Logical depth

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Logical depth is a measure of complexity for individual strings devised by Charles H. Bennett based on the computational complexity of an algorithm that can recreate a given piece of information. It differs from Kolmogorov complexity in that it considers the computation time of the algorithm with nearly minimal length, rather than the length of the minimal algorithm.

Informally, the logical depth of a string to a significance level is the time required to compute by a program no more than bits longer than the shortest program that computes . [1]

Formally, let be the shortest program that computes a string on some universal computer . Then the logical depth of to the significance level is given by where is the number of computation steps that made on to produce and halt.

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In 1973, Andrey Kolmogorov proposed a non-probabilistic approach to statistics and model selection. Let each datum be a finite binary string and a model be a finite set of binary strings. Consider model classes consisting of models of given maximal Kolmogorov complexity. The Kolmogorov structure function of an individual data string expresses the relation between the complexity level constraint on a model class and the least log-cardinality of a model in the class containing the data. The structure function determines all stochastic properties of the individual data string: for every constrained model class it determines the individual best-fitting model in the class irrespective of whether the true model is in the model class considered or not. In the classical case we talk about a set of data with a probability distribution, and the properties are those of the expectations. In contrast, here we deal with individual data strings and the properties of the individual string focused on. In this setting, a property holds with certainty rather than with high probability as in the classical case. The Kolmogorov structure function precisely quantifies the goodness-of-fit of an individual model with respect to individual data.

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  1. Antunes, Luís; Bauwens, Bruno; Souto, André; Teixeira, Andreia (2017-02-01). "Sophistication vs Logical Depth". Theory of Computing Systems. 60 (2): 280–298. arXiv: 1304.8046 . doi:10.1007/s00224-016-9672-6. ISSN   1433-0490. S2CID   253745548.