A list of notable groups devoted to promoting astronomy research and education.
Society Name | City | State | Address | Website | Facebook Page | AL Member |
Auburn Astronomical Society | Auburn | Alabama | http://www.auburnastro.org/ | ✓ | ||
East Valley Astronomy Club | Mesa | Arizona | P.O. Box 2202 | http://www.evaconline.org | ✓ | |
Prescott Astronomy Club | Prescott | Arizona | Prescott Astronomy Club186 E. Sheldon St. #1122 | https://prescottastronomyclub.org/ | ✓ | |
Phoenix Astronomical Society, Inc. | Scottsdale | Arizona | 7979 E Princess Dr | http://www.pasaz.org | ✓ | |
Huachuca Astronomy Club | Sierra Vista | Arizona | P.O Box 922 | http://www.hacastronomy.org | ✓ | |
Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association | Tucson | Arizona | P. O. Box 41254 | http://www.tucsonastronomy.org | ✓ | |
Sugar Creek Astronomical Society | Bentonville | Arkansas | ✓ | |||
Kern County Astronomical Society | Bakersfield | California | 5501 Stockdale Hwy #10241 | https://www.kernastro.org | ✓ | |
Aerospace Employees Association Astronomy Club | El Segundo | California | 2310 E El Segundo Blvd | ✓ | ||
Astronomers of Humboldt | Eureka | California | P.O. Box 351 | https://www.astrohum.org | ✓ | |
Temecula Valley Astronomers | Murrieta | California | P.O. Box1292 | https://www.temeculavalleyastronomers.com | ✓ | |
South Bay Astronomical Society | Redondo Beach | California | P.O. Box 1244 | https://www.sbastro.net | ✓ | |
San Diego Astronomy Association | San Diego | California | PO Box 23215 | https://sdaa.org/ | ✓ | |
TAC - AL (The Astronomy Connection) | San Jose | California | ✓ | |||
Bear Valley Springs Astronomy Club | Tehachapi | California | 23871 Lakeview Dr. | https://www.bvsac.org | ✓ | |
Tulare Astronomical Association | Tulare | California | 1062 N. A. St. | https://tulareastro.org/ | ✓ | |
Mt. Shasta Stargazers | Weed | California | 134 Shasta Cove N | https://www.mtshastastargazers.com | ✓ | |
Colorado Springs Astronomical Society | Colorado Springs | Colorado | PO Box 16318 | http://www.csastro.org | ✓ | |
Denver Astronomical Society | Denver | Colorado | P.O. Box 102738 | http://www.denverastro.org | ✓ | |
Gunnison Valley Observatory | Gunnison | Colorado | P. O. Box 1227 | https://www.gunnisonvalleyobservatory.org/ | ✓ | |
Longmont Astronomical Society | Longmont | Colorado | P.O. Box 806 | https://www.longmontastro.org | ✓ | |
Black Canyon Astronomical Society | Montrose | Colorado | 27 N. Willerup Ave | https://blackcanyonastronomy.com/ | ✓ | |
Shoreline Astronomical Society | Madison | Connecticut | 83 Wildcat Rd | https://shorelineastronomicalsociety.blogspot.com/ | ✓ | |
Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club | Morris | Connecticut | 211 West St | https://www.LHastro.org | ✓ | |
Delaware Astronomical Society | Greenville | Delaware | Mount Cuba Obervatory1610 Hillside Mill Rd. | https://www.delastro.org | ✓ | |
National Capital Astronomers | Davidson | District of Columbia | 3804 Wayson Road | http://www.capitalastronomers.org | ✓ | |
Local Group of Deep Sky Observers | Ellenton | Florida | 5610 32nd Ave E. | http://www.LGDSO.com | ✓ | |
Alachua Astronomy Club | Gainesville | Florida | 2603 NW 13th St., #161 | ✓ | ||
