List of butterflies of Sri Lanka (Papilionidae)

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This is a list of the butterflies of family Papilionidae , or the "swallowtails", which are found in Sri Lanka . It is part of the List of the butterflies of Sri Lanka

Graphium (Graphium) - bluebottles and jays

Tailed jay

Graphium agamemnon 20131222.jpg Tailed jay (Graphium agamemnon menides).jpg

Graphium agamemnonGraphium agamemnon menidesLeast concern
Common bluebottle

Common Bluebottle-Graphium sarpedon teredon.JPG Graphium sarpedon WQXGA.jpg

Graphium sarpedonGraphium sarpedon menides

Graphium sarpedon teredon

Least concern
Common jay

Commonjay adup sec.jpg Common Blue Bottle I IMG 8906.jpg

Graphium dosonGraphium doson dosonLeast concern
Spot swordtail

Spot Swordtail (Graphium nomius) W IMG 9180.jpg Chain Swordtail (Graphium aristeus) at 23 Mile, Duars, WB W IMG 5883.jpg

Graphium nomiusGraphium nomius nomiusLeast concern
Fivebar swordtail

Open wing position of Graphium antiphates Cramer, 1775 - Five-bar Swordtail 2.jpg Close wing position of Graphium antiphates, Cramer, 1775 - Five-bar Swordtail WLB.jpg

Graphium antiphatesGraphium antiphates ceylonicusLeast concern

Papilio (Papilio) - swallowtails

Blue Mormon

Papilio polymnestor-Kadavoor-2016-07-27-002.jpg Papilio polymnestor-Kadavoor-2016-03-30-001.jpg Blue Mormon UN.jpg

Papilio polymnestorPapilio polymnestor parindaLeast concern
Common banded peacock

Open wing position of Papilio crino, Fabricius,1793 - Common Banded Peacock WLB.jpg Common banded peacock (Papilio crino) underside.jpg

Papilio crinoLeast concern
Red Helen

Red Helen (Papilio helenus) at Samsing, Duars, WB W IMG 6219.jpg Papilio helenus fortunius male 20131027.jpg

Papilio helenusPapilio helenus mooreanusLeast concern
Common Mormon

Common Mormon Papilio polytes Male by Dr. Raju Kasambe DSCN2214 (2).jpg Common Mormon Papilio polytes Female Form Romulus by kadavoor.jpg Common Mormon Papilio polytes Female romulus form Dr. Raju Kasambe DSC 8444 01.jpg

Papilio polytesPapilio polytes romulusLeast concern
Lime butterfly

Common Lime Butterfly Papilio demoleus UP by Kadavoor.jpg Lime butterfly.jpg

Papilio demoleusPapilio demoleus demoleusLeast concern
Common mime

Form dissimilis.jpg DR002 Chilasa clytia disimilis UP.jpg

Papilio clytiaPapilio clytia lankeswaraLeast concern

Atrophaneura (Pachliopta) - roses

Common rose

Open wing position of Pachliopta aristolochiae Fabricius, 1775 - Common Rose.jpg Common rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae aristolochiae) underside.jpg

Pachliopta aristolochiaePachliopta aristolochiae ceylanicaLeast concern
Crimson rose

Crimson Rose (Atrophaneura hector) in Hyderabad, AP W IMG 7819.jpg Crimson rose at Kaludiya pokuna.jpg

Pachliopta hectorLeast concern
Ceylon rose Menelaides jophon 436.png Pachliopta jophonEndemicCritically endangered

Troides - birdwings

Sri Lankan birdwing


Troides darsiusEndemicNear threatened

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