Lists of spelling-to-sound correspondences in Catalan

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These are lists of spelling-to-sound correspondences in the Catalan language . The two main standard forms (Standard Catalan and Standard Valencian) are used as primary transcriptions norms of their respective spelling forms.


Spelling patterns and pronunciation in Catalan and Valencian

Consonants and combinations of consonant letters
SpellingMain values (IPA)ExamplesOther values (IPA)Examples
Cat. (IEC)Va. (AVL)Cat. (IEC)Va. (AVL)
binitially and medially (elsewhere)/b/blau, roba/p/Baotou
medially before a lateral/bː//b/poble
medially before a nasal/mː/ [lower-alpha 1] submarins
/nː/ [lower-alpha 2] obnoxi
medially before a voiceless cons./p/absolut
finallycub Ø Øamb
bs/ps/ [lower-alpha 3] abstracte
bv/bː/ [lower-alpha 4] /bv/ [lower-alpha 5] obvietat
çfinal before vowels or a voiced cons./z/feliçment
cbefore e, iciri/t͡ʃ/Versace
initially and medially (elsewhere)/k/casa/t͡s/Cao Zhi
finallyrec Ø/k/banc
medially before a voiced cons./ɡ/ècdisi
medially before a nasal/ŋ/ [lower-alpha 6] cnics
ccbefore e, i/ks/acc/t͡ʃ/Gucci
*ch [1] (old form and loanwords)/k/LluchAlborch
/x/Bach (Ge.   surname)
cch (in loanwords)Crecchio
cht (in loanwords)/t/yacht
ck (in loanwords)/k/hacker
cks (in loanwords)/ks/snacks
czbefore e, i/gz/ [lower-alpha 7] èczema
dinitially and medially/d/dolç, cada/t/Dalian
finally/t/sord Ø/t/rotund
dgbefore e, i/dʒ//dd͡ʒ/pidgin/t͡ʃ/ [lower-alpha 8] bridge
elsewhere/dɡ/ [lower-alpha 9] Edgar
dm/dm/ [lower-alpha 10] cadmi
dn/dn/ [lower-alpha 11] adnat
ds/t͡s/ [lower-alpha 3] adscriure
dv/db/ [lower-alpha 12] /dv/ [lower-alpha 13] ludvígia
fmedially before a voiced cons./v/hafni
ff (in loanwords)/fː/affidavit/f/office
gbefore e, i/ʒ//d͡ʒ/gens/ʃ/ [lower-alpha 14] collage
initially and medially (elsewhere)/ɡ/gana, àgab/k/Gansu
medially before a lateral/ɡː//ɡ/regla
medially and finally after i (see ig)/t͡ʃ/mig/ɡ/amígdala
finally/k/reg Ø/k/sang
gg [2] before e, i/ʒː//d͡ʒ/suggerir
elsewhere/ɡː/ [lower-alpha 15] burggravi/ɡ/ziggurat
gh (in loanwords)/ɡ/oghuz
ght (in loanwords)/t/light
gm/ŋm/ [lower-alpha 16] estigma
medially/ŋn/ [lower-alpha 17] cigne/ɲ/cognac
/t͡ʃ/ [lower-alpha 18] migs
h Øhivern/h/hàmster
/x/jota (d.)
k (in loanwords)/k/kiwi Øknock-out
kh (in loanwords)/x/abkhaz/k/kha
ks (in loanwords)/ks/quarks
l/l/laca/l/ Øaltre
ł (in loanwords)/w/Wojtyła
ll [1] /ʎ/llac, cella, ell/ʎ//l/estrel(l)a
ŀl [1] /lː/ceŀla
minitially and finally/m/mut, em
before f or v/ɱ/nimfa, tramvia (Va.)
mm [1] /mː/immens
Mc (in loanwords)/mək//mak/McCain
ninitially and finally/n/nou, ens
before f or v/ɱ/ínfim, canvi (Va.)