Northeast Florida Astronomical Society | Jacksonville | Florida | P.O. Box 5432 | http://www.nefas.org | ✓ | |
Brevard Astronomical Society | Melbourne | Florida | PO Box 410092 | https://www.brevardastro.org/ | ✓ | |
Everglades Astronomical Society | Naples | Florida | 270 Naples Cove Drive, Unit 3206 | https://evergladesastronomicalsociety.org/ | ✓ | |
Moonstruck Astronomy Club | Ocala | Florida | https://moonstruckastronomyclub.org/ | ✓ | ||
Central Florida Astronomical Society, Inc. | Oviedo | Florida | P.O. Box 620907 | https://cfas.org | ✓ | |
Escambia Amateur Astronomers' Assn. | Pensacola | Florida | https://sites.google.com/view/escambiaastronomers | ✓ | ||
Tallahassee Astronomical Society | Tallahassee | Florida | PO Box 824 | http://www.tallystargazers.org/ | ✓ | |
Astronomical Society of the Palm Beaches | West Palm Beach | Florida | P.O. Box 19652 | https://www.astropalmbeach.org | ✓ | |
Atlanta Astronomy Club, Inc. | Atlanta | Georgia | P. O. Box 76155 | http://www.AtlantaAstronomy.org | ✓ | |
Flint River Astronomy Club | Brooks | Georgia | 788 Rising Star Rd | http://www.flintriverastronomy.org/ | ✓ | |
Hawaiian Astronomical Society | Honolulu | Hawaii | P.O. Box 17671 | http://www.hawastsoc.org/ | ✓ | |
Haleakala Amateur Astronomers | Kula | Hawaii | ✓ | |||
Boise Astronomical Society | Boise | Idaho | P.O. Box 7002 | http://www.boiseastro.org | ✓ | |
Idaho Falls Astronomical Society | Idaho Falls | Idaho | P.O. Box 50262 | http://ifastro.org/ | ✓ | |
Pocatello Astronomical Society | Pooctello | Idaho | https://pocatelloastronomicalsociety.com/ | ✓ | ||
Champaign-Urbana Astronomical Society | Champaign | Illinois | Staerkel Planetarium/Parkland College2400 West Bradley Avenue | https://www.cuas.org | ✓ | |
Rockford Amateur Astronomers, Inc. | Loves Park | Illinois | 6691 Squire Ln. | ✓ | ||
Twin City Amateur Astronomers, Inc. | Normal | Illinois | 1109 N. Linden St. | https://www.tcaa.club/ | ✓ | |
Popular Astronomy Club | Orion | Illinois | 11 Deer Run Road | https://www.popularastronomyclub.org/ | ✓ | |
Northwest Suburban Astronomers | Palatine | Illinois | PO Box 95462 | https://www.nsaclub.org/ | ✓ | |
Peoria Astronomical Society | Peoria | Illinois | PO BOX 10111 | http://www.astronomical.org | ✓ | |
Fox Valley Sky Watchers | Sleepy Hollow | Illinois | 164 Hilltop Lane | ✓ | ||
Evansville Astronomical Society | Evansville | Indiana | P.O. Box 3474 | http://evansvilleastro.org/ | ✓ | |
Fort Wayne Astronomical Society | Fort Wayne | Indiana | PO Box 11093 | https://www.fortwayneastronomicalsociety.com/ | ✓ | |
Indiana Astronomical Society | Mooresville | Indiana | P.O. Box 703 | http://www.iasindy.org | ✓ | |
Ames Area Amateur Astronomers | Ames | Iowa | P.O. Box 1961 | http://www.amesastronomers.org/ | ✓ | |
Des Moines Astronomical Society, Inc | Des Moines | Iowa | P.O. Box 111 | http://www.dmastronomy.com | ✓ | |
Black Hawk Astronomy Club | Waterloo | Iowa | 503 South Street | ✓ | ||
Southeastern Iowa Astronomy Club | West Burlington | Iowa | PO Box 14 | ✓ | ||
Kansas Astronomical Observers | Goddard | Kansas | 25000 W 39th S | http://www.kaowichita.com/ | ✓ | |
