Certain abbreviations are current within the profession of optometry. They are used to denote clinical conditions, examination techniques and findings, and various forms of treatment.
Abbreviation | Term | Description (notes) |
AC | Anterior chamber | fluid-filled space between the iris and the endothelium |
AC 4/4 | Grade 4 anterior chamber angle | open angle between cornea and iris |
AC 3/4 | Grade 3 anterior chamber angle | |
AC 2/4 | Grade 2 anterior chamber angle | |
AC 1/4 | Grade 1 anterior chamber angle | |
AC 0/4 | Grade 0 anterior chamber angle | closed angle between cornea and iris |
AC/A | Accommodative convergence / Accommodation ratio | the portion of the range of convergence that occurs in response to accommodation |
Acc | Accommodation | process of changing optical power to maintain focus as distance changes |
Ad | Advised | |
Add | Addition | |
AIT | After-image transfer | |
ALT | Alternating | |
ALT ET/SOT | Alternating esotropia | |
ALT XT/XOT | Alternating exotropia | |
ARC | Anomalous retinal correspondence | |
A/V | Arteriole–venue ratio | |
BIO | Binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy | |
BSV | Binocular single vision | |
BV | Binocular vision | |
BVD | Back vertex distance | |
BVP | Back vertex power | |
CD | Centration distance | |
C/D | Cup–disc ratio | |
CF | Count fingers vision – state distance | |
c/o or c.o. | Complains of | |
CT | Cover test | |
c/u | Check up | |
CW | Close work | |
Δ | Prism dioptre | |
D | Dioptres | |
DC | Dioptres cylinder | |
DNA | Did not attend | |
DOB | Date of birth | |
DS | Dioptres sphere | |
DV | Distance vision | |
DVD | Dissociated vertical deviation | |
EF | Eccentric fixation | |
FB | Foreign body | |
FD | Fixation disparity | |
FF | Foveal fixation | |
FHG | Family history of glaucoma | |
FMH | Family medical history | |
FOH | Family ocular history | |
F/U | Follow up appointment | |
GH | General health | |
G(M)P | General (medical) practitioner | |
HA | Headaches | |
HARC | Harmonious abnormal retinal correspondence | |
HM | Hand motion vision – state distance | |
Hx | History | |
IOL | Intra-ocular lens | |
IOP | Intra-ocular pressure | |
ISNT | Inferior, Superior, Nasal, Temporal | rule used to assess optic disc appearance |
K | Keratometry | |
OS | oculus sinister (left eye) | |
LHyperT or LHT | Left hypertropia | |
LHypoT | Left hypotropia | |
LO | Lenticular opacity | |
L/R FD | L/R fixation disparity | |
L/R | L hyperphoria | |
Left ET | Left esotropia | |
LVA | Low vision aid | |
MDU | Mallett distance unit | |
MNU | Mallett near unit | |
M.Wing | Maddox Wing | |
MR | Maddox rod | |
NB: NAD | No abnormality detected | (is frequently used but is not recommended) |
NCT | Non-contact tonometer | |
ND | Neutral density filter | |
NLP | No light perception | No light perception is considered total visual impairment, or total blindness; see Visual impairment#Classification |
NPC | Near point of convergence or no previous correction | |
NRC | Normal retinal correspondence | |
NV | Near vision | |
NWT | Normal wearing time | |
o symptoms | Zero symptoms | |
Φ | Horizontal orthophoria | |
θ | Vertical orthophoria | |
⊕ | Horizontal and vertical orthophoria | |
OC's | Optical centres | |
Occ. | Occupation | |
OD | oculus dexter (right eye) | |
OH | Ocular history | |
OMB | Oculo motor balance | |
ONH | Optic nerve head | |
Oph | Ophthalmoscopy | |
OS | oculus sinister (left eye) | |
OU | oculus uterque (both eyes) | |
PD | Pupillary distance | |
PERRLA | Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation | |
PH | Pinhole | see Pinhole occluder and Visual_acuity#Legal_definitions |
PHNI | Pinhole No Improvement | see Pinhole occluder and Visual_acuity#Legal_definitions |
PHVA | Pinhole Visual Acuity | |
PL | Perception of light | |
POH / PrOH | Previous ocular history | |
PPA | Peri-papillary atrophy | |
Pt | Patient | |
RAPD | Relative afferent pupillary defect | |
OD | Right eye (oculus dexter) | |
Ret. | Retinoscopy | |
RHyperT | Right hypertropia | |
RHypoT or RHT | Right hypotropia | |
RNFL | Retinal nerve fibre layer | |
RPE | Retinal pigment epithelium | |
RSOT | Right esotropia | |
Rx | Prescription | |
SE | Spherical Equivalent | |
SLE | Slit lamp examination | |
SLM | Slit lamp microscope | |
EP | Esophoria | |
ET | Esotropia | |
Supp. | Suppression | |
V | Vision (unaided) | |
VA | Visual acuity | |
VA Dcc - VA Dsc | Visual acuity with Distant chart with correctors | Visual acuity with eye chart at Distant 20 feet (6 m) and with (cc: Latin cum correctore) correctors (spectacles); Dsc is without (sc: Latin sine correctore) correctors. See Visual_acuity#Legal_definitions |
VA Nsc - VA Ncc | Visual acuity with Near chart without correctors | Visual acuity with eye chart at Near 15.7 inches (400 mm) and without (sc: Latin sine correctore) correctors (spectacles); Ncc is with (cc: Latin cum correctore) correctors. See Visual_acuity#Legal_definitions |
