List of honeydew sources

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This is a list of honeydew sources. Honeydew is a sugary excretion from plant sap sucking insects such as aphids or scales. There are many trees that are hosts to aphids and scale insects that produce honeydew

Honeydew sources

Common nameLatin nameCountry and Comments
Silver fir Abies albaSource of German Black Forest honey, Serbia, Kosovo
Bulgarian fir Abies borisiiregis Bulgaria
Greek fir Abies cephalonica Greece
Maple Acer spp. 
Hazel Corylus spp. 
Common hazel Corylus avellanaSerbia, Kosovo
Turkish filbert Corylus colurnaSerbia, Kosovo
Hawthorn Crataegus spp. 
Beech Fagus sylvaticaSerbia, Kosovo
Ash Fraxinus excelsior, Fraxinus ornus 
Hickory Carya spp.Erratic producer; low quality honey
Eastern juniper Juniperus virginianaHoneydew crop rare
Larch Larix decidua 
Apple Malus sylvestris 
Red beech Nothofagus fuscaSource of New Zealand honeydew honey from Ultracoelostoma assimile and Ultracoelostoma brittini
Black beech Nothofagus solandriSource of New Zealand honeydew honey from Ultracoelostoma assimile and Ultracoelostoma brittini
Norway spruce Picea abiesEurope, Serbia, Kosovo, Source of German Black Forest honey
Pine Pinus spp. 
Turkish pine Pinus brutiaSource of Turkish honeydew honey from Marchalina hellenica
Aleppo pine Pinus halepensis 
Mountain pine Pinus mugoSerbia, Kosovo
Black pine Pinus nigraSerbia, Kosovo
Scots pine Pinus sylvestris 
White poplar Populus albaSerbia, Kosovo
Black poplar Populus nigraSerbia, Kosovo
Aspen Populus tremulaSerbia, Kosovo
Apricot Prunus armeniaca 
Cherry Prunus spp. 
Plum Prunus domestica 
Peach Prunus persica 
Pear Pyrus communis 
Oak Quercus spp. Spain
Austrian oak Quercus cerrisSerbia, Kosovo
Oak Quercus dilatata Himalaya
Hungarian oak Quercus frainettoSerbia, Kosovo
Sessile oak Quercus petraeaEurope, Serbia, Kosovo
Downy oak Quercus pubescensSerbia, Kosovo
Pedunculate oak (English oak)Quercus roburEurope, West Asia
Gooseberry Ribes uva-crispa 
Weeping willow Salix × sepulcralis 'Chrysocoma' 
Willow Salix alba 
Rowan Sorbus aucuparia 
Linden Tilia spp. 
Small-leaved lime Tilia cordataSerbia, Kosovo
Large-leaved lime Tilia platyphyllosSerbia, Kosovo
Silver lime Tilia tomentosaSerbia, Kosovo
American elm Ulmus americana 

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<i>Chrysoperla carnea</i>

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<i>Eriosoma lanigerum</i> Species of true bug

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Paracletus cimiciformis is a species of aphid with a complex life cycle. Its primary host plant is Pistacia and its secondary host is a grass, where it is present on the roots. Here it is associated with an ant and part of its life cycle is spent in the ant's nest.