before a labial cons./m/benparlat
before a palatal cons./ɲ/menja, àngel
before a velar cons./ŋ/vincle, fang
nn [1] /nː/innat/n/sonne
ng (in loanwords)/ŋ/víking
ny [1] /ɲ/any
ñ (in loanwords)El Niño
pinitially and finally/p/pont, cup Ø/p/camp
before a voiced cons./b/capbaix
before a nasal/mː/ [lower-alpha 1] capmàs
ph (in compounds and classical terms)/p/caphuitada (Va.)/f/pholis
medially/bn/ [lower-alpha 19] apnea
q (see qu)/k/Qatar/t͡ʃ/Qinghai
medially after l, n, sfolro
medially (elsewhere)/ɾ/però/r/infraroig
 Ø [lower-alpha 20] prendre
finallymar Ø Ødimarts
rr [1] /r/marró
sinitially/s/sac/z/Saarland (Ge.)
medially next to a cons.estimaresma
after a nasalinstituttrànsit
most cases between two vowels/z/rosa/s/contrasenya
finally/s/dins, repòs/ʃ/ells
ss [1] rossa
sc [1] before e, iascens/ʃ/crescendo
elsewhere/sk/escriure/ʃk/ [lower-alpha 21] visca
-scs/sks/ [lower-alpha 22] boscs
sch (in loanwords)/sk/ [lower-alpha 23] scherzo
sh (in compounds and loanwords)/z/deshora/ʃ/sushi
/ʒ/ [lower-alpha 24] flashback
-sts/sts/ [lower-alpha 25] gusts/ts/ [lower-alpha 25] /sts/ [lower-alpha 25] aquests
sx/(s)ʃ//st͡ʃ/ [lower-alpha 26] desxifrat
sz (in loanwords)/s/Szolnok
szcz (in loanwords)/t͡ʃ/ [lower-alpha 27] Szczecin
tinitially and medially/t/tamís
finallysort Ø/t/font
tb (in loanwords)/db/ [lower-alpha 28] futbol
tg [1] before e, i/d͡ʒ/fetge
th (in compounds and loanwords)/t/tothom/θ/theta
/ð/The Times
ti/ti/ties/ʃ/National Mall (En.)
tj [1] /d͡ʒ/mitjà
tl [1] /lː/vetl(l)a/dl/ [lower-alpha 29] atles
tll [1] /ʎː//ʎː//ʎ/bitllet
tm [1] initially/m/tmesi
medially/mː/ [lower-alpha 30] sotmetre/dm/ [lower-alpha 10] ritme
tn [1] /nː/cotna/dn/ [lower-alpha 11] ètnic
tch (in loanwords)/t͡ʃ/sketch
tsch (in loanwords)kitsch
tsinitially/t͡s/ [lower-alpha 31] tsar
medially and finallypotser, bits
tx [1] /t͡ʃ/cotxe
tz [1] /d͡z/dotze/d͡z//z/utilitzar
tzsch (in loanwords)/t͡ʃ/nitzsch
vinitially and medially/b/ [lower-alpha 32] /v/ [lower-alpha 33] vila/f/von (Ge.)
finally/p/ [lower-alpha 34] /f/ [lower-alpha 35] salvKíev
w (in loanwords)/w/western/b/ [lower-alpha 32] /v/ [lower-alpha 33] watt
wh (in loanwords)whisky/h/The Who
next to a voiceless cons./ks/expert
medially (elsewhere)/ɡz/examen/ks/fixar
medially and finally after i (see ix)/ʃ/guixmix
/ʒ/guix verd
xcbefore e, iexcel·lent
-xts/(k)sts/ [lower-alpha 36] texts
y (in loanwords, except the digraph ny)/j/yuppie
yy (in loanwords)/j/Hudaybiyya
zmost cases/z/zona/d͡z/scherzo
finally/s/brunz/θ/ [lower-alpha 37] López
zz (in loanwords)/d͡z/mezzo/z/jacuzzi
zh (in loanwords)/z/alzhèimer/d͡ʒ/Zhou
Vowels and combinations of vowel letters
SpellingMain values (IPA)ExamplesOther values (IPA)Examples
Cat. (IEC)Va. (AVL)Cat. (IEC)Va. (AVL)
a, à, âstressed position/a//a/arc, àtom, pâ (Va.)/ei̯//ei̯/lady
unstressed position/ə/anís, mitja/a/allegretto
/ə/~ɔ/terra, dona
/e/artista (m.)
