\n'''Note:''' This marks the final appearances of [[Kari Michaelsen]] (Katie), [[Lauri Hendler]] (Julie), [[Jonathan Silverman]] (Jonathan) and [[Howard Morton]] (Officer Simpson) in the series.\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |EpisodeNumber=115\n |EpisodeNumber2=3\n |Title=Below Sea Level\n |DirectedBy=Hal Cooper\n |WrittenBy=Arthur Julian\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1986|10|1}}\n |ShortSummary=Nell and Joey fly to New Jersey to help move Samantha to her college dorm at Littlefield College, and also visit Addy in New York, who is now living there because she has gotten a job at a big university. Nell is surprised that Addy has a basement apartment, in which the view consists of being able to see tiny dogs and peoples feet who walk by. Nell gets furious when the construction workers outside make noise and she is not able to hear anyone, so she goes outside and gives them a kick on the leg. In the meantime, she is really worried about Samantha, who hasn't called her since moving into her dorm. Sam finally shows up in New York to go see a Broadway musical with a new guy friend of hers. Also, Joey is told that his father is in New York and has a big surprise for him. Joey is anxious and hopes that it is a puppy, but when his father shows up at Addy's, he brings Joey's surprise, his little brother Matthew. Nell as well as Joey are both shocked by this surprise.\n'''Note:''' This episode marked the first appearance of [[Matthew Lawrence]] as Matthew Donovan.\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |EpisodeNumber=116\n |EpisodeNumber2=4\n |Title=Joey Meets Matthew\n |DirectedBy=Hal Cooper\n |WrittenBy=Mady Julian\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1986|10|8}}\n |ShortSummary=Joey finally meets Matthew, and is mad that he has a little brother. Tim says that he has some matters to take care of and will meet Nell and the boys at a restaurant. Nell and Addy then decide to take the boys to the park and they have a blast. As Addy and Nell sit and talk on a park bench, they realize that Joey and Matthew have disappeared and Nell calls the police. Joey and Matthew were taken to a museum by a police officer who tells Nell they are not fond of one another and are arguing back and forth. Later, everyone returns to Addy's, where Nell and Tim talk in private. He tells her he wants her blessing so he can raise the boys in New York, now that he has a job there. He tells the boys and everyone decides to go out for pizza. In the end, Joey returns to the apartment as Nell stays behind and finds out that she is not going to live with them and he cries. Nell tells him to keep her picture and she will keep his and they will know the other is fine when they look at it. Nell calls the airport for a flight back to Glenlawn and as she is in the taxi she recalls past times with Joey.\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |EpisodeNumber=117\n |EpisodeNumber2=5\n |Title=Nell Goes Back To New York\n |DirectedBy=Hal Cooper\n |WrittenBy=Mady Julian\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1986|10|15}}\n |ShortSummary=Nell receives a letter from Joey in New York, telling her that he is fine, but she knows that Tim is not taking proper care of them. She returns to New York, where she ruins Addy's date with a lawyer, and tells her the two will get Joey back. She spies on him at the playground, and he sees her, and she tempts him with a big southern meal at Addy's apartment. Nell finally agrees to become roommates with Addy and move to New York. When Tim shows up to pick up Joey, he tells Nell he wants to go back to sea, and as much as he loves his boys, he has no time to be with them. He asks her to be their full guardian, and she accepts.\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |EpisodeNumber=118\n |EpisodeNumber2=6\n |Title=The Apartment\n |DirectedBy=Hal Cooper\n |WrittenBy=Terry Hart\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1986|10|29}}\n |ShortSummary=Nell tries to get a job at a famous New York publishing company called MacDillon and Loud. She then decides to rent an apartment in Greenwich Village and gets a 3-year lease on it with an option to buy it without Addy's approval. When she shows Addy the run-down apartment, Addy hates it, and then in the end, decides to go along with Nell and move there with her when Nell gets a call about the reader job at MacDillon and Loud she receives. At their new apartment, still vacant and run-down, Mama Maybelle shows up and says Loretta, Jerome, and Howard have moved to New York because Howard got a job as a weatherman in New York City and she moved from Alabama to be with them.