Astronomy Associates of Lawrence | Lawrence | Kansas | 1082 Malott Hall, 1251 Wescoe Hall Drive | https://astronaal.ku.edu/aboutaal | ✓ | |
Northeast Kansas Amateur Astronomer's League, Inc. | Topeka | Kansas | P.O. Box 951 | http://www.nekaal.org | ✓ | |
West Kentucky Amateur Astronomers | Golden Pond | Kentucky | West Kentucky Amateur Astronomers238 Visitor Center Drive | https://www.facebook.com/groups/496426749191848 | ✓ | |
Baton Rouge Astronomical Society | Baton Rouge | Louisiana | http://www.brastro.org/ | ✓ | ||
Shreveport-Bossier Astronomical Society, Inc. | Shreveport | Louisiana | 353 Ockley Drive | http://www.shreveportastronomy.com | ✓ | |
Southern Maine Astronomers | Brunswick | Maine | 179 Neptune Drive,Suite 300 | http://www.southernmaineastronomers.org | ✓ | |
Penobscot Valley Stargazers | Stockton Springs | Maine | http://www.gazers.org | ✓ | ||
Howard Astronomical League of Central Maryland | Columbia | Maryland | 8630-M Guilford RdSuite 211 | http://www.howardastro.org | ✓ | |
Cumberland Astronomy Club | Frostburg | Maryland | http://www.cumberlandastronomyclub.org | ✓ | ||
TriState Astronomers | Hagerstown | Maryland | 823 Commonwealth Ave | https://www.tristateastronomers.org | ✓ | |
Westminster Astronomical Society | Westminster | Maryland | P.O. Box 1162 | http://www.westminsterastro.org | ✓ | |
South Shore Astronomical Society, The | Norwell | Massachusetts | 293 Pine Street | http://www.ssastros.org/testsite/index.html | ✓ | |
Oakland Astronomy Club | Auburn Hills | Michigan | P.O. Box 210554 | http://www.oaklandastronomy.net | ✓ | |
Kalamazoo Astronomical Society | Kalamazoo | Michigan | 600 West Vine Street, Suite 400 | http://www.kasonline.org/ | ✓ | |
Shoreline Amateur Astronomical Association | West Olive | Michigan | P.O. Box 201 | http://www.holland-saaa.org/ | https://www.facebook.com/ShorelineAstronomy | ✓ |
Minnesota Astronomical Society | Minneapolis | Minnesota | P.O. Box 14931 | http://www.mnastro.org | ✓ | |
Rochester Astronomy Club | Rochester | Minnesota | Box 513 | http://www.rochesterskies.org | ✓ | |
Jackson Astronomical Association | Jackson | Mississippi | P.O. Box 12586 | https://www.facebook.com/groups/jacksonastro/ | ✓ | |
Springfield Astronomical Society | Springfield | Missouri | https://springfieldastronomy.org/ | ✓ | ||
St. Louis Astronomical Society | St. Louis | Missouri | 13128 Cozyhill Drive | http://www.slasonline.org | ✓ | |
Astronomical Society of Eastern Missouri | Wentzville | Missouri | 206 Old Chesapeake Dr | https://www.asemonline.org/ | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064380775869 | ✓ |
Yellowstone Valley Astronomy Association | Laurel | Montana | 759 Clarks River Rd | https://yvaamt.com/ | ✓ | |
Omaha Astronomical Society | Omaha | Nebraska | P.O. Box 34703 | https://www.omahaastro.com/ | ✓ | |
Keene Amateur Astronomers | Keene | New Hampshire | 94 Pako Avenue | http://www.keeneastronomy.org | ✓ | |
New Hampshire Astronomical Society | Manchester | New Hampshire | P.O. Box 5823 | http://www.nhastro.com | ✓ | |
Hopatcong Observatory Astronomy Club | Hopatcong | New Jersey | https://www.hopatcongobservatory.org | ✓ | ||
South Jersey Astronomy Club | Millville | New Jersey | https://www.SJAC.us | ✓ | ||
