Death of a Warrior (Goodbye, Warriors) Sayōnara Senshitachi(さようなら戦士たち) | September 3, 1993 [80] 978-4-08-851700-1 | April 5, 2005 [81] 978-1-59116-751-8 |
20 | The New Generation (Birth of a New Hero!!) Nyū Hīrō Tanjō!!(ニューヒーロー誕生!!) | November 4, 1993 [82] 978-4-08-851495-6 | May 31, 2005 [83] 978-1-59116-808-9 |
21 | Tournament of the Heavens (The Plan Begins Moving) Ugoki Hajimeta Sakusen(動き始めた作戦) | April 4, 1994 [84] 978-4-08-851496-3 | August 2, 2005 [85] 978-1-59116-873-7 |
22 | Mark of the Warlock (The Fated Showdown: Son Goku vs Vegeta!!) Shukumei no Taiketsu Son Gokū Tai Bejiita(宿命の対決 孫悟空対ベジータ) | August 4, 1994 [86] 978-4-08-851497-0 | October 10, 2005 [87] 978-1-4215-0051-5 |
23 | Boo Unleashed! (Farewell, Pride-filled Warrior) Saraba Hokori Takaki Senshi(さらば誇り高き戦士) | December 2, 1994 [88] 978-4-08-851498-7 | December 5, 2005 [89] 978-1-4215-0148-2 |
24 | Hercule to the Rescue (The Earth Army's Last Secret Weapon!!) Chikyūgun, Saigo no Himitsu Heiki!!(地球軍、最後の秘密兵器!!) | March 3, 1995 [90] 978-4-08-851499-4 | February 7, 2006 [91] 978-1-4215-0273-1 |
25 | Last Hero Standing! (Do Your Best, Super Gotenks-kun) Ganbare Sūpā Gotenkusukun(がんばれ 超ゴテンクスくん) | June 2, 1995 [92] 978-4-08-851500-7 | April 4, 2006 [93] 978-1-4215-0404-9 |
26 | Goodbye, Dragon World! (Bye Bye Dragon World) Baibai Doragon Wārudo(バイバイ ドラゴンワールド) | August 4, 1995 [4] 978-4-08-851090-3 | June 6, 2006 [10] 978-1-4215-0636-4 |
Dragon Ball SD is a colored spin-off manga written and illustrated by Naho Ōishi that has been published in Shueisha's Saikyō Jump magazine since its debut issue released in December 2010. [94] The manga is a condensed retelling of Goku's various adventures as a child, with many details changed, in a super deformed art style, hence the title. After four chapters, the quarterly Saikyō Jump switched to a monthly schedule. The chapters published since the monthly switch have been collected into tankōbon volumes since April 4, 2013.
No. | Release date | ISBN | |
1 | April 4, 2013 [95] | 978-4-08-870648-1 | |
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2 | April 4, 2014 [96] | 978-4-08-880020-2 | |
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3 | December 4, 2014 [97] | 978-4-08-880236-7 | |
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4 | February 4, 2016 [98] | 978-4-08-880612-9 | |
5 | February 2, 2018 [99] | 978-4-08-881446-9 | |
6 | June 4, 2019 [100] | 978-4-08-882003-3 | |
7 | February 4, 2021 [101] | 978-4-08-882519-9 | |
8 | April 4, 2022 [102] | 978-4-08-883114-5 | |
9 | March 3, 2023 [103] | 978-4-08-883490-0 | |
10 | April 4, 2024 [104] | 978-4-08-883767-3 |
No. | Title | Original release date | English release date |
1 | Warriors from Universe 6! Dai-Roku Uchū no Senshi-tachi(第6宇宙の戦士たち) | April 4, 2016 [105] 978-4-08-880661-7 | May 2, 2017 [106] 978-1-4215-9254-1 |
2 | The Winning Universe Is Decided! Yūshō Uchū, Tsui ni Kettei!!(優勝宇宙、ついに決定!!) | December 2, 2016 [107] 978-4-08-880867-3 | December 5, 2017 [108] 978-1-4215-9647-1 |
3 | Zero Mortal Project! Ningen Zero Keikaku(人間ゼロ計画) | June 2, 2017 [109] 978-4-08-881084-3 | July 3, 2018 [110] 978-1-4215-9946-5 |
4 | Last Chance for Hope Hōpu e no Rasuto Chansu(HOPEへのラストチャンス) | November 2, 2017 [111] 978-4-08-881163-5 | January 1, 2019 [112] 978-1-9747-0144-5 |