 Ømitja hora
/o/Quartet (En.)
unstressed position
(in contact with rhotics)
ä (in loanwords)/ɛ/Händel
aastressed position/əˈa//aˈa/Isaac
unstressed position/əː//aː/aalenià
aestressed position (open)/əˈɛ//aˈɛ/aeri
stressed position (closed)/əˈe//aˈe/graella
unstressed position/əe//ae/aeròbic/i/reggae
/ai̯/ [lower-alpha 38] taekwondo
aistressed position/ai̯//ai̯/aigua/e/affaire
unstressed position/əi̯/airós
stressed position/əˈi//aˈi/rm
unstressed position/ə.i//a.i/llat
austressed position/au̯//au̯/caus/o/Foucault
unstressed position/əu̯/hauFaubourg
stressed position/əˈu//aˈu/tt/ɔi̯/fräulein
unstressed position/ə.u//a.u/llar
e, é, èstressed position (open/closed)/ɛ/dens, èxit/ɛ//e/alè/alé, què
stressed position (closed/open)/e/ella, bé
stressed position (closed)/i/ [lower-alpha 39] reggae
unstressed position/ə//e/en, rere/e/ídem
no el té
unstressed position
(in contact with rhotics)
eastressed position/eˈa/crear/i/beat
unstressed position/eə/àrea/ə//e/bearnesa
eau (in loanwords)/o/Rousseau
eestressed position/əˈɛ//eˈe/creença
unstressed position/eə/àrees
eistressed position (open/closed)/ɛi̯/oleic/ɛi̯//ei̯/remei
stressed position (closed/open)/ei̯//ei̯/reina
unstressed position/əi̯/eivissenc
stressed position (in loanwords)/ai̯/eingang
stressed position/əˈi//eˈi/obt
unstressed position/ə.i//e.i/vnat
eostressed position (open)/əˈɔ//eˈɔ/beoci
stressed position (closed)/əˈo//eˈo/eons
unstressed position/əu//eo/teoria/eo/vídeo
eustressed position (open)/ɛu̯/peu/ɔi̯/Bayreuth
stressed position (closed)/eu̯//eu̯/seu/e/ [lower-alpha 40] amateur
unstressed position/əu̯/europea
i, í, ïstressed position/i/illa, ací/ai̯/copyright
/ɛ/ [lower-alpha 41] [lower-alpha 42] Rodin, birdie
unstressed position Øbusiness
after vowels (hiatus)/ˈi/naïf
after vowels (unstressed position)/i̯/creies
iastressed position/i̯a//i̯a/iaio
unstressed position/i̯ə/veia
iestressed position/i̯e//i̯e/veient (Cat.)/i/briefing
unstressed position/i̯ə/feien
iostressed position (open)/i̯ɔ/iode
stressed position (closed)/i̯o//i̯o/io-io
unstressed position/i̯u/iogurt
o, ó, òstressed position (open)/ɔ/bo, allò
stressed position (closed)/o//o/mot, ós/ou̯/pincode
unstressed position/u/ferro/o/ego
oastressed position/uˈa//oˈa/poal/uˈa/Joan
unstressed position/uə/lloador/uə//ua/Joaquim
oestressed position (open/closed)/uˈɛ//oˈe/coet
stressed position (closed)/uˈe/poeta
unstressed position/uə//oe/àloe
oi (see ix)stressed position (open)/ɔi̯/boira/u̯a/foie
stressed position (closed)/oi̯/coix
unstressed position/ui̯/joiós/uə//ua/croissant
oustressed position (open)/ɔu̯/bou/au̯/cloud
/ɔ/final four
stressed position (closed)/ou̯//ou̯/sou (v.)/u/tour
unstressed position/ɵu̯/ [lower-alpha 43] clou
u, ú, üstressed position/u/tu, ús/i/business
/y/ [lower-alpha 44] déjà vu, Müller
/ɛ/ [lower-alpha 42] return
after vowels (hiatus)/ˈu/reüll
after vowels (unstressed position)/u̯/creua
uastressed position/uˈa/suat
unstressed position/uə//ua/cua
