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Wildlife of Sri Lanka |
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Sri Lanka is a tropical island situated close to the southern tip of India. It is situated in the middle of Indian Ocean. Because of being an island, Sri Lanka has many endemic freshwater fauna, as well as thousands of marine and brackish water fauna. [1] Fishing is the way of life of most of coastal community. So, the marine fish fauna gives a greater commercial value to the country's economy, as well as well being of the coastal people. [2]
Marine fish are strictly different from freshwater counterparts due to high salinity of sea water, which they live. Also, they are larger than most freshwater species and rich in proteins.
There are about 100+ species of common commercial fish around the country. Crustaceans such as, crabs, lobsters, prawns, and squids, cuttlefish, and sea cucumbers also added to this list instead of fish types due to their high value commercially. [3]
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Lamniformes. Family: Lamnidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Longfin mako shark | Isurus paucus | Maha mee moraa (මහ මී මෝරා) |
Shortfin mako shark | Isurus oxyrinchus | Heen mee mora (හීන් මී මෝරා) |
Family: Alopiidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Common thresher | Alopias vulpinus | Kasa moraa (කස මෝරා) - banned |
Family: Carcharhinidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Silky shark | Carcharhinus falciformis | Bala moraa (බල මෝරා) |
Oceanic whitetip shark | Carcharhinus longimanus | Polkola mora (පොල්කොල මෝරා) |
Blue shark | Prionace glauca | Seeni mora (සීනි මෝරා) |
Family: Sphyrnidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Scalloped hammerhead | Sphyrna lewini | Udalu mora (උදලු මෝරා) |
Great hammerhead | Sphyrna mokarran | Udalu mora (උදලු මෝරා) |
Smooth hammerhead | Sphyrna zygaena | Udalu mora (උදලු මෝරා) |
Order: Rajiformes. Family: Rhinobatidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Common shovelnose ray | Glaucostegus typus | Baaloliyaa (බාලොලියා) |
Order: Myliobatiformes. Family: Dasyatidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Common stingray | Dasyatis pastinaca | Waeli maduwaa (වැලි මඩුවා) |
Pale-edged stingray | Dasyatis zugei | Waeli maduwaa (වැලි මඩුවා) |
Family: Myliobatidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Spotted eagle ray | Aetobatus narinari | Vavoi maduwaa (වවොයි මඩුවා) |
Pygmy devil ray | Mobula eregoodootenkee | Ali maduwaa (අලි මඩුවා) |
Flapnose ray | Rhinoptera javanica | Maduwaa (මඩුවා) |
Order: Torpediniformes. Family: Narcinidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Blackspotted numbfish | Narcine timlei | Viduli maduwaa (විදුලි මඩුවා) |
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes. Family: Scombridae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Wahoo | Acanthocybium solandri | Sawaraa (සවරා) |
Bullet tuna | Auxis rochei | Ragodu, Kombayaa (රගොඩු, කොම්බයා) |
Frigate tuna | Auxis thazard | Alagoduwaa (අලගොඩුවා) |
Mackerel tuna | Euthynnus affinis | Aetawallaa (ඇටවල්ලා) |
Skipjack tuna | Katsuwonus pelamis | Balayaa (බලයා) |
Indian mackerel | Rastrelliger kanagurta | Kumbalawaa (කුම්බලවා) |
Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commerson | Thoraa (තෝරා) |
Yellowfin tuna | Thunnus albacares | Kelawallaa (කෙලවල්ලා) |
Bigeye tuna | Thunnus obesus | As-gedi Kelawallaa (ඇස් ගෙඩි කෙලවල්ලා) |
Family: Carangidae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Bludger | Carangoides gymnostethus | Vattiyaa (වට්ටියා) |
Yellowspotted trevally | Carangoides fulvoguttatus | Thumba parau (තුම්බ පරාවා) |
