M protein (Streptococcus)

Last updated
Pfam PF00746
Pfam clan CL0501
InterPro IPR019948
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M protein is a virulence factor that can be produced by certain species of Streptococcus . [1]


Viruses, parasites and bacteria are covered in protein and sugar molecules that help them gain entry into a host by counteracting the host's defenses. One such molecule is the M protein produced by certain streptococcal bacteria. At its C-terminus within the cell wall, M proteins embody a motif that is now known to be shared by many Gram-positive bacterial surface proteins. The motif includes a conserved hexapeptide LPXTGE, which precedes a hydrophobic C-terminal membrane spanning domain, which itself precedes a cluster of basic residues at the C-terminus. [2] [3]

M protein is strongly anti-phagocytic and is the major virulence factor for group A streptococci (Streptococcus pyogenes). It binds to serum factor H, destroying C3-convertase and preventing opsonization by C3b. However plasma B cells can generate antibodies against M protein which will help in opsonization and further the destruction of the microorganism by the macrophages and neutrophils. Cross-reactivity of anti-M protein antibodies with heart muscle has been suggested to be associated in some way with rheumatic fever.

It was originally identified by Rebecca Lancefield, [4] who also formulated the Lancefield classification system for streptococcal bacteria. Bacteria like S. pyogenes, which possess M protein are classified in group A of the Lancefield system.

Therapeutic Approaches

In recent years, the emergence of antibiotic resistance among streptococcal bacteria, particularly Group A Streptococcus (GAS) or Streptococcus pyogenes, has posed significant challenges to traditional therapeutic approaches. [5] The M protein, as a major virulence factor of GAS, has been a focal point for developing novel therapeutic strategies aimed at combating streptococcal infections.

Current therapeutic approaches targeting M protein predominantly involve antibiotics and immunomodulatory agents. Antibiotics such as penicillin and amoxicillin have been the mainstay of treatment for streptococcal infections. [5] However, the rise of antibiotic-resistant strains underscores the urgent need for alternative therapies. In this context, immunomodulatory agents, including intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), have shown promise in mitigating the inflammatory response associated with severe GAS infections, although their efficacy in targeting M protein specifically remains to be fully elucidated.

Development of Vaccines

The development of vaccines targeting M protein or its associated epitopes represents a promising avenue for the prevention and treatment of streptococcal infections. Vaccines designed to induce protective immune responses against M protein have the potential to confer long-term immunity and reduce the incidence of GAS-related diseases, including pharyngitis, impetigo, and invasive infections such as necrotizing fasciitis and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. [6]

Several vaccine candidates targeting M protein have been explored in preclinical and clinical studies. [6] These vaccines aim to elicit antibodies that recognize and neutralize M protein, thereby preventing bacterial attachment and invasion. Furthermore, efforts have been made to enhance vaccine efficacy by incorporating conserved epitopes of M protein or employing novel adjuvants to boost immune responses.

One promising approach involves the use of multi-epitope vaccines that target multiple antigenic sites on M protein, thereby reducing the likelihood of immune evasion by GAS strains expressing variant M protein isoforms. [6] Additionally, advances in vaccine delivery systems, such as nanoparticle-based platforms and mucosal vaccination routes, hold potential for enhancing vaccine immunogenicity and efficacy against streptococcal infections.

Despite these advancements, several challenges remain in the development and implementation of M protein-based vaccines. These include the identification of highly conserved epitopes capable of eliciting protective immune responses across diverse GAS strains, as well as addressing potential autoimmunity associated with molecular mimicry between M protein and host tissues, particularly in the context of rheumatic fever.

Future Perspectives

Targeting M protein represents a promising approach for the development of novel therapeutics and vaccines against streptococcal infections. By leveraging advances in immunology, vaccinology, and molecular biology, researchers are poised to overcome existing challenges and realize the potential of M protein-based interventions in combating this significant public health threat.


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LPXTGase refers to an endopeptidase enzyme from Streptococci and Staphylococci with the capacity to cleave the carboxy-terminal LPXTG anchor motif of surface proteins similar to Sortase. However, LPXTGase differs significantly from Sortase in several ways: a) it is glycosylated, b) it contains unconventional amino acids, and c) it contains D-amino acids. The latter two characteristics indicate that ribosomes are not involve in the synthesis of LPXTGase. Data suggest that the enzymes responsible for cell wall assembly also assemble LPXTGase.

Vincent A. Fischetti is an American microbiologist and immunologist. He is Professor and Head of the Laboratory of Bacterial Pathogenesis and Immunology at Rockefeller University in New York City. His Laboratory is the oldest continuous laboratory at Rockefeller that started in 1926 and headed by 4 leading scientists over its near 100-year history: Homer Swift, Maclyn McCarty, Emil Gotschlich and Fischetti. Keeping with the historical theme of infectious diseases, Fischetti's primary areas of research are bacterial pathogenesis, bacterial genomics, immunology, virology, microbiology, and therapeutics. He was the first scientist to clone and sequence a surface protein on gram-positive bacteria, the M protein from S. pyogenes, and determine its unique coiled-coil structure. He also was the first use phage lysins as a therapeutic and an effective alternative to conventional antibiotics.

Streptococcosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the genus Steptococcus. This disease is most common among horses, guinea pigs, dogs, cats, and fish with symptoms varying based on the streptococcal species involved. In humans, this disease typically involves a throat infection and is called streptococcal pharyngitis or strep throat.


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