Little Ireland was a slum district of Manchester, England in the early 19th century. [1] [2] It was inhabited from about 1827 to 1847 by poor Irish immigrants, [3] and during its existence gained a reputation as the archetypal Irish district in nineteenth century industrial cities. [4] Despite this reputation, the slum was the shortest lived of all the areas of Irish settlement in the city, and also the smallest, covering about four acres. [4] The area existed south of Oxford Road railway station, enclosed by the railway line and the loop in the River Medlock. [5] [6]
Houses along the front of Oxford Road, initially intended as modest middle-class residences, were repurposed in the early nineteenth century as multi-occupation premises for industrial workers as economic activity picked up in the city. [4] Cellars, ordinarily used to store wood, coal and non-perishable foods, were later rented out as cheaper accommodation leading to conditions of perpetual humidity and damp in which infectious diseases could thrive. [4]
By the second half of the 1800s, there was a considerable Irish population resident in Manchester, [7] primarily as a result of the Great Irish Famine (1845-1852) which forced hundreds of thousands of people to leave Ireland. As historian Mervyn Busteed contends, "there were some Irish in every part of the city, but there was a marked tendency for them to concentrate in the poorer parts of the urban fabric, and within these areas to segregate themselves from their fellow workers". [7]
In the 1841 census, Little Ireland had a total population of only 1,510, mostly concentrated in the small streets and courts off the main thoroughfares - James Leigh Street, William Street, Frank Street, Forge Street, and Anvil Streets were over 75% Irish in 1841. [4] In 1845, a group of seven of these small streets were demolished in order to make way for the Manchester and Altrincham railway line and Oxford Road railway station. [4]
The area was demolished to make way for the Manchester South Junction Railway line. In his book The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 , Friedrich Engels wrote about Little Ireland, calling it a "horrid little slum". [8] [9] Aided by the popularity of Engels' book, the area gained international infamy as the archetypal Irish district in nineteenth century industrial cities. [4] [10]
It is commemorated by a red plaque on 8 Great Marlborough Street, about half-way between New Wakefield Street and Hulme Street. [11] [12]