Blacktip trevally | Caranx heberi | Guru parau (ගුරු පරාවා) |
Giant trevally | Caranx ignobilis | Parau (පරාවා) |
Indian Scad | Decapterus russelli | Linna (ලින්නා) |
Bigeye scad | Selar crumenophthalmus | Bollaa (බෝල්ලා) |
Family: Istiophoridae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Indo-Pacific sailfish | Istiophorus platypterus | Thalapath (තලපත්) |
Black marlin | Istiompax indica | Kalu kopparaa (කලු කොප්පරා) |
Striped marlin | Kajikia audax | Iri kopparaa (ඉරි කොප්පරා) |
Atlantic blue marlin | Makaira nigricans | Nil koppara (නිල් කොප්පරා) |
Family: Xiphiidae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Swordfish | Xiphias gladius | Sapparaa (සප්පරා)/Thalapath (තලපතා) |
Family: Lethrinidae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Spangled emperor | Lethrinus nebulosus | Meevetiya, Atissaa (මීවෙටියා, අටිස්සා) |
Longface emperor | Lethrinus olivaceus | Uru hotaa (ඌරු හොටා) |
Family: Lutjanidae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Sharptooth jobfish | Pristipomoides typus | Kalmaee (කලමී) |
Mangrove red snapper | Lutjanus argentimaculatus | Thabalayaa (තබලයා) |
Dory snapper | Lutjanus fulviflamma | Rannaa (රන්නා) |
Blubberlip snapper | Lutjanus rivulatus | Badawaa (බඩවා) |
Family: Serranidae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Coral hind | Cephalopholis miniata | Thabuwaa (තබුවා) |
Malabar grouper | Epinephelus malabaricus | Gas bola, Gal kossaa (ගස් බෝලා, ගල් කොස්සා) |
Wavy-lined grouper | Epinephelus undulosus | Lawayaa (ලවයා) |
Family: Haemulidae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Sri Lanka sweetlips | Plectorhinchus ceylonensis | Boraluwaa (බොරලුවා) |
Family: Nemipteridae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Delagoa threadfin bream | Nemipterus bipunctatus | Sudhdhaa (සුද්දා) |
Fork-tailed threadfin bream | Nemipterus furcosus | Sudhdhaa (සුද්දා) |
Family: Scaridae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Ember parrotfish | Scarus rubroviolaceus | Girawaa (ගිරවා) |
Eclipse parrotfish | Scarus russelii | Girawaa (ගිරවා) |
Family: Siganidae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Bronze-lined rabbitfish | Siganus insomnis | Orawaa (ඔරවා) |
Streaked spinefoot | Siganus javus | Orawaa (ඔරවා) |
Golden-lined spinefoot | Siganus lineatus | Orawaa (ඔරවා) |
Vermiculated spinefoot | Siganus vermiculatus | Orawaa (ඔරවා) |
Family: Sphyraenidae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Pickhandle barracuda | Sphyraena jello | Jeelawaa (ජීලාවා) |
Obtuse barracuda | Sphyraena obtusata | Jeelawaa (ජීලාවා) |
Family: Mugilidae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Largescale mullet | Chelone macrolepis | Godayaa (ගොඩයා) |
Flathead grey mullet | Mugil cephalus | Godayaa (ගොඩයා) |
Family: Trichiuridae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Savalani hairtail | Lepturacanthus savala | Sevalayaa (සෙවලයා) |
Family: Gerreidae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Deep-bodied mojarra | Gerres erythrourus | Thirali (තිරලි)) |
Slender silver-biddy | Gerres oblongus | Thirali (තිරලි) |
Common silver-biddy | Gerres oyena | Thirali (තිරලි) |
Family: Leiognathidae
Common name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Berber ponyfish | Leiognathus berbis | Kaarallaa (කාරල්ලා)) |
Shortnose ponyfish | Leiognathus brevirostris | Kaarallaa (කාරල්ලා) |
Common ponyfish | Leiognathus equulus | Kaarallaa (කාරල්ලා) |
Order: Clupeiformes. Family: Clupeidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Bleeker's smoothbelly sardinella | Amblygaster clupeoides | Gal hurulla (ගල් හුරුල්ලා) |
Smoothbelly sardinella | Amblygaster leiogaster | Keeramin (කීරමින්) |