VA OS | Left visual acuity | |
VA OD | Right visual acuity | |
VDU | Visual display unit | |
VF | Visual field | |
VPS | Variable prism stereoscope | |
WD | Working distance | |
X/12 | X months | |
X/52 | X weeks | |
X/7 | X days | |
XP | Exophoria | |
XT | Exotropia |
Abbreviation | Term | Description (notes) |
AH | Asteroid hyalosis | |
AMD/ARMD | Age-related macular degeneration | |
ACG/CAG | Angle closure glaucoma | |
BDR | Background diabetic retinopathy | |
BP | Blood pressure | |
BRAO | Branch retinal artery occlusion | |
BRVO | Branch retinal vein occlusion | |
Cat | Cataract | |
CLAPC/CLIPC | Contact lens associated/induced papillary conjunctivitis | |
CLARE | Contact lens associated red eye | |
CLPU | Contact lens associated peripheral ulcer | |
CNS | Central nervous system | |
CNV | Choroidal neovascularization | |
CRAO | Central retinal artery occlusion | |
CRVO | Central retinal vein occlusion | |
CSR | Central serous retinopathy | |
CVA | Cerebrovascular accident | |
Dx | Diagnosis | |
dDx | Differential diagnosis | |
DR | Diabetic retinopathy | |
ERM | Epiretinal membrane | |
ESR | Erythrocyte sedimentation rate | |
FTMH | Full thickness macular hole | |
FMNS | Fusion maldevelopment nystagmus syndrome | (Latent nystagmus) |
Fx | Family history | |
GPC | Giant papillary conjunctivitis | |
Hx | Hospital or History | |
HES | Hospital eye service | |
IDDM | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus | |
ILM | Internal limiting membrane | |
IRMA | Intra-retinal microvascular abnormality | |
KCS | Keratoconjunctivitis sicca | |
KP | Keratic precipitates | |
LASEK | Laser epithelial keratomileusis | |
LASIK | Laser in-situ keratomileusis | |
LTG | Low-tension glaucoma | |
MH | Macular hole | |
MI | Myocardial infarction | |
MS | Multiple sclerosis | |
NIDDM | Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus | |
NRR | Neuro-retinal rim | |
NS | Nuclear sclerosis | |
NTG | Normal tension glaucoma | |
PDR | Proliferative diabetic retinopathy | |
PDT | Photodynamic therapy | |
PK | Penetrating keratoplasy | |
POAG | Primary open-angle glaucoma | |
PPDR | Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy | |
PRA | Pan-retinal ablation | |
PRK | Photorefractive keratectomy | |
PRP | Pan-retinal photocoagulation | |
PSCC | Posterior sub-capsular cataract | |
PVD | Posterior vitreous detachment | |
PXF | Pseudoexfoliative syndrome | |
RD | Retinal detachment | |
RK | Radial keratotomy | |
RP | Retinitis pigmentosa | |
SEAL | Superior epithelial arcuate lesion | |
SLK | Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis | |
SMH | Submacular hemorrhage | |
SPK | Superficial punctate keratitis | |
SPEE | Superficial punctate epithelial erosions | |
Sx | Symptoms | |
TIA | Transient ischaemic attack | |
T1 diab | Type 1 diabetes | |
T2 diab | Type 2 diabetes | |
Tx | Treatment | |
Vx | Vomiting |
Abbreviation | Term | Description (notes) |
BC | Base curve | |
BOZD | Back optic zone diameter | |
BOZR | Back optic zone radius | |
BVP | Back vertex power | |
CLAPC/CLIPC | Contact-lens-associated/induced papillary conjunctivitis | |
CLARE | Contact-lens-associated red eye | |
CLPU | Contact-lens-associated peripheral ulcer | |
Dk | Unit of permeability | |
DW | Daily wear | |
EW | Extended wear | |
FOZD | Front optic zone diameter | |
FVP | Front vertex power | |
HEMA | Hydroxyethyl methacrylate | |
HT | Handling tint | |
HVID | Horizontal visible iris diameter | |
K | Keratometry | |
MWT | Maximum wearing time | |
OS/OD | Overall size/overall diameter | |
OZD | Optic zone diameter | |
PMMA | Polymethyl methacrylate | |
RGP | Rigid-gas-permeable | |
SCL | Soft contact lens | |
SiH | Silicone hydrogel | |
SEAL | Superior epithelial arcuate lesion | |
SLK | Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis | |
SPK | Superficial punctate keratitis | |
SPEE | Superficial punctate epithelial erosions | |
TBUT | Tear break-up time | |
Tc | Centre thickness | |
TD | Total diameter | |
Te | Edge thickness | |
TWT/WTT | Today wearing time | |
VPA | Vertical palpebral aperture | |
WT | Wearing time |
Abbreviation | Term | Description (notes) |
A.d. | As directed | |
bd/bid | Twice a day | |
gt | One drop | |
gtt | drops | |
GSL | General sales list | |
Gutt/g | Guttae (drops) | |
Meds | Medications | |
Nocte/QHS | At night | |
Occ | Ointment | |
od/QD | Once a day | |
otc | Over the counter (bought medication) | |
P | Pharmacy (drug) | |
POM | Prescription-only medicine | |
prn | When required | |
q | Every (e.g. q2h – every two hours) | |
qds/qid | Four times a day | |
Rx | Prescription | |
tds/tid | Three times a day | |
ung | Ointment |
Abbreviation | Term | Description (notes) |
DFE | Dilated fundus examination | |
DFP | Digital fundus photograph(y) | |
DRS | Diabetic retinopathy screening | |
GIES | Glasgow Integrated Eyecare Scheme | |
PEARS | Primary Eyecare Acute Referral Scheme | |
WEHE | Welsh Eye Health Examination | |
WLVS | Welsh Low Vision Service |