\n'''Note:''' Rosetta LeNoire (\"Mama\" Maybelle Harper) joins the cast.\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |EpisodeNumber=119\n |EpisodeNumber2=7\n |Title=I Love New York\n |DirectedBy=Hal Cooper\n |WrittenBy=Terry Hart\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1986|11|5}} |ShortSummary=Nell is fed up with the new apartment in New York and tells Addy she wants to go back to Glenlawn to get some of that good California air inside of her again. When Grandpa calls, he tells her that he sold the house to leave Glenlawn behind and move to New York with her. She then meets her upstairs tenant Mrs. Jacoby, who bakes her a cake. In the end, Nell knows that if she can make it there, she can make it anywhere, after being inspired by Frank Sinatra's \"New York, New York\".\n'''Note:''' This episode marked the first appearance of [[Paul Sand]] as Marty.\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |EpisodeNumber=120\n |EpisodeNumber2=8\n |Title=Nell The Boss\n |DirectedBy=[[Rob Dames]]\n |WrittenBy=Terry Hart\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1986|11|12}}\n |ShortSummary=After Addy is laid off at the University for going on strike, Nell hires her as an assistant at McDillon and Loud's publishing company where she works. When Nell thinks Addy is too slow at reading manuscripts, she fires her, and Addy, upset at Nell's attitude towards her, refuses to ever speak to her again.\n'''Note:''' This episode marked the first appearance of [[Rosie O'Donnell]] as Maggie O'Brien.\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |EpisodeNumber=121\n |EpisodeNumber2=9\n |Title=Harry The Hamster\n |DirectedBy=[[Phil Ramuno]]\n |WrittenBy=Mady Julian\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1986|11|19}}\n |ShortSummary=Nell is furious when she hears a squeaking noise coming from Joey and Matthew's room. When she checks in on them, she finds out that they are caring for Joey's class hamster, \"Harry\", who Joey knows would most likely be used to be tested on human products. Nell and Addy decide to make a fund to stop people from testing animals with human products. Late at night, to stop the squeaking of Harry's cage, Nell pours salad oil on it. However, what she doesn't know is that it is rancid. When she gets another hamster for Joey, she is surprised that it is a girl who has just had six babies, making Joey change his mind about her, after he finds out she killed Harry.\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |EpisodeNumber=122\n |EpisodeNumber2=10\n |Title=Joey The Gambler\n |DirectedBy=Patrick Maloney\n |WrittenBy=Pam Veasey\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1986|11|26}}\n |ShortSummary=Joey gets picked up by the police for gambling. After Nell brings Joey home, she tries to teach him that gambling is wrong, but he doesn't see why, since Grandpa bets on horses, Addy plays the lottery, and even the police had a football pool. When her lecture doesn't work, she finally confides in Marty, who uses the game \"Candyland\", as an example that it is wrong for Joey to gamble, bets Joey all of his money, and in the end wins, teaching Joey a lesson that it is very wrong for people to gamble their money that they worked so hard to get in the first place.\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |EpisodeNumber=123\n |EpisodeNumber2=11\n |Title=The Scam\n |DirectedBy=Jules Lichtman\n |WrittenBy=Rod Burton & Dick Frattali\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1986|12|3}}\n |ShortSummary=As Nell and her mother are at the bank to put items into Mama Maybelle's safe deposit box, a con man shows up, tells Nell that there is a con man in the bank who is taking people's money, tells Nell he is a detective and to take her Mama's money out for the con man to take, then he will follow the guy outside and arrest him, but for Nell not to follow. When he doesn't come back, Nell realizes she was tricked, and Mama Maybelle is very upset. However, downstairs at Marty's restaurant, the guy shows up with a date, and Nell tells him she wants her money back, tells a waiter to alert the police, and brings Addy downstairs to snap photos of the guy. The officer doesn't believe Nell's story, until the guy says his name is one name, then the waiter calls him another name and he is finally caught for fraud.