![]() Cover art by Brian Schomburg | |
Designers |
Illustrators |
Publishers | West End Games |
Publication | 1997 |
Genres | Space opera |
Systems | D6 System |
ISBN | 978-0874312973 |
Lords of the Expanse is a supplement published by West End Games (WEG) in 1997 for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game , itself based on the Star Wars franchise.
Lords of the Expanse is a guide detailing the Tapani Sector and the political machinations of its noble houses. The boxed set contains: [1]
Players can choose to be a character native to the sector such as a noble, house guard or entrepreneur, in addition to the usual roster of Rebel pilots and soldiers. [1]
In 1987, WEG acquired the rights to publish role-playing games about the Star Wars franchise, and Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game was the result. WEG published many supplements and adventures based on the movies and also some of the related novels. Ten years later, WEG tried to breathe new life into the game by introducing a new region of space, the Tapani Sector, as well as a more morally ambiguous background where "a self-ruling network of noble houses ... vie for economic dominance and political control. Treachery and betrayal are not only tolerated, but encouraged." [1]
WEG also released a companion volume, Star Wars Players Guide: Tapani that provided an express summary of the sector's history and the main ruling houses in this region of space, as well as important worlds, extraterrestrial races, and templates for player characters. [2]
In Issue 243 of Dragon (January 1998), Rick Swan commented that this new setting "succeeds as an inventive fusion of setting and character." Swan thought the "Gamemaster Guide" contained a number of intriguing adventure hooks, and the "Campaign Guide" included "all the elements necessary to get a campaign going." Swan also thought the included adventure was "terrific ... fast-paced and solidly written." However, Swan complained about the lack of an index in the booklets, the lack of enough character sheets and an absence of usable information on the sector map. Despite this, Swan concluded by giving this book a rating of 5 out of 6, saying, "I applaud West End’s efforts to nudge Star Wars in new directions." [1]
In the January 1998 issue of Science Fiction Age, Eric Baker commented, "If your Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game adventures need a little boost, if your players are getting upset because of a lack of the finer things, if you need a new world to set your game on — may we suggest a trip to the Tapani Sector?" [3]
The French games magazine Casus Belli commented "After the good Rebels against the evil Empire, then the smugglers and explorers in space where-no-one-hears-you-roll-the-dice, we have a small galactic sector full of noble houses that hate each other, and political shenanigans. In short, a little Fading Suns ready to be painlessly inserted into your campaign." But the magazine noted, "Ultimately, our Star Wars specialist found Lords of the Expanse 'not bad, but a little disappointing.' Coming from someone who usually idolizes every WEG supplement, this is rather worrying." [4]
In Issue 7 of the French games magazine Backstab, Philippe Tessier was not impressed with the companion volume Star Wars Players Guide: Tapani, giving it a rating of only 6 out of 10, saying, "The overall product is not of very high quality, compared to what West End Games generally produces for Star Wars. It would perhaps have been more useful to devote less space to ship diagrams in order to give more useful information to the players." [2]
Werewolf: The Apocalypse is a role-playing game of the Classic World of Darkness game series by White Wolf Publishing. Other related products include the collectible card games named Rage and several novels. In the game, players take the role of werewolves known as "Garou". These werewolves are locked in a two-front war against both the spiritual desolation of urban civilization and supernatural forces of corruption that seek to bring the Apocalypse. Game supplements detail the other shape-shifters.
Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game is a role-playing game set in the Star Wars universe, written and published by West End Games (WEG) between 1987 and 1999. The game system was slightly modified and rereleased in 2004 as D6 Space, which used a generic space opera setting. An unrelated Star Wars RPG was published by Wizards of the Coast from 2000 to 2010. Since 2012 the official Star Wars role-playing game is another unrelated game, published by Fantasy Flight Games.
The D6 System is a role-playing game system published by West End Games (WEG) and licensees. While the system is primarily intended for pen-and-paper role-playing games, variations of the system have also been used in live action role-playing games and miniature battle games. The system is named after the six-sided die, which is used in every roll required by the system.
Ghostbusters, subtitled "A Frightfully Cheerful Roleplaying Game", is a comedy role-playing game published by West End Games (WEG) in 1986 that is based on the 1984 film Ghostbusters.
Skyrealms of Jorune is a science-fantasy role-playing game that was first published in 1984 through SkyRealms Publishing. The game is set on the fictional alien planet of Jorune above which float levitating islands. The second edition was published in 1986 as a boxed set, and a third edition was published by Chessex in 1992. The computer game Alien Logic: A Skyrealms of Jorune Adventure was published in 1994. The various editions received positive reviews in game periodicals including Casus Belli, White Dwarf, White Wolf, Different Worlds, Dragon, Polyhedron, The Games Machine, and Challenge.
Conspiracy X is a role-playing game (RPG) originally released by New Millennium Entertainment in 1996, and since revised and released by several publishers including Steve Jackson Games and Eden Studios, Inc. In all versions, the setting posits that aliens are insiduously taking over the world, reminiscent of The X-Files.
Bushido is a Samurai role-playing game set in Feudal Japan, originally designed by Robert N. Charrette and Paul R. Hume and published originally by Tyr Games, then Phoenix Games, and subsequently by Fantasy Games Unlimited. The setting for the game is a land called Nippon, and characters adventure in this heroic, mythic, and fantastic analogue of Japan's past.
The Price of Freedom, subtitled "Roleplaying in Occupied America", is a role-playing game published by West End Games (WEG) in 1986 that depicts the uneven struggle between Soviet occupiers and an American resistance movement.
Bubblegum Crisis is a near-future cyberpunk role-playing game published by R. Talsorian Games in 1996 that is based on the anime television series Bubblegum Crisis.
Ashes to Ashes is an adventure module published in Q3 1991 by White Wolf Publishing for use with their tabletop role-playing game Vampire: The Masquerade.
Barsaive Campaign Set is a supplement published by FASA in 1993 for the fantasy role-playing game Earthdawn.
Constantinople by Night is a supplement published by White Wolf Publishing in 1996 for the medieval horror role-playing game Vampire: The Dark Ages, a spin-off of Vampire: The Masquerade.
The Darkstryder Campaign is an adventure published by West End Games in 1996 for the science fiction role-playing game Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.
Star Wars Sourcebook is a supplement published by West End Games (WEG) in 1987 for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, itself based on the Star Wars movies.
GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade is a licensed adaptation of White Wolf Publishing's horror role-playing game Vampire: The Masquerade. It was written by Jeff Koke, and published by Steve Jackson Games in 1993 for the third edition of their GURPS rules.
Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin is a supplement published by West End Games in 1989 for the science fiction role-playing game Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, which itself is based on Star Wars.
The New Republic: Heir to the Empire Sourcebook is a supplement published by West End Games (WEG) in 1992 for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, itself based on the Star Wars franchise.
The Shattered Circle is a fantasy role-playing game adventure published by TSR in 1999 using the rules of the second edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D).
Star Trek: The Next Generation Role-playing Game is a science fiction role-playing game published by Last Unicorn Games (LUG) in 1998 that is based on the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. Critical reception was good, and LUG planned to publish other games based on the Star Trek franchise, but lost the Star Trek license in 1999.