5 | The Decisive Battle! Farewell, Trunks! Kessen! Saraba Torankusu(決戦!さらばトランクス) | March 2, 2018 [113] 978-4-08-881447-6 | May 7, 2019 [114] 978-1-9747-0458-3 |
6 | The Super Warriors Gather! Atsumare Chō Senshi-Tachi!(集まれ超戦士たち!) | June 4, 2018 [115] 978-4-08-881501-5 | September 3, 2019 [116] 978-1-9747-0520-7 |
7 | Universe Survival! The Tournament of Power Begins!! Uchū Sabaibaru! Chikara no Taikai Kaishi!(宇宙サバイバル!力の大会開始!) | September 4, 2018 [117] 978-4-08-881575-6 | December 3, 2019 [118] 978-1-9747-0777-5 |
8 | Sign of Son Goku's Awakening Son Gokū Kakusei no "Kizashi"(孫悟空覚醒の“兆”) | December 4, 2018 [119] 978-4-08-881649-4 | March 3, 2020 [120] 978-1-9747-0941-0 |
9 | Battle's End and Aftermath Ketchaku to Ketsumatsu(決着と結末) | April 4, 2019 [121] 978-4-08-881811-5 | June 2, 2020 [122] 978-1-9747-1236-6 |
10 | Moro's Wish Moro no Negai(モロの願い) | August 2, 2019 [123] 978-4-08-882034-7 | September 1, 2020 [124] 978-1-9747-1526-8 |
11 | Great Escape Dai Dassō Dai Dassō(大だい脱走だっそう) | December 4, 2019 [125] 978-4-08-882154-2 | December 1, 2020 [126] 978-1-9747-1761-3 |
12 | Merus's True Identity Merusu no Shōtai(メルスの正体) | April 3, 2020 [127] 978-4-08-882264-8 | March 2, 2021 [128] 978-1-9747-2001-9 |
13 | Battles Abound Sorezore no Tatakai(それぞれの戦い) | August 4, 2020 [129] 978-4-08-882391-1 | June 1, 2021 [130] 978-1-9747-2281-5 |
14 | Son Goku, Galactic Patrol Officer Ginga Patorōru Son Gokū(銀河パトロール孫悟空) | December 4, 2020 [131] 978-4-08-882518-2 | September 7, 2021 [132] 978-1-9747-2463-5 |
15 | Moro, Consumer of Worlds Hoshi-kui no Moro(星ほし喰くいのモロ) | April 2, 2021 [133] 978-4-08-882606-6 | January 4, 2022 [134] 978-1-9747-2517-5 |
16 | The Universe's Greatest Warrior Uchūichi no Senshi(宇宙一の戦士) | August 4, 2021 [135] 978-4-08-882744-5 | August 2, 2022 [136] 978-1-9747-3211-1 |
17 | God of Destruction Power Hakaishin no Chikara(破壊神の力) | December 3, 2021 [137] 978-4-08-882858-9 | December 6, 2022 [138] 978-1-9747-3451-1 |
18 | Bardock, Father of Goku Gokū no Chichi Bādakku(悟空の父バーダック) | April 4, 2022 [139] 978-4-08-883092-6 | June 6, 2023 [140] 978-1-9747-3652-2 |
19 | A People's Pride Minzoku no Hokori(民族の誇り) | August 4, 2022 [141] 978-4-08-883215-9 | September 5, 2023 [142] 978-1-9747-3910-3 |
20 | All-Out Bout Zenryokusen(全ぜん力りょく戦せん) | March 3, 2023 [143] 978-4-08-883470-2 | February 6, 2024 [144] 978-1-9747-4360-5 |
21 | Vs. Dr. Hedo Taiketsu Dr. Hedo(対決Dr.ヘド) | August 4, 2023 [145] 978-4-08-883601-0 | May 14, 2024 [146] 978-1-9747-4686-6 |
22 | The Ultimate Teacher and Pupil Saikyō no Shitei(最強の師弟) | December 4, 2023 [147] 978-4-08-883744-4 | December 3, 2024 [148] 978-1-9747-4985-0 |
23 | Son Gohan's Ultimate Awakening! Chō Kakusei! Son Gohan(超覚醒!孫悟飯) | April 4, 2024 [149] 978-4-08-883885-4 | April 1, 2025 978-1-9747-5281-2 |
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ankoku Makai Mission! (スーパードラゴンボールヒーローズ 暗黒魔界ミッション!, Sūpā Doragon Bōru Hīrōzu Ankoku Makai Misshon!) is a manga written and illustrated by Yoshitaka Nagayama. It began serialization in the September 2016 issue of Saikyō Jump, which was released on August 5, 2016. [150] It is a tie-in to the card-based arcade game Super Dragon Ball Heroes. Shueisha began collecting the chapters into tankōbon volumes with the first published on May 2, 2017.
