List of presidents of Republika Srpska

Last updated

Evstafiev-Radovan Karadzic 3MAR94.jpg
Biljana Plavsic.JPG
Zeljka Cvijanovic 2024 (cropped).jpg
Visit of Milorad Dodik to the EC (cropped).jpg

This article lists the presidents of Republika Srpska.


List of officeholders

   Serb Democratic Party    Serb National Alliance    Serbian Radical Party    Socialist Party    Alliance of Independent Social Democrats

Term of officeTime in officePartyElection
1 Evstafiev-Radovan Karadzic 3MAR94.jpg Radovan Karadžić
Радован Караџић
(born 1945)
7 April 1992

19 July 1996
4 years, 103 days Serb Democratic Party
2 Biljana Plavsic.JPG Biljana Plavšić
Биљана Плавшић
(born 1930)
19 July 1996

4 November 1998
2 years, 108 days Serb Democratic Party
(until 1997)
Serb National Alliance
(from 1997)
3 Seal of the Republika Srpska.svg Nikola Poplašen
Никола Поплашен
(born 1951)
4 November 1998

2 September 1999
302 days Serbian Radical Party 1998
Seal of the Republika Srpska.svg Petar Đokić  [ sr ]
Петар Ђокић
(born 1961)
2 September 1999

26 January 2000
146 days Socialist Party Acting
4 Mirko Sarovic 2012.jpg Mirko Šarović
Мирко Шаровић
(born 1956)
26 January 2000

28 November 2002
2 years, 306 days Serb Democratic Party 2000
5 Dragan Cavic cropped.jpg Dragan Čavić
Драган Чавић
(born 1958)
28 November 2002

9 November 2006
3 years, 346 days Serb Democratic Party 2002
6 Milan Jelic.png Milan Jelić
Милан Јелић
9 November 2006

30 September 2007† [2]
325 days Alliance of Independent Social Democrats 2006
Igor Radojicic Crop.jpg Igor Radojičić
Игор Радојичић
(born 1966)
30 September 2007

9 December 2007
70 days Alliance of Independent Social Democrats Acting
7 Rajko Kuzmanovic 2010.jpeg Rajko Kuzmanović
Рајко Кузмановић
(born 1931)
9 December 2007

15 November 2010
2 years, 341 days Alliance of Independent Social Democrats 2007
8 Milorad Dodik (cropped).jpg Milorad Dodik
Милорад Додик
(born 1959)
15 November 2010

19 November 2018
8 years, 4 days Alliance of Independent Social Democrats 2010
9 Zeljka Cvijanovic 2019.jpg Željka Cvijanović
Жељка Цвијановић
(born 1967)
19 November 2018

15 November 2022
3 years, 361 days Alliance of Independent Social Democrats 2018
(8) Visit of Milorad Dodik to the EC (cropped).jpg Milorad Dodik
Милорад Додик
(born 1959)
15 November 2022

2 years, 88 days Alliance of Independent Social Democrats 2022


Željka CvijanovićMilorad DodikRajko KuzmanovićIgor RadojičićMilan JelićDragan ČavićMirko ŠarovićPetar ĐokićNikola PoplašenBiljana PlavšićRadovan KaradžićList of presidents of Republika Srpska


  1. Removed by High Representative on 5 March 1999; [1] removal enforced on 2 September 1999.
  2. Not recognized as President by High Representative until 16 December 2000.

See also



  1. "Bosnia Serbs Reject Rulings". CBS. 5 March 1999.
  2. "Preminuo predsednik RS Milan Jelić" (in Serbian). B92. 30 September 2007. Retrieved 21 October 2018.