Lords of Middle-earth, Volume I

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Cover art by Angus McBride Lords of Middle-earth, Volume I.jpg
Cover art by Angus McBride

Lords of Middle-earth, Volume I, subtitled "The Immortals", is a supplement published by Iron Crown Enterprises (I.C.E.) in 1986 for the fantasy role-playing game Middle-earth Role Playing (MERP), itself based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.



Lords of Middle-earth, Volume I is the first of three supplements that detail all the characters that have appeared in J.R.R. Tolkien's history of Middle-earth. [1] The first volume focuses on the immortal beings from The Silmarillion , as well as those encountered in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings . [2]

The book is divided into three chapters, each describing one branch of the immortals:

The fourth chapter details three great enemies of mortals: Ungoliant, Morgoth, and Sauron.

Various tables describe each of the above in MERP game terms, should the player characters ever encounter them.

Publication history

I.C.E. acquired the license to publish games based on Tolkien's works from the Tolkien Estate in the early 1980s, and released MERP in 1984. This was followed by a large number of supplements, including a series of three books highlighting every named character that appears in Tolkien's Middle-earth works. The first of these was Lords of Middle-earth, Volume I: The Immortals, a 112-page softcover book designed by Peter Fenlon, Terence Amthor, and Mark Colborn, with cover art by Angus McBride and interior art by Liz Danforth, Jim Holloway, and Stephan Peregrine. [2]

I.C.E. published two more books in the series: Lords of Middle-earth, Volume II: The Mannish Races (1987), and Lords of Middle-earth, Volume III: Hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, Orcs & Trolls (1989), as well as Creatures of Middle-earth (1988).


In Issue 87 of White Dwarf , Graham Staplehurst commented, "There is no doubt that this book is very useful. It will be less use if you've already got a lot of the MERP packages, since the Valar and Maiar are unlikely to make many appearances, but for those who are interested in Tolkien's world and are running (or want to run) a campaign there, LOME is excellent source material." [3]

In Issue 79 of Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer , J. Michael Caparula noted "This format and amount of information here is terrific, but I'm anxious to see it applied to more down to earth types. I'd rather see my players encounter Faramir or Fatty Bolger than the likes of Ungoliant.". [1]

In Issue 7 of Adventurer, Ste Dillon found the sheer number of elves described "rather daunting, as to use as chance occurrences or even as active non-player characters, there are too many to be employed with any effect in most campaigns." Dillon would have preferred fewer elves but some scenarios involving some of the major Elven personalities. Dillon concluded by calling this "a must for Middle Earth fanatics, but most of it is of no great use to GMs other than as a compendium of background detail, most of which can be gleaned from Tolkien's own writings ... this one is rather superfluous." [4]

In Issue 127 of Dragon , Ken Rolston questioned the usefulness of this book, saying, "This is a lot of information on many high-level PCs, few (if any) of which will ever interact with any character in a typical MERP campaign. What are you supposed to do with this stuff?" Rolston concluded, "the interest of the character descriptions is probably proportional to your enthusiasm for Tolkien scholarship. If you're a big fan, you'll love it. If you're a moderate fan, check out the bios of Gandalf, Saruman, Tom Bombadil, the Balrog, Sauron, Galadriel, etc., and leave the rest alone." [5]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Saruman</span> Fictional character created by J. R. R. Tolkien

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The Ainur are the immortal spirits existing before the Creation in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe. These were the first beings made of the thought of Eru Ilúvatar. They were able to sing such beautiful music that the world was created from it.

The Maiar are a fictional class of beings from J. R. R. Tolkien's high fantasy legendarium. Supernatural and angelic, they are "lesser Ainur" who entered the cosmos of in the beginning of time. The name Maiar is in the Quenya tongue from the Elvish root maya- "excellent, admirable".

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<i>The Silmarillion</i> Collection of J. R. R. Tolkiens mythopoeic works

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<i>Lords of Middle-earth, Volume II</i> 1987 supplement for Middle-earth Role Playing

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Evil in Middle-earth</span> Theme in Tolkiens fiction

Evil is ever-present in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional realm of Middle-earth. Tolkien is ambiguous on the philosophical question of whether evil is the absence of good, the Boethian position, or whether it is a force seemingly as powerful as good, and forever opposed to it, the Manichaean view. The major evil characters have varied origins. The first is Melkor, the most powerful of the immortal and angelic Valar; he chooses discord over harmony, and becomes the first dark lord Morgoth. His lieutenant, Sauron, is an immortal Maia; he becomes Middle-earth's dark lord after Morgoth is banished from the world. Melkor has been compared to Satan in the Book of Genesis, and to John Milton's fallen angel in Paradise Lost. Others, such as Gollum, Denethor, and Saruman – respectively, a Hobbit, a Man, and a Wizard – are corrupted or deceived into evil, and die fiery deaths like those of evil beings in Norse sagas.


  1. 1 2 Caparula, J. Michael (August–September 1987). "Lords of Middle-Earth (Volume 1: The Immortals)". Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer . No. 79. pp. 40–41.
  2. 1 2 "Lords of Middle-Earth Vol. I - The Immortals". Guide du Rôliste Galactique (in French). 2009-05-08. Retrieved 2025-01-25.
  3. Staplehurst, Graham (March 1987). "Open Box". White Dwarf . No. 87. pp. 2–3.
  4. Dillon, Ste (February 1987). "Shop Window". Adventurer. No. 7. p. 19.
  5. Rolston, Ken (November 1987). "Role-playing reviews". Dragon . No. 127. pp. 10–12.