Spotted sardinella | Amblygaster sirm | Hurulla (හුරුල්ලා) |
Rainbow sardine | Dussumieria acuta | Thondayaa (තොන්ඩයා) |
White sardine | Escualosa thoracata | Wella sudaa (වැල්ල සුදා) |
Bloch's gizzard shad | Nematalosa nasus | Koyyaa (කොය්යා) |
White sardinella | Sardinella albella | Sudayaa (සුදයා) |
Goldstripe sardinella | Sardinella gibbosa | Saalayaa (සාලයා) |
Ilish | Tenualosa ilisha | Puvaali (පුවාලි) |
Family: Engraulidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Commerson's anchovy | Stolephorus commersonnii | Haalmassaa (හාල්මැස්සා) |
Indian anchovy | Stolephorus indicus | Handalla (හැදැල්ලා) |
False baelama anchovy | Thryssa encrasicholoides | Laggaa (ලග්ගා) |
Gautama thryssa | Thryssa gautamiensis | Laggaa (ලග්ගා) |
Malabar thryssa | Thryssa malabarica | Laggaa (ලග්ගා)/ Balal parattaya (බළල් පරට්ටයා) |
Moustached thryssa | Thryssa mystax | Ata Laggaa (ඇට ලග්ගා) |
Order: Beloniformes. Family: Belonidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Freshwater garfish | Xenentodon cancila | Habarali (හබරලි) |
Family: Exocoetidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Black-sail flyingfish | Cheilopogon nigricans | Piyamassa (පියාමැස්සා) |
Family: Hemiramphidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Jumping halfbeak | Hemiramphus archipelagicus | Morallaa (මොරල්ලා) |
Congaturi halfbeak | Hyporhamphus limbatus | Morallaa (මොරල්ලා) |
Family: Zenarchopteridae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Feathered river garfish | Zenarchopterus dispar | Habarali (හබරලි) |
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Family: Palaemonidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Giant river prawn | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | Karadu issaa (කරඩු ඉස්සා) |
Family: Penaeidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Indian prawn | Fenneropenaeus indicus - syn. Penaeus indicus | Kiri issaa (කිරි ඉස්සා) |
Asian tiger shrimp | Penaeus monodon | Karawadu issaa (කරවදු ඉස්සා) |
Green tiger prawn | Penaeus semisulcatus | Kurutu issaa (කුරුටු ඉස්සා) |
Family: Palinuridae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Scalloped spiny lobster | Panulirus homarus | Waeli issaa (වැලි ඉස්සා) |
Ornate rock lobster | Panulirus ornatus | Devi issaa (දෙවි ඉස්සා) |
Pronghorn spiny lobster | Panulirus penicillatus | Gal issaa (ගල් ඉස්සා) |
Slipper lobster | Panulirus polyphagus | Mada issaa (මඩ ඉස්සා) |
Painted rock lobster | Panulirus versicolor | Bathik issaa (බතික් ඉස්සා) |
Family: Scyllaridae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Slipper lobster | Bathyarctus rubens - syn. Scyllarus rubens | Sapaththu issaa (සපත්තු ඉස්සා) |
Pygmy slipper lobster | Biarctus sordidus - syn. Scyllarus sordidus | Sapaththu issaa (සපත්තු ඉස්සා) |
Order: Stomatopoda
Family: Odontodactylidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Peacock mantis shrimp | Odontodactylus scyllarus - very few used as a food. mostly as an aquarium species. | Monara issaa (මොණර ඉස්සා) |
Family: Portunidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Smooth-shelled swimming crab | Charybdis affinis | Mudu kakuluwaa (මුදු කකුලුවා) |
Crucifix crab | Charybdis feriata | Mudu kakuluwaa (මුදු කකුලුවා) |
Indo Pacific swimming crab | Charybdis hellerii | Mudu kakuluwaa (මුදු කකුලුවා) |
Ridged swimming crab | Charybdis natator | Mudu kakuluwaa (මුදු කකුලුවා) |
Indian swimming crab | Charybdis smithii | Mudu kakuluwaa (මුදු කකුලුවා) |
Blunt-toothed crab | Charybdis truncata | Mudu kakuluwaa (මුදු කකුලුවා) |
Flower crab | Portunus pelagicus | Mal kakuluwaa (මල් කකුලුවා) |
Three-spot swimming crab | Portunus sanguinolentus | Mudu kakuluwaa (මුදු කකුලුවා) |
