List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Paraguay

Last updated

Paraguay rel location map.svg
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Fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Paraguay
Yellow ffff80 pog.svg General Bruguer/Riacho Negro
Green pog.svg Misiones Formation
Red pog.svg San Miguel Formation
Cyan pog.svg Cariy Sandstone
Dark Green 004040 pog.svg Eusebio Ayala Formation
Gold pog.svg Tagatiya Guazu Formation

This is a list of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Paraguay .


List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units

General Bruguer/Riacho Negro Pleistocene [1]
Misiones Formation Aptian [2]
Independencia San Miguel Formation Artinskian [3]
Cariy Sandstone Telychian [4]
Vargas Peña Shale Llandovery [5]
Itacurubi Eusebio Ayala Formation or
Ayala Sandstone
Hirnantian [6]
Itapucumi Tagatiya Guazu Formation Ediacaran [7]

See also

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The Kirusillas Formation is a Homerian geologic formation of central Bolivia. The formation comprises black shales, overlies the Llallagua Formation and is overlain by the Pampa and Guayabillas Formations. The Kirusillas Formation is laterally equivalent to the Lipeón Formation. The formation is a potential source rock for shale oil and shale gas.

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The Lipeón Formation is a Telychian to Pridoli geologic formation of southern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina. The formation comprises sandstones and siltstones. Plant fossils comprising rhyniophytes are scattered throughout, with some abundant concentrations on micaceous bedding plains. The fossil flora is the oldest of South America. Also present were quite diverse small, irregularly branching fragments possibly the tips of algae such as Buthotrephis or Hungerfordia.


  1. General Bruguer/Riacho Negro at
  2. San Cristóbal quarry at
  3. Villa Rica at
  4. Cariy Sandstone at
  5. Vargas Peña Shale at
  6. Eusebio Ayala Formation at
  7. Tagatiya Guazu Formation at

Further reading