uestressed position (open)/uˈɛ//uˈɛ/duel/u/blues
/y/ [lower-alpha 44] fondue
stressed position (open/closed)/uˈe/fuet
unstressed position/uə//ue/duen
(in. /u̯i/)
uostressed position (open)/uˈɔ/cuot
stressed position (closed)/uˈo/suor
unstressed position/uː/suo/uo/duo
Combinations of vowel and consonant letters
SpellingMain values (IPA)ExamplesOther values (IPA)Examples
Cat. (IEC)Va. (AVL)Cat. (IEC)Va. (AVL
aw (in loanwords)/ɔ/Law
ay (old form and loanwords)/ai̯/faraday/ɛ//e/Quai d'Orsay
ci (in loanwords)/t͡ʃ/ciao
cci (in loanwords)carpaccio
cqu (in loanwords)/k/jacquard
dqubefore e, i/tk/ [lower-alpha 45] adquirir
ew (in loanwords)/iu̯/newton/u/crew
ey (old form and loanwords)/ei̯/keynesià/i/bogey
gi (in loanwords)/d͡ʒ/adagio
ggi (in loanwords)appoggiatura
gu [1] before a, o/ɡw/guant
before a cons./ɡu/agut
before e, i/ɡ/guitza
ig [1] finally/t͡ʃ/reig
before a vowel or voiced cons./d͡ʒ/reig blanc
igs/t͡ʃ/ [lower-alpha 46] reigs
/it͡ʃ/ [lower-alpha 18] migs
ix [1] finally/ʃ//i̯ʃ/coix
before a vowel or voiced cons./ʒ//i̯ʒ/coix i cec
/iʒ/guix verd
before a vowel or voiced cons./iʒ/reïx
le (in loanwords)/əl//el/paddle surf
ow (in loanwords)/ou̯/flow
oy (old form and loanwords)/ɔi̯/Roy/u̯a/Troyes
qu [1] before a, o/kw/quan
before e, i/k/quina


  1. 1 2 (or /b+m/, /p+m/: /bm/)
  2. (or /b+n/: /bn/)
  3. 1 2 (or simply /s/)
  4. (or /bv/)
  5. (or /bː/)
  6. (or /ɡ/)
  7. (or /ks/, in Valencian)
  8. (or /dʒ/)
  9. (or /ɡ/, after a nasal: /ŋɡ/)
  10. 1 2 (or /mː/)
  11. 1 2 (or /nː/)
  12. (or /dv/)
  13. (or /db/)
  14. (or /ʒ/)
  15. (or simply /ɡ/, in Valencian)
  16. (or /ɡm/)
  17. (or /ɡn/)
  18. 1 2 (it varies with /-d͡ʒus/ and /-d͡ʒos/ (mitjos))
  19. (or /nː/)
  20. (or /r/)
  21. (or /sk/)
  22. (it varies with /-skus/ and /-skos/ (boscos))
  23. (or /esk/ in loanwords with initial s+consonant)
  24. (or /ʃ/)
  25. 1 2 3 (it varies with /-stus/ and /-stos/ (gustos, aquestos))
  26. (or /(s)ʃ/)
  27. (or /ʃt͡ʃ/)
  28. (or /bː/)
  29. (or /lː/)
  30. (or simply /m/, in Valencian)
  31. (or initially /s/)
  32. 1 2 (or /v/)
  33. 1 2 (or /b/)
  34. (or /f/)
  35. (or /p/)
  36. (it varies with /-(k)stus/ and /-(k)stos/ (textos))
  37. (or /s/)
  38. (or /ae/)
  39. (or /ɛ/)
  40. (it corresponds to French /œ/)
  41. (it corresponds to French /ɛ̃/)
  42. 1 2 (it corresponds to English /ɜː/)
  43. (/əu̯/, /ou̯/ or /u/)
  44. 1 2 (usually replaced with /i/ or /u/)
  45. (or /kː/)
  46. (it varies with /-(d͡)ʒus/ (lletjos with /d͡ʒ/, but rejos with /ʒ/) and /-d͡ʒos/ (both lletjos and rejos with /d͡ʒ/))

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Ortografia. Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua (AVL). p. 37-46.{{cite book}}: |website= ignored (help)
  2. "Dictamen, llistat 27 (grup gg)" (PDF). La veu de les ones | Butlletí electrònic de la plataforma reSOLC-mitjansCAT. Laboratori de Tecnologies Lingüístiques, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).
