List of ancient Egyptian temples

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This list of ancient Egyptian temples covers temples built by the ancient Egyptians from 3200 BC to 30 BC.

Place name in Ancient Egyptian language (hieroglyphics)Modern place name

(country) Coordinates



God of the templeDateBuilderArchitectural styleNotesImages
List of ancient Egyptian temples
List of ancient Egyptian temples
Alexandria (Egypt) Serapeum of Alexandria Serapis c. 246 – 222 BC [1] Ptolemy III Euergete Ptolemaic era AlexSarapeionTemple.jpg
List of ancient Egyptian templesList of ancient Egyptian temples
List of ancient Egyptian temples
List of ancient Egyptian temples
List of ancient Egyptian temples
List of ancient Egyptian temples
List of ancient Egyptian temples
Kom Ombo (Aswan, Egypt) Temple of Kom Ombo Sobek c. 180 – 47 BC [2] The Ptolemaic dynasty It was constructed during the Ptolemaic dynasty. [2] Some additions to it were later made during the Roman period.
Kom Ombo Portal 02.JPG
List of ancient Egyptian templesList of ancient Egyptian temples
List of ancient Egyptian temples
Luxor (Egypt) Temple of Khonsu Khonsu c. 1186 – 1155 BC [3] Ramesses III New Kingdom temple The edifice is an example of an almost complete New Kingdom temple, and was originally constructed by Ramesses III on the site of an earlier temple. [3] Karnak Khonsou 080507 c.jpg
Originally: Near Aswan (Egypt)

Relocated to: Madrid (Spain)

Temple of Debod Amun c. 200 BC [4] Adikhalamani (Tabriqo) New Kingdom temple The temple original location was 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) south of Aswan in Nubia, very close to the first cataract of the Nile. In the 20th century it was later dismantled as part of the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia and rebuilt in the center of Madrid, Spain, in Parque de la Montaña, Madrid, a square located Calle de Irún, 21–25 Madrid. [5]
Templo de Debod Madrid.JPG

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Temple of Gerf Hussein</span> Archaeological site in Egypt

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  1. Rowe, Alan; Rees, B. R. (1957). "A contribution to the archaeology of the Western Desert: IV. With one plate". Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. 39 (2): 485–520. doi:10.7227/bjrl.39.2.9. ISSN   2054-9326.
  2. 1 2 David, Rosalie (1993). Discovering Ancient Egyptology. Michael O'Mara. p. 99. ISBN   1854791141.
  3. 1 2 Kimpton, Jennifer; McClain, J. Brett; Vértes, Krisztián; Johnson, W. Raymond (2010). "Preliminary Report on the Work of the Epigraphic Survey in the Temple of Khonsu at Karnak, 2008-2009". Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt. 46: 113–124. ISSN   0065-9991.
  4. Larkin, Diana Wolfe; Arnold, Dieter; Gardiner, Sabine H.; Strudwick, Helen; Strudwick, Nigel (2003). "The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egyptian Architecture". African Studies Review. 46 (3): 64. doi:10.2307/1515070. ISSN   0002-0206.
  5. Arnold, Dieter (1999). Temples of the Last pharaohs. Oxford: Oxford University press. p. 193. ISBN   978-0-19-512633-4.