Marc Fleurbaey

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Marc Fleurbaey
Marc Fleurbaey.png
Born (1961-10-11) October 11, 1961 (age 62)
Education ENSAE
Université Paris-Nanterre

Marc Fleurbaey (born 11 October 1961) is a French researcher specialized in normative economics and social choice theory. He has been researcher and professor in the United Kingdom, France and the United States since 1994. He is currently professor at the Paris School of Economics. [1]



Fleurbaey graduated from the ENSAE ParisTech (ENSAE) and holds a PhD in Economics under the supervision of Philippe Mongin from the French School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). [2]


Fleurbaey is a member of the French National Centre for Scientific Research. From 2011 to 2020, he was Robert E. Kuenne Professor of Economics and Humanistic Studies and Professor of Public Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University. Since 2020 he is professor at the Paris School of Economics.

Fleurbaey has been editor-in-chief for Economics & Philosophy. He is currently the editor-in-chief for Social Choice and Welfare, two journals for political philosophy and philosophy of economics.

Public engagement

Fleurbaey has occupied counseling positions at the World Bank, [3] the UN, [4] and the OECD [5] and has participated in different international reports on societal topics such as welfare, social progress, and climate change. Fleurbaey publishes regularly in French-speaking and English-speaking media: Huffington Post (fr), [6] Huffington Post (en), [7] Le Monde, [8] Libération, [9] [10] La vie des idées, [11] La Croix, [12] Project Syndicate, [13] The Conversation (fr), [14] The Conversation (en), [15] The American Prospect, [16] LSE US Centre’s daily blog on American Politics and Policy, [17] and the World Economic Forum. [18] Ahead of the 2012 French presidential election, Fleurbaey co-signed an appeal of several economists in support of candidate François Hollande. [19]

Awards and honours



Fleurbaey has authored or co-authored several books and journal articles. [21] Among them we can cite the following books:

See also

Notes and references

  1. Maniquet, François (22 December 2016). "Les contributions de Marc Fleurbaey à l'économie et à la philosophie". Revue Économique. 68 (1): 5–12. doi: 10.3917/reco.681.0005 . S2CID   157743183.
  2. Fleurbaey, Marc (January 1994). Une contribution à la théorie économique de l'équité (These de doctorat). Paris, EHESS.
  3. "Activités de conseil à la Banque Mondiale".
  4. "Activités de conseil à l'ONU".
  5. "Partners - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development". Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  6. "Marc Fleurbaey | HuffPost". (in French). Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  7. "Marc Fleurbaey | HuffPost". Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  8. "Progrès social : "Alternatives pragmatiques pour promouvoir la justice sociale et préserver l'environnement"" (in French). 2018-11-02. Retrieved 2019-04-19.
  9. "Marc Fleurbaey". Libé (in French). Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  10. "Un Giec pour le progrès social". Libé (in French). 2019-01-13. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  11. Fleurbaey, Marc (2017-11-27). "Travailler, ou pas". La Vie des Idées (in French). Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  12. "Marc Fleurbaey : "La dignité est la valeur centrale du progrès social"". La Croix (in French). 2019-01-11. ISSN   0242-6056 . Retrieved 2019-04-19.
  13. Fleurbaey, Marc (2019-01-02). "Climate Change Action Cannot Ignore Social Issues | by Marc Fleurbaey, Helga Nowotny and Marc Fleurbaey". Project Syndicate. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  14. "The Conversation". Retrieved 2019-04-19.
  15. "The Conversation". Retrieved 2019-04-19.
  16. Fleurbaey, Marc (2016-11-25). "Why Populism Challenges Democracy from Within". The American Prospect. ISSN   1049-7285 . Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  17. Fleurbaey, Marc (2013-08-30). "Publications de Marc Fleurbaey sur le LSE US Centre Blog". USAPP. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  18. "Lutte contre le réchauffement climatique et justice sociale sont indissociables". Forum Économique Mondial. Retrieved 2019-04-13.
  19. Nous, économistes, soutenons Hollande Le Monde , April 17, 2012.
  20. "Docteur·e·s honoris causa 2019 - Des personnalités inspirantes | UCLouvain". Retrieved 2019-04-12.
  21. "Marc Fleurbaey - Google Scholar Citations". Retrieved 2019-04-13.

Kategorie:Hochschullehrer (London School of Economics and Political Science)

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