Michael Finnis

Last updated
Michael W. Finnis
Alma mater University of Cambridge
Scientific career
Institutions Atomic Energy Research Establishment
Imperial College London
Thesis Interatomic Forces in Simple Metals  (1974)

Michael Finnis FRS is a British materials scientist and Professor of Theory and Simulation of Materials at Imperial College London. He uses atomic-scale computation to understand atomic interactions, grain boundary embrittlement and open system thermodynamics. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 2021, and awarded the Institute of Physics Dirac Medal in 2022.


Early life and education

Finnis was born in Margate. He studied natural sciences at the University of Cambridge, where he specialised in theoretical physics. He remained in Cambridge for his doctoral research, working with Volker Heine on condensed matter physics. [1] His PhD investigated interatomic forces in simple metals. [2] He started working on tight-binding models, and that the total bonding energy of transition metals scaled with the square root of the coordination number (z). [1]

Research and career

Finnis spent fourteen years in the Atomic Energy Research Establishment. He developed theoretical and computational approaches to support the nuclear power industry. When he started working at the AERE he used an IBM System/360, and eventually a Cray-1. [1] Finnis developed Finnis–Sinclair potentials, which transformed simulations of metals. Finnis–Sinclair potentials took into account the local density dependence of atomic interactions through two terms: the first a short-range repulsive interaction, the second an attractive force described by the square root of a sum of pair of interactions between neighbours. [1] In 1988 he was appointed an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Fritz-Haber-Institut. [3] Finnis eventually moved to the Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, where he started working on the science of interfaces. [3] In 1995 Finnis and Ruth Lynden-Bell founded the Atomistic Simulation Centre at Queen's University Belfast. [4]

In 2006 Finnis joined Imperial College London, where he co-founded the Thomas Young Centre for the Theory and Simulation of Materials. His research involves atom-scale computational models to understand the electronic and optical properties of materials. [5] c

Awards and honours

Select publications

Related Research Articles

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The Open Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models (OpenKIM). is a cyberinfrastructure funded by the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) focused on improving the reliability and reproducibility of molecular and multi-scale simulations in computational materials science. It includes a repository of interatomic potentials that are exhaustively tested with user-developed integrity tests, tools to help select among existing potentials and develop new ones, extensive metadata on potentials and their developers, and standard integration methods for using interatomic potentials in major simulation codes. OpenKIM is a member of DataCite and provides unique DOIs (Digital object identifier) for all archived content on the site (fitted models, validation tests, etc.) in order to properly document and provide recognition to content contributors. OpenKIM is also an eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Science Gateway, and all content on openkim.org is available under open source licenses in support of the open science initiative.

Beginning in the 1990s, researchers have employed machine learning programs to construct interatomic potentials, mapping atomic structures to their potential energies. These potentials are generally referred to as 'machine-learned interatomic potentials' (MLIPs) or simply 'machine learning potentials' (MLPs). Such machine learning potentials promised to fill the gap between density functional theory, a highly-accurate but computationally-intensive simulation program, and empirically derived or intuitively-approximated potentials, which were far computationally lighter but substantially less accurate. Improvements in artificial intelligence technology have served to heighten the accuracy of MLPs while lowering their computational cost, increasing machine learning's role in fitting potentials.