\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |EpisodeNumber=124\n |EpisodeNumber2=12\n |Title=Christmas in New York\n |DirectedBy=Linda Day\n |WrittenBy=[[Pam Veasey]]\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1986|12|10}}\n |ShortSummary=Nell decides to buy a Christmas tree, as does Addy, who both know that it costs too much for one in New York. As the gang begins to celebrate Christmas New York style, Joey tells Matthew that there is no such thing as Santa Claus, and Nell blames Marty for the whole thing. In the end, Nell realizes that Marty always didn't believe in Santa Claus because he never got the toy train he saw in a store window when he was a child. In the end, Nell invites him to Christmas dinner, and on Christmas morning, he is surprised to see the toy train he has always wanted, which both Addy and Nell say they didn't get for him. Thus, proving to both Joey and Matthew that there is a Santa Claus after all.\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |EpisodeNumber=125\n |EpisodeNumber2=13\n |Title=Nell's Secret Admirer\n |DirectedBy=Jules Lichtman\n |WrittenBy=Arthur Julian\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1987|1|7}}\n |ShortSummary=Nell gets a call from her high school secret admirer. She decides to meet him at El Gazpacho since he is in town, after she finds out that he cannot have a successful relationship with a woman because he has never forgot about her. While Nell is waiting at El Gazpacho, he calls her, telling her he wrote her a note years ago in school, and that he is afraid to meet her. Nell has an emotional breakdown on the phone with him, telling him that she is a wonderful woman who did make fun of the note he gave her years ago. In the end, he surprises her by showing up at the restaurant. This episode is out of order as it features the introduction of Rosie O'Donnell's character Maggie, who appeared earlier.\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |EpisodeNumber=126\n |EpisodeNumber2=14\n |Title=The Loan\n |DirectedBy=Tony Singletary\n |WrittenBy=Terry Hart\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1987|1|14}}\n |ShortSummary=When Addy has a chance to go to a dance with the Prince and Princess of Wales she finds she does not have the money for an expensive dress, so Nell loans her the money only to find that Addy is spending it faster than paying her back. Will the two make up or will the friendship end?\n |LineColor=7ab800\n}}\n{{Episode list\n |NumParts= 2\n |EpisodeNumber_1=127\n |EpisodeNumber_2=128\n |EpisodeNumber2_1=15\n |EpisodeNumber2_2=16\n |Title=The Window\n |DirectedBy_1=Hal Cooper\n |DirectedBy_2=Phil Ramuno\n |WrittenBy={{StoryTeleplay|s= Rod Parker & Arthur Julian|t= Arthur Julian}}\n |OriginalAirDate={{Start date|1987|1|21}}\n |ShortSummary=Nell has a better job in her company as a book editor. However, that tears her away from staying with the boys. When Joey tells Nell that he is doing a Walk-a-thon fund raiser for his school and wants to sign up sponsors. But Nell doesn't want Joey to go alone with Matthew wandering the streets of New York. But Grandpa disagrees. Joey also has to take Matthew to his guitar lesson as well. After school, Joey decides to go get sponsors, and takes Matt with him. When Joey goes to a doctor's office, he tells Matt to wait for him. Then Matt hears music coming from next door & sees a band rehearsing. Then the band lets Matt jam with them. Joey finds that Matt's missing and he searches all over for him. When he arrives home, he asks Marty for his help and Marty calls the police. Nell enters and Marty tells her Matt's missing. Nell takes the receiver while Marty looks at his restaurant. Nell is mad at Joey for losing his brother. Then Marty finds Matt and takes him home. Joey is mad at Matt for wandering off and Nell tells him he is 5 years old and Joey cries he is only 10. Nell feels guilty of not being there with the boys, and Joey is not talking to Matthew.\n
Samantha, excited that she has gotten into Littlefield College in New Jersey, is let down when she receives a letter in the mail, saying that the school cancelled her scholarship. As this is going on, Julie and Jonathan, the proud new parents of baby Nell, are finally moving to San Jose to have privacy for a change, and to manage the chalk factory, as Simpson helps them with the move. Nell then calls Addy, who says she will do all she can to make sure it was an error, so that Samantha can get her scholarship back. While Samantha is in despair, Katie arrives home one last time to have her laundry cleaned before she moves to San Francisco, and tells Samantha to come with her and she will give her a job there. When Simpson arrives for another load of Julie and Jonathan's belongings, Nell tells him she is losing her girls, but Simpson tells her she will always have him.