No. | Title | Japanese release date | Japanese ISBN | |
1 | Dispatch! Time Patrol Shutsudō! Taimu Patorōru(出動!タイムパトロール) | May 2, 2017 [151] | 978-4-08-881110-9 | |
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2 | Time of the Ankoku Makai's Resurrection Ankoku Makai Fukkatsu no Toki(暗黒魔界復活の時) | May 2, 2018 [152] | 978-4-08-881487-2 | |
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3 | Complete Revival Kanzen Fukkatsu(完全復活) | May 13, 2020 [153] | 978-4-08-882312-6 | |
Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Yamcha! (DRAGON BALL外伝 転生したらヤムチャだった件, Doragon Bōru Gaiden: Tensei-shitara Yamucha Datta Ken) is a three-chapter spin-off manga written and illustrated by Dragongarow Lee about a high school boy who wakes up after an accident in the body of Yamcha in the Dragon Ball manga. Knowing what comes later in the story, he trains as Yamcha to make him the strongest warrior. It was serialized in the digital Shōnen Jump+ magazine from December 12, 2016, to August 14, 2017. [154] [155] Shueisha collected the chapters into a single tankōbon volume on November 2, 2017. Viz licensed the series for English publication and released the collected volume on November 6, 2018. [156]
No. | Original release date | Original ISBN | English release date | English ISBN |
1 | November 2, 2017 [157] | 978-4-08-881261-8 | November 6, 2018 [158] | 978-1-9747-0371-5 |
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!! (スーパードラゴンボールヒーローズ ユニバースミッション!!, Sūpā Doragon Bōru Hīrōzu Yunibāsu Misshon) is a manga written and illustrated by Yoshitaka Nagayama. It began serialization in Saikyō Jump on April 6, 2018. [159] It is a tie-in to the card-based arcade game Super Dragon Ball Heroes. Shueisha began collecting the chapters into tankōbon volumes with the first published on May 2, 2019.
No. | Title | Japanese release date | Japanese ISBN | |
1 | Prison Planet Kangoku Wakusei(監獄惑星) | May 2, 2019 [160] | 978-4-08-881850-4 | |
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2 | Universe Seed Uchū no Tane(宇宙の種) | May 13, 2020 [161] | 978-4-08-882311-9 | |
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission!!! (スーパードラゴンボール ヒーローズ ビッグバンミッション!!!, Sūpā Doragon Bōru Hīrōzu Biggu Ban Misshon!!!) is a manga written and illustrated by Yoshitaka Nagayama. It began serialization in Saikyō Jump on April 2, 2020. It is a tie-in to the card-based arcade game Super Dragon Ball Heroes. Shueisha began collecting the chapters into tankōbon volumes with the first published on December 4, 2020.
