Marcus Claudius Marcellus Aeserninus

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Marcus Claudius Marcellus Aeserninus is a name used by several men of the gens Claudia , including:

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Gaius Asinius Pollio was a Roman soldier, politician, orator, poet, playwright, literary critic, and historian, whose lost contemporaneous history provided much of the material used by the historians Appian and Plutarch. Pollio was most famously a patron of Virgil and a friend of Horace and poems to him were dedicated by both men.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Claudia gens</span> Ancient Roman family

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Gaius Asinius Gallus was a Roman senator, son of Gaius Asinius Pollio and Quinctia. He was the second husband of Vipsania, whose first husband Tiberius ultimately imprisoned him.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pompeia gens</span> Ancient Roman family

The gens Pompeia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome, first appearing in history during the second century BC, and frequently occupying the highest offices of the Roman state from then until imperial times. The first of the Pompeii to obtain the consulship was Quintus Pompeius in 141 BC, but by far the most illustrious of the gens was Gnaeus Pompeius, surnamed Magnus, a distinguished general under the dictator Sulla, who became a member of the First Triumvirate, together with Caesar and Crassus. After the death of Crassus, the rivalry between Caesar and Pompeius led to the Civil War, one of the defining events of the final years of the Roman Republic.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Marcellus (nephew of Augustus)</span> Nephew of Roman emperor Augustus

Marcus Claudius Marcellus was the eldest son of Gaius Claudius Marcellus and Octavia Minor, sister of Augustus. He was Augustus' nephew and closest male relative, and began to enjoy an accelerated political career as a result. He was educated with his cousin Tiberius and traveled with him to Hispania where they served under Augustus in the Cantabrian Wars. In 25 BC he returned to Rome where he married his cousin Julia, who was the emperor's daughter. Marcellus and Augustus' general Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa were the two popular choices as heir to the empire. According to Suetonius, this put Agrippa at odds with Marcellus, and is the reason why Agrippa traveled away from Rome to Mytilene in 23 BC.

The gens Calvisia was an ancient Roman family, which first rose to prominence during the final decades of the Republic, and became influential in imperial times. The first of the gens to obtain the consulship was Gaius Calvisius Sabinus in 39 BC.

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The gens Asinia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome, which rose to prominence during the first century BC. The first member of this gens mentioned in history is Herius Asinius, commander of the Marrucini during the Social War. The Asinii probably obtained Roman citizenship in the aftermath of this conflict, as they are mentioned at Rome within a generation, and Gaius Asinius Pollio obtained the consulship in 40 BC.

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The gens Domitia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome. The first of the gens to achieve prominence was Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus, consul in 332 BC. His son, Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus Maximus, was consul in 283, and the first plebeian censor. The family produced several distinguished generals, and towards the end of the Republic, the Domitii were looked upon as one of the most illustrious gentes.

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The gens Silia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome. Members of this gens are mentioned as early as the fifth century BC, but first to hold the consulship was Publius Silius Nerva, in the time of Augustus. The Silii remained prominent until the time of the Severan dynasty, in the early third century.

The gens Trebellia, occasionally written Trebelia, was a plebeian family at ancient Rome. Members of this gens are first mentioned at the time of the Second Punic War, but they played little role in the Roman state until the final decades of the Republic. Trebellii are known from inscriptions in Delos and in Athens between 150 and 89 BC. The most illustrious of the Trebellii was Marcus Trebellius Maximus, who attained the consulship in AD 55.

Asinia was a noblewoman of ancient Roman who was the daughter of Gaius Asinius Pollio, who was Roman consul 40 BCE. She married Marcus Claudius Marcellus Aeserninus, consul in 22 BCE, and had at least one son, Marcus Claudius Marcellus Aeserninus the younger, who was renowned as a promising rhetorician, having been instructed in rhetoric by his grandfather Asinius.


  1. Cicero, In Verrem iv. 42
  2. 1 2 3 4 Smith, William (1867), "Marcus Claudius Marcellus Aeserninus", in Smith, William (ed.), Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology , vol. 2, p. 935
  3. Onomast. Tullian
  4. Hirt. B. Alex. 57—64
  5. Cassius Dio, xlii. 15, 16
  6. Cassius Dio, liv. 1, and Arg.
  7. Suetonius, Octavian 43.v
  8. Senec. Epit. Controv. lib. iv. praef
  9. Tacitus, Annales iii. 11
  10. Tacitus, Annales , xiv. 40

PD-icon.svg This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain :  Smith, William, ed. (1870). "Marcellus, Claudius (17)-(20)". Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology . Vol. 2. p. 935.

Political offices
Preceded by Consul of the Roman Empire
22 BC
with Lucius Arruntius
Succeeded by