Nell continues to talk Samantha out of moving to San Francisco with Katie. She then realizes that Samantha is still 17, and she still has legal control over her. Addy finally calls Nell and tells her that Samantha did get the scholarship, and that it was a computer error. An excited Samantha decides that she is going to college after all. Nell finally sees Julie and Jonathan to the front door as they say their goodbyes. Nell knows that the girls are all grown up now, and that she has the house to herself.
Nell and Joey fly to New Jersey to help move Samantha to her college dorm at Littlefield College, and also visit Addy in New York, who is now living there because she has gotten a job at a big university. Nell is surprised that Addy has a basement apartment, in which the view consists of being able to see tiny dogs and peoples feet who walk by. Nell gets furious when the construction workers outside make noise and she is not able to hear anyone, so she goes outside and gives them a kick on the leg. In the meantime, she is really worried about Samantha, who hasn't called her since moving into her dorm. Sam finally shows up in New York to go see a Broadway musical with a new guy friend of hers. Also, Joey is told that his father is in New York and has a big surprise for him. Joey is anxious and hopes that it is a puppy, but when his father shows up at Addy's, he brings Joey's surprise, his little brother Matthew. Nell as well as Joey are both shocked by this surprise.
Note: This episode marked the first appearance of Matthew Lawrence as Matthew Donovan.Nell tries to get a job at a famous New York publishing company called MacDillon and Loud. She then decides to rent an apartment in Greenwich Village and gets a 3-year lease on it with an option to buy it without Addy's approval. When she shows Addy the run-down apartment, Addy hates it, and then in the end, decides to go along with Nell and move there with her when Nell gets a call about the reader job at MacDillon and Loud she receives. At their new apartment, still vacant and run-down, Mama Maybelle shows up and says Loretta, Jerome, and Howard have moved to New York because Howard got a job as a weatherman in New York City and she moved from Alabama to be with them.
Note: Rosetta LeNoire ("Mama" Maybelle Harper) joins the cast.Nell is fed up with the new apartment in New York and tells Addy she wants to go back to Glenlawn to get some of that good California air inside of her again. When Grandpa calls, he tells her that he sold the house to leave Glenlawn behind and move to New York with her. She then meets her upstairs tenant Mrs. Jacoby, who bakes her a cake. In the end, Nell knows that if she can make it there, she can make it anywhere, after being inspired by Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York".
Note: This episode marked the first appearance of Paul Sand as Marty.After Addy is laid off at the University for going on strike, Nell hires her as an assistant at McDillon and Loud's publishing company where she works. When Nell thinks Addy is too slow at reading manuscripts, she fires her, and Addy, upset at Nell's attitude towards her, refuses to ever speak to her again.
Note: This episode marked the first appearance of Rosie O'Donnell as Maggie O'Brien.Nell has a better job in her company as a book editor. However, that tears her away from staying with the boys. When Joey tells Nell that he is doing a Walk-a-thon fund raiser for his school and wants to sign up sponsors. But Nell doesn't want Joey to go alone with Matthew wandering the streets of New York. But Grandpa disagrees. Joey also has to take Matthew to his guitar lesson as well. After school, Joey decides to go get sponsors, and takes Matt with him. When Joey goes to a doctor's office, he tells Matt to wait for him. Then Matt hears music coming from next door & sees a band rehearsing. Then the band lets Matt jam with them. Joey finds that Matt's missing and he searches all over for him. When he arrives home, he asks Marty for his help and Marty calls the police. Nell enters and Marty tells her Matt's missing. Nell takes the receiver while Marty looks at his restaurant. Nell is mad at Joey for losing his brother. Then Marty finds Matt and takes him home. Joey is mad at Matt for wandering off and Nell tells him he is 5 years old and Joey cries he is only 10. Nell feels guilty of not being there with the boys, and Joey is not talking to Matthew.