No. | Title | Japanese release date | Japanese ISBN | |
1 | Big Bang Mission Biggu Ban Misshon(ビッグバンミッション) | December 4, 2020 [162] | 978-4-08-882517-5 | |
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2 | The New Universe Aratana Uchū(新たな宇宙) | August 4, 2021 [163] | 978-4-08-882745-2 | |
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3 | End of Experiment Jikken Shūryō(実験終了) | April 4, 2022 [164] | 978-4-08-883059-9 | |
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Avatars!! (スーパードラゴンボールヒーローズ アバターズ!!, Sūpā Doragon Bōru Hīrōzu Abatāzu!!) is a manga written and illustrated by Yuuji Kasai. It is a tie-in to the card-based arcade game Super Dragon Ball Heroes. It began serialization in Saikyō Jump in August 2021.
No. | Japanese release date | Japanese ISBN |
1 | April 4, 2022 [165] | 978-4-08-883060-5 |
2 | December 2, 2022 [166] | 978-4-08-883405-4 |
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mission!!!! (スーパードラゴンボールヒーローズ ウルトラゴッドミッション!!!!, Sūpā Doragon Bōru Hīrōzu Urutora Goddo Misshon!!!!) is a manga written and illustrated by Yoshitaka Nagayama. It is a tie-in to the card-based arcade game Super Dragon Ball Heroes. It began serialization in Saikyō Jump on March 4, 2022.
No. | Title | Japanese release date | Japanese ISBN | |
1 | Begin! Super Space-Time Tournament Kaimaku! Chō Jikū Tōnamento(開幕!超時空トーナメント) | December 2, 2022 [167] | 978-4-08-883353-8 | |
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2 | Vs. the Former Kaiō-shin of Time Bāsasu Moto Toki no Kaiōshin(VS元時の界王神) | August 4, 2023 [168] | 978-4-08-883577-8 | |
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3 | The Kaiō-shin of Time vs. the Demigra Army Toki no Kaiōshin Bāsasu Domigura-Gun(時の界王神VSドミグラ軍) | August 4, 2023 [169] | 978-4-08-883768-0 | |
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4 | TBA Heimaku! Chō Jikū Tōnamento(閉幕! 超時空トーナメント) | April 4, 2024 [170] | 978-4-08-883886-1 |
Akira Toriyama was a Japanese manga artist and character designer. He came to be regarded as one of the most important authors in the history of manga, authoring highly influential and popular series, particularly Dragon Ball.
Dragon Ball is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. Originally serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1984 to 1995, the 519 individual chapters were collected in 42 tankōbon volumes. Dragon Ball was inspired by the Chinese novel Journey to the West and Hong Kong martial arts films. It initially had a comedy focus but later became an action-packed fighting series. The story follows the adventures of Son Goku, from childhood to adulthood, as he trains in martial arts and explores the world in search of the Dragon Balls, seven magical orbs which summon a wish-granting dragon when gathered. Along his journey, Goku makes several friends and battles villains, many of whom also seek the Dragon Balls.
Vegeta, fully referred to as Prince Vegeta IV, is a fictional character in the Japanese franchise Dragon Ball created by Akira Toriyama. Vegeta made his appearance in chapter #204 "Sayonara, Son Goku", published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine on January 7, 1989, seeking the wish-granting Dragon Balls to achieve immortality.
Dr. Slump is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. It was serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from February 1980 to September 1984, with the chapters collected in 18 tankōbon volumes. The series follows the humorous adventures of the little girl robot Arale Norimaki, her creator Senbei Norimaki, and the other residents of the bizarre Penguin Village.
Yamcha is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. He is first introduced as a desert bandit and an antagonist of Son Goku in chapter #7 "Yamcha and Pu'ar", published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine on September 11, 1984, alongside his constant companion Pu'ar. He is eventually depicted as being reformed, becoming an ally of Goku. He was initially portrayed as gynophobic, although this characteristic has fluctuated or subsided throughout the original Dragon Ball series.
Son Goku is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. He is based on Sun Wukong, a main character of the classic 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West, combined with influences from the Hong Kong action cinema of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. Goku made his debut in the first Dragon Ball chapter, Bulma and Son Goku, originally published in Japan's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine on December 3, 1984. Goku is introduced as an eccentric, monkey-tailed boy who practices martial arts and possesses superhuman strength. He meets Bulma and joins her on a journey to find the seven wish-granting Dragon Balls. Along the way, he finds new friends who follow him on his journey to become stronger. As Goku grows up, he becomes the Earth's mightiest warrior and battles a wide variety of villains with the help of his friends and family, while also gaining new allies in the process.
