This article contains a list of encyclicals of Pope Pius XI. Pius XI issued 31 papal encyclicals during his reign as pope and was considering one at his death.
No. | Title (Latin, except where is noted) | Title (English translation) | Subject | Date |
1. | Ubi arcano Dei consilio | "The Hidden Counsel of God" | "On the Peace of Christ in His Kingdom" | 23 December 1922 |
2. | Rerum omnium perturbationem | "Disturbance of All Things" | St. Francis De Sales | 26 January 1923 |
3. | Studiorum ducem | "On St. Thomas Aquinas" | Thomas Aquinas | 29 June 1923 |
4. | Ecclesiam Dei | "The Church of God" | On St. Josaphat Kuntsevych | 12 November 1923 |
5. | Maximam gravissimamque | "The Greatest and Gravest" | On French Diocesan Association | 18 January 1924 |
6. | Quas primas | " " | On the Feast of Christ the King | 11 December 1925 |
7. | Rerum Ecclesiae | "Of the Things of the Church" | Catholic Missions | 28 February 1926 |
8. | Rite expiatis | " " | On St. Francis of Assisi | 13 April 1926 |
9. | Iniquis afflictisque | " " | On the Persecution of the Church in Mexico | 18 November 1926 |
10. | Mortalium animos | "The Minds of Mortals" | On Religious Unity | 6 January 1928 |
11. | Miserentissimus Redemptor | "Most Merciful Redeemer" | Reparation to the Sacred Heart | 8 May 1928 |
12. | Rerum orientalium | "Of Eastern Things" | Promoting Oriental Studies | 8 September 1928 |
13. | Divini cultus | " " | On Divine Worship | 20 December 1928 |
14. | Mens nostra | "Our Mind" | Promotion of the Spiritual Exercises | 20 December 1929 |
15. | Divini illius Magistri | "That Divine Teacher" | On Christian Education | 31 December 1929 |
16. | Quinquagesimo ante | "Fifty Years Ago" | On His Priestly Jubilee | 23 December 1929 |
17. | Ad salutem | "For Salvation" | On St. Augustine | 30 April 1930 |
18. | Casti connubii | "Chaste Wedlock" | On Christian marriage | 31 December 1930 |
19. | Quadragesimo anno | "In the Fortieth Year" | On the Reconstruction of the Social Order | 15 May 1931 |
20. | Non abbiamo bisogno (in Italian) | "We do not need" | Catholic Action in Italy | 29 June 1931 |
21. | Nova impendet | "A New Scourge Threatens" | On the Economic Crisis | 2 October 1931 |
22. | Lux veritatis | "The Light of Truth" | On the Council of Ephesus | 25 December 1931 |
23. | Caritate Christi compulsi | "The Love of Christ Impels Us" | On the Sacred Heart | 3 May 1932 |
24. | Acerba animi | "Sorrow of Soul" | On the Persecution of the Church in Mexico | 29 September 1932 |
25. | Dilectissima Nobis | "Most Dear to Us" | On the Persecution of the Church in Spain | 3 June 1933 |
26. | Ad Catholici sacerdotii | "To the Summit of Catholic priesthood" | On the Catholic priesthood | 20 December 1935 |
27. | Vigilanti cura | "Vigilant Care" | On Motion Pictures | 29 June 1936 |
28. | Mit brennender Sorge (in German) | "With Burning Anxiety" | On the Church and the German Reich | 14 March 1937 |
29. | Divini Redemptoris | "Of a Divine Redeemer" | On Atheistic Communism | 19 March 1937 |
30. | Nos es muy conocida (in Spanish) | "It Is Well Known to Us" | On the Religious Situation in Mexico | 28 March 1937 |
31. | Ingravescentibus malis | "The Increasing Evils" | On the Rosary | 29 September 1937 |
At the time of his death, Pius XI was reviewing an early version of an additional encyclical, Humani generis unitas (On the Unity of the Human Race), on the church, anti-Semitism, racism, and persecution of Jews.
Pope Pius XI, born Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti, was head of the Catholic Church from 6 February 1922 to his death in 1939. He was the first sovereign of Vatican City from its creation as an independent state on 11 February 1929. He assumed as his papal motto "Pax Christi in Regno Christi," translated "The Peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ."
An encyclical was originally a circular letter sent to all the churches of a particular area in the ancient Roman Church. At that time, the word could be used for a letter sent out by any bishop. The word comes from the Late Latin encyclios.