STAR Astronomy Society | Red Bank | New Jersey | P.O. Box 863 | https://www.starastronomy.org | ✓ | |
Astronomical Society of Toms River Area | Toms River | New Jersey | Ocean County College Building # 13, 1 College Drive | http://www.astra-nj.org | ✓ | |
Albuquerque Astronomical Society | Albuquerque | New Mexico | P.O. Box 50581 | https://www.taas.org | ✓ | |
Magdalena Astronomical Society | Magdalena | New Mexico | PO Box 125 | http://magdalenaastronomicalsociety.org/ | ✓ | |
Rio Rancho Astronomical Society | Rio Rancho | New Mexico | 609 Valley Meadows Dr. NE | http://www.rrastro.org | ✓ | |
El Valle Astronomers | Taos | New Mexico | 403 Valverde Commons Drive | https://elvalleastronomers.org/ | ✓ | |
Buffalo Astronomical Association | Buffalo | New York | https://www.buffaloastronomy.com | ✓ | ||
Mohawk Valley Astronomical Society | Clinton | New York | P.O. Box 52 | http://mvas-ny.org | ✓ | |
Astronomical Society of Long Island | Huntington | New York | 57 Conklin Lane | http://www.asliclub.org | ✓ | |
Amateur Observers' Society of New York | Mineola | New York | 425 Horton Highway | http://www.aosny.org | ✓ | |
Astronomy Section of the Rochester Academy of Science | Rochester | New York | P.O. Box 20292 | https://www.rochesterastronomy.org/ | ✓ | |
Custer Institute | Southold | New York | 1115 Main Bayview Rd.P. O. Box 1204 | http://www.custerobservatory.org/ | ✓ | |
Rockland Astronomy Club | Suffern | New York | 225 Route 59c/o Challenger Center | ✓ | ||
Westchester Amateur Astronomers | Valhalla | New York | P.O. Box 44 | http://www.westchesterastronomers.org/ | ||
Astronomy Club of Asheville | Asheville | North Carolina | 75 St. Dunstan's Circle | http://www.astroasheville.org | ✓ | |
Cleveland County Astronomical Society | Boiling Springs | North Carolina | http://www.ccastro.org | ✓ | ||
Chapel Hill Astronomical and Observational Soc. | Chapel Hill | North Carolina | P.O. Box 3001 | https://chaosastro.org/ | ✓ | |
Raleigh Astronomy Club, Inc. | Raleigh | North Carolina | https://raleighastro.org/ | ✓ | ||
Cape Fear Astronomy Club | Wilmington | North Carolina | P.O. Box 7685 | http://www.capefearastro.org | ✓ | |
Miami Valley Astronomical Society | Beavercreek | Ohio | P.O. Box 340896 | http://www.mvas.org | ✓ | |
Richland Astronomical Society | Bellville | Ohio | P.O. Box 700 | http://www.wro.org | ✓ | |
Chagrin Valley Astronomical Society | Chagrin Falls | Ohio | 15735 Huntley RoadPO Box 11 | https://www.cvas.space/ | ✓ | |
Cincinnati Astronomical Society | Cleves | Ohio | 5274 Zion Rd | http://www.cinastro.org | ✓ | |
Millstream Astronomy Club | Findlay | Ohio | 2019 Sterling Court | ✓ | ||
Lima Astronomical Society | Lima | Ohio | P.O. Box 201 | https://limaastro com | ✓ | |
Toledo Astronomical Association | Sylvania | Ohio | 4815 New England Lane, Apt. 4 | http://toledoastronomy.org | ✓ | |
Stillwater Stargazers | Ohio | https://stillwaterstargazers.com/ | ✓ | |||
Bartlesville Astronomical Society | Bartlesville | Oklahoma | P.O. Box 302 | https://sites.google.com/site/bartlesvilleastronomyclub/ | ✓ | |
Broken Arrow Sidewalk Astronomer | Broken Arrow | Oklahoma | 829 W. Vicksburg Street | ✓ | ||
Oklahoma City Astronomy Club | Oklahoma City | Oklahoma | P. O. Box 22804 | http://www.okcastroclub.com | ✓ | |