The Red Ribbon Army is a fictional antagonistic faction featured in Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball anime and manga series. The many operatives of the Red Ribbon Army, led by Commander Red, serve as opponents for series protagonist Goku during his second quest for the Dragon Balls. In the aftermath of the Red Ribbon Army's defeat by Goku, a surviving member known as Doctor Gero continues the group's legacy and creates a series of powerful artificial humanoids known as Androids as part of his vendetta against Goku.
Arale Norimaki is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Dr. Slump manga series, created by Akira Toriyama. She is a humanoid robot built by Senbei Norimaki who looks like a young girl. She is known for her naïveté, energetic personality, lack of common sense, and amazing strength. Senbei tries to convince the other citizens of Penguin Village that she is just a normal human girl; it seems to work, despite her superhuman athletic ability. Among her strengths, she can use abilities that range from the terrain splitting Chikyūwari to the beam-like N'chahō. However, she is nearsighted and needs to wear glasses. The character also makes appearances in various other media, most notably in the Dragon Ball media franchise.
Dragon Ball is a Japanese media franchise created by Akira Toriyama in 1984. The initial manga, written and illustrated by Toriyama, was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1984 to 1995, with the 519 individual chapters collected in 42 tankōbon volumes by its publisher Shueisha. Dragon Ball was originally inspired by the classical 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West, combined with elements of Hong Kong martial arts films. Dragon Ball characters also use a variety of East Asian martial arts styles, including karate and Wing Chun. The series follows the adventures of protagonist Son Goku from his childhood through adulthood as he trains in martial arts. He spends his childhood far from civilization until he meets a teen girl named Bulma, who encourages him to join her quest in exploring the world in search of the seven orbs known as the Dragon Balls, which summon a wish-granting dragon when gathered. Along his journey, Goku makes several other friends, becomes a family man, discovers his alien heritage, and battles a wide variety of villains, many of whom also seek the Dragon Balls.
Majin Buu, generally spelled Majin Boo in subtitles of the Japanese anime, and rendered as Djinn-Boo in the Viz Media manga, is a fictional character and final antagonist in the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama, before the release of Dragon Ball Super. He made his debut appearance in chapter #460 "Majin Buu Appears?!", first published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine on March 1, 1994. Majin Buu is a genie-like magical life form awoken by the evil warlock Babidi that terrorized the universe millions of years before the events of Dragon Ball take place.
Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese manga series written by Akira Toriyama and illustrated by Toyotarou. Set during the time frame of Toriyama's original Dragon Ball manga, it follows the adventures of Son Goku and friends during the ten-year timeskip after the defeat of Majin Buu. It began serialization in Shueisha's monthly shōnen manga magazine V Jump in June 2015. The manga is simulpublished in English by Viz Media and by Shueisha on their Manga Plus platform.
Dragon Ball Heroes was a Japanese trading card arcade game based on the Dragon Ball franchise. It debuted on November 11, 2010 in Japan. In 2016, an update launched that improved the user experience in the form of enhanced graphics and easier accessibility of characters. This update was named Super Dragon Ball Heroes. Several other games based on the series have been released for Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows. Numerous manga adaptations have been published by Shueisha and a promotional anime adaptation by Toei Animation began being shown at public events in July 2018 before being uploaded online.
Toyotarou is a Japanese manga artist. He has drawn several Dragon Ball-related manga and is best known for illustrating Dragon Ball Super (2015–present), which was written by series creator Akira Toriyama until his death in March 2024.
Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden, known as Dragon Ball Z in Europe, is a 1993 fighting video game developed by Tose and published by Bandai for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It is based upon Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball franchise, and was its first fighting game.
Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden 3 is a 1994 fighting video game developed by Tose and published by Bandai for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Based upon Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball franchise, it is the sequel to Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden 2, which was released earlier in 1993 for SNES. Following the Majin Buu arc, its gameplay remains relatively the same as the previous two Super Butōden entries, consisting of one-on-one fights using a main six-button configuration, featuring special moves as well as two playable modes.