Quadragesimo anno is an encyclical issued by Pope Pius XI on 15 May 1931, 40 years after Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum novarum, further developing Catholic social teaching. Unlike Leo XIII, who addressed the condition of workers, Pius XI discusses the ethical implications of the social and economic order. He describes the major dangers for human freedom and dignity arising from unrestrained capitalism, socialism, and totalitarian communism. He also calls for the reconstruction of the social order based on the principles of solidarity and subsidiarity.
Christ the King is a title of Jesus in Christianity referring to the idea of the Kingdom of God where the Christ is described as seated at the right hand of God.
Summi Pontificatus is an encyclical of Pope Pius XII published on 20 October 1939. The encyclical is subtitled "on the unity of human society". It was the first encyclical of Pius XII and was seen as setting "a tone" for his papacy. It critiques major errors at the time, such as ideologies of racism, cultural superiority and the totalitarian state. It also sets the theological framework for future encyclical letters, such as Mystici corporis Christi (1943). The encyclical laments the destruction of Poland, denounces the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and calls for a restoration of independent Poland.
Divini Redemptoris is an anti-communist encyclical issued by Pope Pius XI. It was published on 19 March 1937. In this encyclical, the pope sets out to "expose once more in a brief synthesis the principles of atheistic Communism as they are manifested chiefly in Bolshevism".
Humani generis unitas was a draft for an encyclical planned by Pope Pius XI before his death on February 10, 1939. The draft text condemned antisemitism, racism and the persecution of Jews. Because it was never issued, it is sometimes referred to as "The Hidden Encyclical" or "The Lost Encyclical". Humani generis unitas was written by three Jesuits under the leadership of John LaFarge. The draft text remained secret until published in 1995 in France and in 1997 in English as The Hidden Encyclical of Pius XI.
Quas primas was an encyclical of Pope Pius XI. Promulgated on December 11, 1925, it introduced the Feast of Christ the King.
Haurietis aquas is a landmark encyclical of Pope Pius XII on devotion to the Sacred Heart. Written on May 15, 1956, it was attached to the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Pope Pius IX.
Miserentissimus Redemptor is the title of an encyclical by Pope Pius XI, issued on May 8, 1928 on reparation to the Sacred Heart. This encyclical deals with the concepts of Acts of Reparation and atonement.
Evangelii praecones was an encyclical letter of Pope Pius XII about Catholic missions. In it, he described necessary improvements and changes, and the persecution of the Church in some parts of the world. The encyclical was issued in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the encyclical Rerum ecclesiae by his predecessor Pope Pius XI.
Invicti athletae is an encyclical of Pope Pius XII to the bishops of the world on the 300th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Andrew Bobola.
The theology of Pope Pius XII is reflected in his forty-one encyclicals, as well as speeches and nearly 1000 messages, during his almost 20-year pontificate. The encyclicals Mystici corporis and Mediator Dei advanced the understanding of membership and participation in the Catholic Church. The encyclical Divino afflante Spiritu began opening the door to historical-critical biblical studies. But his magisterium was far larger and is difficult to summarize. In numerous speeches Catholic teaching is related to various aspects of life, education, medicine, politics, war and peace, the life of saints, Mary, the mother of God, things eternal and temporal.
Social teachings of Pope Pius XII refers to encyclicals, apostolic constitutions and speeches by Pope Pius XII on non-theological issues involving medicine, science, education, social justice, family and sexuality, and occupations.
The Mariology of the popes is the theological study of the influence that the popes have had on the development, formulation and transformation of the Roman Catholic Church's doctrines and devotions relating to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Non abbiamo bisogno is a Roman Catholic encyclical published on 29 June 1931 by Pope Pius XI.
Dilectissima Nobis is an encyclical issued by Pope Pius XI on June 3, 1933, in which he decried persecution of the Church in Spain, citing the expropriation of all Church buildings, episcopal residences, parish houses, seminaries and monasteries. He protested "serious offenses committed against the Divine Majesty, with the numerous violations of His sacrosanct rights and with so many transgressions of His laws, We have sent to heaven fervent prayers asking God to pardon the offenses against Him".
Pope Pius XII's 1942 Christmas address was a speech delivered by Pope Pius XII over Vatican Radio on Christmas 1942. It is notable for its denunciation of the extermination of people on the basis of race, and followed the commencement of the Nazi Final Solution program to exterminate the Jews of Europe. The significance of the denunciation is a matter of scholarly debate.