Nell finds out that it is Parents' Week at Littlefield College in New Jersey, and she is upset that Samantha didn't invite her to attend it. However, she decides to go anyhow. When she arrives at the college, Samantha is stunned to see her, and Nell begins to barge in on the students' lives. She sits in on an English class of Sam's, and Professor Dudley gets upset with her when he mentions the title of his book and she tells him her publishing company turned it down a while back. Afterwards, she meets a boy named Keith who wants to switch his career from teaching to fashion design, but cannot stand up to his father, who is actually Professor Dudley. As Sam and Nell are about to go to bed, Sam tells her a secret she has been keeping from her - she is in love with a student named Eric, and they are going to drop out of college and get married and move to South Dakota, where the two will live on a farm and he will work on his novel "The Hayloft", since he doesn't have enough money to stay in school. Nell drops to the floor when she hears this. Eventually, she changes her mind when she talks to Professor Dudley about it and he tells her to let Sam "Go, go, go", the same advice she gives to his son Keith who wants to go into fashion design. Nell tells Sam she can go to South Dakota but she must finish out the semester. Nell talks to Sam's roommate Linda, who tells her she is dumb to let Sam "Go, go, go". Nell then realizes she cannot let Samantha throw away her college education and must find a way to stop the wedding.
Nell tries to convince Samantha to stay in college and not marry Eric while helping Keith stand up to his father, Professor Dudley, and Eric get his book published as well as having a college girl, a star player, decide to drop basketball for ROTC. However, things go bad for both Nell and Samantha as Nell learns that Eric is moving to Hollywood alone to write the screenplay for "The Hayloft", the novel MacDillon and Loud accepted and decided to publish after Nell sent it to them, and he will leave Sam at the college and write to her from Hollywood when he becomes famous. Sam realizes that Eric dumped her, and Professor Dudley has campus security escort Nell off campus for interfering with his son's career choice of being a fashion designer and getting into everyone's personal lives at the college.
Matlock is an American mystery legal drama television series created by Dean Hargrove, starring Andy Griffith in the title role of criminal defense attorney Ben Matlock. The show, produced by Intermedia Entertainment Company, The Fred Silverman Company, Dean Hargrove Productions and Viacom Productions, originally aired from March 3, 1986, to May 8, 1992, on NBC, and from November 5, 1992, to May 7, 1995, on ABC.
Michelle Renee Forbes Guajardo is an American actress who has appeared on television and in independent films. She is a Saturn Award winner with three nominations.
Boston Legal is an American legal drama and comedy drama television series created by former lawyer and Boston native David E. Kelley, produced in association with 20th Century Fox Television for ABC. The series aired from October 3, 2004, to December 8, 2008. The series stars James Spader, William Shatner and Candice Bergen. It is a direct spin-off and continuation of the TV series The Practice, with several characters from the eighth season of that series moving to Boston Legal. While never a Nielsen ratings smash hit, the show was critically acclaimed. It received 26 Primetime Emmy Awards nominations, including for Outstanding Drama Series in 2007 and 2008.
Adam Michael Rodriguez is an American actor, screenwriter and director. He became known for his role as Eric Delko on CSI: Miami. He also portrayed Task Force Agent Luke Alvez in Criminal Minds.
Gimme a Break! is an American television sitcom created by Mort Lachman and Sy Rosen, that aired on NBC for six seasons from October 29, 1981, to May 12, 1987. The series starred Nell Carter as the housekeeper for a widowed police chief and his three daughters.
Telma Louise Hopkins is an American actress and pop singer. Hopkins rose to prominence as a member of the pop group Tony Orlando and Dawn, whom had several number-one songs. She also performed on the CBS variety show Tony Orlando and Dawn from 1974 until 1976 along with Tony Orlando and Joyce Vincent Wilson. In the late 1970s, Hopkins began working as an actress, playing roles on various sitcoms, including Isabelle Hammond on Bosom Buddies (1980–82), Adelaide "Addy" Wilson on Gimme a Break! (1983–87) and Family Matters (1989–1997) as Rachel Baines–Crawford. As lead actress, Hopkins starred on Getting By from 1993 to 1994. In recent years, Hopkins was a regular cast member on Half & Half (2002–06) portraying Phyllis Thorne, Are We There Yet? (2010–13), and short-lived Partners (2014). In film, Hopkins co-starred in 1984 science fiction film Trancers and in its sequels Trancers II (1991) and Trancers III (1992), as well as appearing in The Wood (1999) and The Love Guru (2008).
