List of endemic birds of the Galápagos Islands

Last updated

Map of the Galapagos Islands, showing the archipelago's topography Galapagos Islands topographic map-en.svg
Map of the Galápagos Islands, showing the archipelago's topography

Endemism and threats

The islands are home to several endemic genera.

Endemic Bird Area

Birdlife International defines Endemic Bird Areas (EBAs) as places where the breeding ranges of two or more range-restricted species—those with breeding ranges of less than 50,000 km2 (19,000 sq mi)—overlap. In order to qualify, the whole of the breeding range of at least two range-restricted species must fall entirely within the EBA. [1] The entire Galápagos Islands archipelago is considered to be an Endemic Bird Area. [2] Ten Important Bird Areas, which are areas which meet a specific set of internationally agreed criteria, fall within the EBA's boundaries. [2]


List of endemic species

IUCN Red List categories
Conservation status
 EX  Extinct (0 species)
 EW  Extinct in the wild (0 species)
 CR  Critically endangered (2 species)
 EN  Endangered (2 species)
 VU  Vulnerable (9 species)
 NT  Near threatened (2 species)
 LC  Least concern (11 species)
order [nb 1]
Common namePictureScientific nameDistribution and habitatIUCN
status [nb 2]
1 Galápagos dove Galapagos-dove.jpg Zenaida galapagoensisNT IUCN
2 Galápagos crake Laterallus spilonota 339600312.jpg Laterallus spilonotaHighlands of the main islands (except Floreana) [5] VU IUCN Also known as Galápagos rail [6]
3 Lava gull Lava Gull RWD2.jpg Leucophaeus fuliginosusVU IUCN
4 Galápagos penguin Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) male.jpg Spheniscus mendiculusEN IUCN
5 Flightless cormorant Ecuador-250.jpg Phalacrocorax harrisiCoastal areas on Fernandina and northern and western Isabela [7] VU IUCN
6 Lava heron Lava heron Galapagos.jpg Butorides sundevalliRocky shores and marine lagoons on islands throughout [8] LC IUCN Considered by some authorities (including BirdLife International and the American Ornithological Society) to be a subspecies of the striated heron [9] [10]
7 Galápagos hawk Ecuador-253.jpg Buteo galapagoensisAll habitats throughout the islands, except on Genovesa, San Cristóbal, and Floreana [11] VU IUCN
8 Large-billed flycatcher Galapagos flycatcher (33936548318).jpg Myiarchus magnirostrisLC IUCN
9 Galapagos mockingbird Galapagos mockingbird -Santa Cruz -Charles Darwin Research Centre.jpg Mimus parvulusLC IUCN
10 Floreana mockingbird Mimus trifasciatus, Floreana, Galapagos 1.jpg Mimus trifasciatusEN IUCN Also known as Charles Island mockingbird
11 Hood mockingbird Hood-mockingbird-rocks.jpg Mimus macdonaldiVU IUCN Also known as Española mockingbird
12 San Cristóbal mockingbird San Cristobal Mockingbird.jpg Mimus melanotisNT IUCN Also known as Chatham mockingbird
13 Large ground finch Large ground finch (4229035966).jpg Geospiza magnirostrisLC IUCN
14 Medium ground finch Geospiza fortis.jpg Geospiza fortisLC IUCN
15 Small ground finch Geospiza fuliginosa -South Plaza Island, Galapagos Islands-8.jpg Geospiza fuliginosaLC IUCN
16 Sharp-beaked ground finch Sharp-beaked Ground Finch (f) JCB.tif Geospiza difficilisLC IUCN
17 Common cactus finch Cactus Finch (47938750208).jpg Geospiza scandensLC IUCN
18 Española cactus finch Geospiza conirostris -Espanola Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador-8.jpg Geospiza conirostrisVU IUCN
19 Vegetarian finch Platyspiza crassirostris (8500652538).jpg Geospiza crassirostrisLC IUCN
20 Large tree finch Camarhynchus psittacula 339602671.jpg Camarhynchus psittaculaVU IUCN
21 Medium tree finch MTF male.jpg Camarhynchus pauperCR IUCN
22 Small tree finch Camarhynchus parvulus.jpg Camarhynchus parvulusLC IUCN
23 Woodpecker finch Camarhynchus pallidus - Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt - Darmstadt, Germany - DSC00111.jpg Camarhynchus pallidusVU IUCN
24 Mangrove finch Camarhynchus heliobates 2.png Camarhynchus heliobatesCR IUCN
25 Green warbler-finch Certhidea olivacea 64237533.jpg Certhidea olivaceaVU IUCN Sometimes considered conspecific with the grey warbler-finch [12]
26 Grey warbler-finch Certhidea olivacea.jpg Certhidea fuscaLC IUCN


  1. This list uses the taxonomy proposed by the International Ornithologists' Union. [3] Avian checklists and field guides typically list species in taxonomic order to show the evolutionary relationships between species; those which are more closely related are physically listed nearer each other. [4]
  2. This column sorts by threat level, as outlined in the key above.



  • BirdLife International (2004). "Most Endemic Bird Areas are in the tropics and important for other biodiversity too". Retrieved 30 April 2021.
  • BirdLife International (2017). "Green Warbler-finch: Certhidea olivacea". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2021.
  • BirdLife International (2021a). "Galápagos Islands". Retrieved 30 April 2021.
  • BirdLife International (2021b). "Species factsheet: Galapagos Rail – Laterallus spilonota" . Retrieved 16 April 2021.
  • Cornell Lab of Ornithology (16 November 2015). "What is taxonomic order and why is it used for the sequence of birds in my field guide?". All About Birds. Retrieved 29 March 2021.
  • Lepage, Denis (ed.). "Galapagos Heron: Butorides sundevalli". Avibase — The World Bird Database. Retrieved 2 March 2021.
  • Fitter, Julian; Fitter, Daniel & Hosking, David (2000). Wildlife of the Galápagos. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Pocket Guides. ISBN   978-0-691-10295-5.
  • Gill, Frank; Donsker, David & Rasmussen, Pamela, eds. (2021). "IOC World Bird List". IOC. Retrieved 16 January 2021.
  • Santander, Tatiana; Freile, Juan F. & Loor-Vela, Sandra (2009). "Ecuador". In Devenish, C.; Díaz-Fernández, D. F.; Clay, R. P.; Davidson, I. & Yépez Zabala, I. (eds.). Important Bird Areas Americas - Priority sites for biodiversity conservation. Quito: BirdLife International. ISBN   978-9942-9959-0-2.