Mangrove crab | Scylla serrata | Kalapu kakuluwaa (කලපු කකුලුවා) |
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Teuthida
Family: Loliginidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Indian squid | Uroteuthis duvauceli - syn. Loligo duvauceli | Ahin daellaa (අහින් දැල්ලා) |
Long barrel squid | Uroteuthis singhalensis - syn. Loligo singhalensis | Bothal daellaa (බෝතල් දැල්ලා) |
Order: Sepiida
Family: Sepiidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name | Tamil Name |
Needle cuttlefish | Sepia aculeata | Pothu daellaa (පොතු දැල්ලා) | Oosi Kanawa (ஊசி கணவாய்) |
Pharaoh cuttlefish | Sepia pharaonis | Daellaa (දැල්ලා) | Kanawa (கணவாய்) |
Class: Holothuroidea
Order: Holothuriida
Family: Holothuriidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Harry blackfish | Actinopyga miliaris | Kalu attayaa (කලු අට්ටයා) |
Brown sandfish | Bohadschia marmorata | Nul attayaa (නූල් අට්ටයා) |
Lollyfish | Holothuria atra | Nari attayaa (නරි අට්ටයා) |
Edible sea cucumber | Holothuria edulis | Rathu attayaa (රතු අට්ටයා) |
White Teatfish | Holothuria fuscogilva | Ham attayaa (හම් අට්ටයා) |
Black Teatfish | Holothuria nobilis | Polon attayaa (පොලොන් අට්ටයා) |
Golden Sandfish | Holothuria scabra | Waeli attayaa (වැලි අට්ටයා) |
Order: Synallactida
Family: Stichopodidae
Name | Binomial | Sinhala Name |
Greenfish sea cucumber | Stichopus chloronotus | Dambalayaa (දබලයා) |
Pineapple sea cucumber | Thelenota ananas | Annaasi attayaa (අන්නාසි අට්ටයා) |
Giant sea cucumber | Thelenota anax | Pun attayaa (පන් අට්ටයා) |
Fishery can mean either the enterprise of raising or harvesting fish and other aquatic life or, more commonly, the site where such enterprise takes place. Commercial fisheries include wild fisheries and fish farms, both in freshwater waterbodies and the oceans. About 500 million people worldwide are economically dependent on fisheries. 171 million tonnes of fish were produced in 2016, but overfishing is an increasing problem, causing declines in some populations.
The barramundi, Asian sea bass, or giant sea perch is a species of catadromous fish in the family Latidae of the order Perciformes. The species is widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, spanning the waters of the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Oceania.
The Laccadive Sea, also known as the Lakshadweep Sea, is a body of water bordering India, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka. It is located to the southwest of Karnataka, to the west of Kerala and to the south of Tamil Nadu. This warm sea has a stable water temperature through the year and is rich in marine life, the Gulf of Mannar alone hosting about 3,600 species. Mangaluru, Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode, Ponnani, Kochi, Alappuzha, Kollam, Thiruvananthapuram, Tuticorin, Colombo, and Malé are the major cities on the shore of the Laccadive Sea. Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of peninsular India, also borders this sea.
Blue moki is a species of marine ray finned fish belonging to the family Latridae, the trumpeters. It is native to the southwestern Pacific Ocean around New Zealand and occasionally off southeastern Australia at depths of 10 metres (33 ft) and greater. Juveniles inhabit inshore waters, preferring rocky reefs while adults mostly occur in offshore waters forming schools over open bottoms. Some solitary adults can be found on reefs. This species can reach a length of 80 centimetres (31 in) FL, though most do not exceed 63 centimetres (25 in) TL. This species is commercially important and is also popular as a game fish.