Odyssey Astronomy Club | Tribbey | Oklahoma | 30222 Slaughterville Rd. | ✓ | ||
Astronomy Club of Tulsa | Tulsa | Oklahoma | P. O. Box 470611 | http://www.astrotulsa.com | ✓ | |
Eugene Astronomical Society | Eugene | Oregon | P.O. box 50395 | http://www.eugeneastro.org | ✓ | |
Rose City Astronomers | Portland | Oregon | 1945 SE Water Ave | http://www.rosecityastronomers.org | ✓ | |
Umpqua Astronomers | Roseburg | Oregon | 604 Woodoak Drive | ✓ | ||
Southern Oregon Skywatchers | Talent | Oregon | 1557 Summer Place | https://www.orskywatchers.org/ | ✓ | |
Starlight Astronomy Club | Altoona | Pennsylvania | 702 Garden Street | http://www.starlightastronomyclub.org | ✓ | |
Bucks-Mont Astronomical Association | Ambler | Pennsylvania | 411 Susquehanna Rd | http://blog.bma2.org | ✓ | |
Chesmont Astronomical Society | Exton | Pennsylvania | PMB 218256 Eagleview Blvd | http://www.chesmontastro.org | ✓ | |
Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh | Glenshaw | Pennsylvania | P.O. Box 314 | http://www.3ap.org | ✓ | |
Delaware Valley Amateur Astronomers | Hatfield | Pennsylvania | 301 Logan Drive | http://www.dvaa.org | ✓ | |
Astronomy Enthusiasts of Lancaster County | Lititz | Pennsylvania | 325 Rudy Dam Road | http://www.aelc.us | ✓ | |
Oil Region Astronomical Society, Inc. | Oil City | Pennsylvania | P.O. Box 1535 | http://www.oras.org | ✓ | |
Central Pennsylvania Observers | State College | Pennsylvania | 345 Ridge Ave | http://www.cpoclub.org | ✓ | |
Chester County Astronomical Society | West Chester | Pennsylvania | 988 Meadowview Ln | http://www.ccas.us | ✓ | |
Astronomy Club of Augusta | Aiken | South Carolina | 1430 Morningside Drive | https://www.astroclubaugusta.weebly.com | ✓ | |
Lowcountry Stargazers | Charleston | South Carolina | P.O. Box 14453 | https://www.lowcountrystargazers.org | ✓ | |
Midlands Astronomy Club, Inc. | Columbia | South Carolina | P.O. Box 2527 | http://midlandsastronomyclub.org/ | ✓ | |
Grand Strand Astronomers | Conway | South Carolina | 1771 Alford Road | https://www.gsastro.org | ✓ | |
Barnard Astronomical Society | Chattanooga | Tennessee | https://barnardastronomy.org/ | ✓ | ||
Astronomy in the Parks Society | Hendersonville | Tennessee | 150 Roberta Dr | ✓ | ||
Bays Mountain Astronomy Club | Kingsport | Tennessee | Bays Mountain Park Association853 Bays Mountain Park Road | https://www.baysmountain.com/astronomy/astronomy-club/ | ✓ | |
Smoky Mountain Astronomical Society | Maryville | Tennessee | 3433 Ridgeway Trail | http://www.smokymtnastro.org/ | ✓ | |
Fort Worth Astronomical Society | Fort Worth | Texas | 5801 Trail Lake Drive | http://www.fortworthastro.com | ✓ | |
Hill Country Astronomers | Fredericksburg | Texas | P.O. Box 2043 | ✓ | ||
Psalm 19 Astronomy Society | Johnson City | Texas | 1216 Byrd Ranch Road | https://www.psalm19astronomy.org | ✓ | |
North Houston Astronomy Club | Kingwood | Texas | P.O. Box 5043 | http://www.astronomyclub.org/ | ✓ | |
South Plains Astronomy Club | Lubbock | Texas | 3521 50th StSpace 8 | http://southplainsastronomy.org | ✓ | |
West Texas Astronomers | Midland | Texas | P.O. Box 3284 | ✓ | ||
Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas | Richardson | Texas | P. O Box 830742 | http://www.texasastro.org | ✓ | |