A recurring character is a fictional character, usually in a prime time TV series, who frequently appears from time to time during the series' run. Recurring characters often play major roles in more than one episode, sometimes being the main focus. They may be contrasted with "regular" characters, who typically appear in every or almost every episode of a series. Recurring characters appear less frequently than regulars, but more frequently than guest star characters, who may appear in only one, two or more episodes without being expected to return.
Gimme Gimme Gimme is a BBC television sitcom by Tiger Aspect Productions that was first aired in three series from 1999 to 2001. It was written by Jonathan Harvey, who developed the series with Kathy Burke.
Palibhasa Lalake is a Philippine sitcom on ABS-CBN which ran from March 3, 1987, to November 9, 1998, and was replaced by Sa Sandaling Kailangan Mo Ako. The program was directed by Johnny Manahan.
The fifth and final season of the military science fiction television series Stargate Atlantis commenced airing on the Sci Fi Channel in the United States on July 11, 2008, concluded on the same channel on January 9, 2009, and contained 20 episodes. The show itself is a spin off of its sister show, Stargate SG-1. The season upgrades previous supporting characters cast members such as Richard Woolsey and Jennifer Keller. Amanda Tapping's character Samantha Carter was downgraded to recurring character in this season. The fifth and final season is about a military-science expedition team fighting against the Wraith from their base of operation, Atlantis. The Wraith primary goal is to gather a fleet to invade Atlantis and find their new "feeding ground", Earth.
Hawaii Five-0 is an American action police procedural television series that centers around a special police major crimes task force operating at the behest of the governor of Hawaii. It is a reboot of the 1968–1980 series Hawaii Five-O, which also aired on CBS. The series was produced by K/O Paper Products and 101st Street Television, initially in association with CBS Television Studios. The show received praise for its modern take on the original series.
Louis Herthum is an American actor and producer. Herthum has worked as a stage, television, and film actor, and he has also appeared in national television commercials. He is best known for his recurring role as Dep. Andy Broom on Murder, She Wrote and Peter Abernathy in the HBO television series Westworld.
Nashville is an American musical drama television series. It was created by Callie Khouri and produced by R. J. Cutler, Khouri, Dee Johnson, and Steve Buchanan through season four, Connie Britton through season five, and Marshall Herskovitz and Ed Zwick from season five on.
The Mindy Project is an American romantic comedy television series created by and starring Mindy Kaling that began airing on Fox in September 2012 and finished its run of six seasons on Hulu in November 2017. The series was co-produced by Universal Television and 3 Arts Entertainment.
The Resident is an American medical drama television series that aired on Fox from January 21, 2018, to January 17, 2023. The series premiered on Fox as a mid-season replacement during the 2017–18 television season. The series focuses on the lives and duties of staff members at fictional Chastain Park Memorial Hospital, with generally a critical eye into real life bureaucratic practices of the healthcare industry.
Station 19 is an American action-drama television series created by Stacy McKee for ABC that premiered on March 22, 2018. It is the second spin-off of Grey's Anatomy. Set in Seattle, the series focuses on the lives of the men and women at Seattle Fire Station 19. It stars Jaina Lee Ortiz, Jason George, Grey Damon, Barrett Doss, Alberto Frezza, Jay Hayden, Okieriete Onaodowan, Danielle Savre, Miguel Sandoval, Boris Kodjoe, Stefania Spampinato, Carlos Miranda, Josh Randall, Merle Dandridge, and Pat Healy.
Legacies is an American fantasy drama television series, created by Julie Plec, that aired from October 25, 2018, to June 16, 2022, on The CW. A spinoff of The Originals, it is part of The Vampire Diaries Universe, and features characters from both that series and its predecessor, The Vampire Diaries. Danielle Rose Russell stars as the 17-year-old Hope Mikaelson, continuing the role she originated in the fifth and final season of The Originals. Matt Davis also features prominently in the series, reprising his role as Alaric Saltzman from The Vampire Diaries. In May 2022, it was announced that the fourth season would be its final season.
Hello Tomorrow! is an American science fiction comedy-drama television series that premiered on Apple TV+ on February 17, 2023. It stars Billy Crudup.