The bluefin gurnard or Pacific red gurnard is a species of marine ray-finned fishes belonging to the family Triglidae, the gurnards and sea robins. Its Māori names are kumukumu and pūwahaiau. It is found in the western Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean, being common around Australia and New Zealand at depths down to 200 metres (660 ft). The fish is one of the most important commercial fish species in New Zealand.
Lepidocephalichthys jonklaasi, known as the Jonklaas's loach or the spotted loach, is an endemic fish species restricted to the wet zone of Sri Lanka. The species was first recorded from the Wilpita area. It is currently known from 12 locations in the wet zone including Beraliya, Dombagaskandha, Madakada, Gilimale, Hiyare, Kottawa, Kanneliya, Weddagala, Nakiyadeniya, Pahiyangala and Boralugoda. It is recorded from a wide range of altitudes. Due to its restricted range and the threats to its habitat Lepidocephalichthys jonklaasi, is listed as an Endangered species. The species has already begun to disappear from some of the sites mentioned above due to destruction and fragmentation of its habitat and many other threats that are operating on the species.
Fishing in India is a major sector within the economy of India contributing 1.07% of its total GDP. The fishing sector in India supports the livelihood of over 28 million people in the country, especially within the marginalized and vulnerable communities. India is the third largest fish producing country in the world accounting for 7.96% of the global production and second largest producer of fish through aquaculture, after China. The total fish production during the FY 2020-21 is estimated at 14.73 million metric tonnes. According to the National Fisheries Development Board the Fisheries Industry generates an export earnings of Rs 334.41 billion. Centrally sponsored schemes will increase exports by Rs 1 lakh crore in FY25. 65,000 fishermen have been trained under these schemes from 2017 to 2020. Freshwater fishing consists of 55% of total fish production.
The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to fishing:
The wildlife of Sri Lanka includes its flora and fauna and their natural habitats. Sri Lanka has one of the highest rates of biological endemism.
Fishing is a major economic activity in Portugal. The country has a long tradition in the sector, and is among the countries in the world with the highest fish consumption per capita. Roman ruins of fish processing facilities were found across the Portuguese coast. Fish has been an important staple for the entire Portuguese population, at least since the Portuguese Age of Discovery.
As with other countries, the 200 nautical miles (370 km) exclusive economic zone (EEZ) off the coast of the United States gives its fishing industry special fishing rights. It covers 11.4 million square kilometres, which is the second largest zone in the world, exceeding the land area of the United States.
Fisheries are affected by climate change in many ways: marine aquatic ecosystems are being affected by rising ocean temperatures, ocean acidification and ocean deoxygenation, while freshwater ecosystems are being impacted by changes in water temperature, water flow, and fish habitat loss. These effects vary in the context of each fishery. Climate change is modifying fish distributions and the productivity of marine and freshwater species. Climate change is expected to lead to significant changes in the availability and trade of fish products. The geopolitical and economic consequences will be significant, especially for the countries most dependent on the sector. The biggest decreases in maximum catch potential can be expected in the tropics, mostly in the South Pacific regions.
The fishing industry plays a significant part in the national economy of Pakistan. With a coastline of about 1,120 km, Pakistan has enough fishery resources that remain to be developed. Most of the population of the coastal areas of Sindh and Balochistan depends on fisheries for livelihood. It is also a major source of export earning.
Koggala Lagoon is a coastal body of water located in Galle District, Southern Sri Lanka. It is situated near the town of Koggala and adjacent to the southern coast, about 110 km (68 mi) south of Colombo. The lagoon is embellished with eight ecologically rich small islands.
Rekawa Lagoon is a coastal waterbody located in Hambantota Districtt in the Southern Province, Sri Lanka and it is located 200 km (120 mi) south of Colombo. The lagoon possesses a rich biodiversity with a variety of flora and fauna.
Sri Lanka exhibits a remarkable biological diversity and is considered to be the richest country in Asia in terms of species concentration.