Houston Astronomical Society | Spring | Texas | P.O. Box 131282 | http://www.astronomyhouston.org | ✓ | |
Salt Lake Astronomical Society | Tooele | Utah | 472 Country Club | https://www.slas.us | ✓ | |
Springfield Telescope Makers | Springtfield | Vermont | P. O. Box 601 | http://stellafane.org | ✓ | |
Charlottesville Astronomical Society | Charlottesville | Virginia | http://www.cvilleastro.com | ✓ | ||
Echo Ridge Astronomical Society | Elk Creek | Virginia | 766 Echo Ridge Lane | ✓ | ||
Rappahannock Astronomy Club | Fredericksburg | Virginia | P. O. Box 752 | http://www.raclub.org | ✓ | |
Shenandoah Astronomical Society | Front Royal | Virginia | 168 Hatcher Drive | ✓ | ||
Northern Virginia Astronomy Club | Oakton | Virginia | P.O. Box 3452 | http://www.novac.com | ✓ | |
Richmond Astronomical Society | Powhatan | Virginia | 1385 Quarter Mill Ct | http://www.richastro.org | ✓ | |
Blue Ridge Astronomy Club | Red House | Virginia | P.O. Box 70 | https://www.BlueRidgeAstro.com | ✓ | |
Back Bay Amateur Astronomers | Virginia Beach | Virginia | P.O. Box 9877 | http://www.backbayastro.org/ | ✓ | |
Battle Point Astronomical Association | Bainbridge Island | Washington | P. O. Box 10914 | http://www.bpastro.org | ✓ | |
Whatcom Association of Celestial Observers | Ferndale | Washington | P. O. Box 1721 | https://www.whatcomastronomy.com/ | ✓ | |
Friends of Galileo | Longview | Washington | 1632 22nd Ave | ✓ | ||
Everett Astronomical Society | Mill Creek | Washington | P.O. Box 13272 | http://everettastro.org/ | ✓ | |
Island County Astronomical Society | Oak Harbor | Washington | PO Box 325 | http://www.icas-wa.org/ | ✓ | |
Seattle Astronomical Society | Seattle | Washington | P. O. Box 31746 | http://www.seattleastro.org | ✓ | |
Olympic Astronomical Society | SIlverdale | Washington | 9689 Clipper Pl NW | http://www.olympicastronomicalsociety.org | ✓ | |
Spokane Astronomical Society | Spokane | Washington | P. O. Box 8114 | http://www.spokaneastronomical.org/ | ✓ | |
Yakima Valley Astronomical Society | Yakima | Washington | 505 Santa Roza Dr #B | https://www.yakimavalleyastro.org/ | ✓ | |
Central Appalachian Astronomy Club | Bridgeport | West Virginia | 324 Bartlett Ave | http://www.caacwv.com | ✓ | |
Kanawha Valley Astronomical Society | Charleston | West Virginia | P.O. Box 2132 | https://www.kvas.org | ✓ | |
Chippewa Valley Astronomical Society | Eau Claire | Wisconsin | PO Box 1713 | http://www.cvastro.org | ✓ | |
Wehr Astronomical Society | Franklin | Wisconsin | 9701 W College Ave | ✓ | ||
Northern Cross Science Foundation | Grafton | Wisconsin | 2292 Ridgewood Road | http://www.ncsf.info | ✓ | |
Sheboygan Astronomical Society, Inc. | Kohler | Wisconsin | P.O. Box 292 | http://www.shebastro.org/ | ✓ | |
Iowa County Astronomers | Lone Rock | Wisconsin | 1014 Fairview Court | http://www.icastro.org/ | ✓ | |
Madison Astronomical Society | Madison | Wisconsin | P.O. Box 5585 | https://madisonastro.org/ | ✓ | |
Milwaukee Astronomical Society | New Berlin | Wisconsin | http://www.milwaukeeastro.org/ | ✓ | ||
Northeast Wisconsin Stargazers | Sherwood | Wisconsin | P.O. Box 267 | https://www.new-star.org | ✓ |